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Appendix 1 City boundaries of selected cities

Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm
Comments: Almost exclusively built-up areas.
Country: Sweden
City: Göteborg
Comments: Outside the built-up city area there are forest/rural areas with minor towns.
Country: Sweden
City: Malmö
Comments: Outside the built-up city area there are rural areas with minor towns.
Country: Denmark
City: København
Comments: Municipality of København and Municipality of Frederiksberg. Almost exclusively built-up areas.
Country: Denmark
City: Aarhus
Comments: Municipality of Aarhus. The area also includes rural areas and minor towns outside the built-up city of Aarhus.
Country: Denmark
City: Odense
Comments: Municipality of Odense. The area also includes rural areas and minor towns outside the city of Odense.
Country: Finland
City: Helsinki
Comments: Almost exclusively built-up areas but with some larger forest areas.
The cities of Espoo (2nd largest) and Vantaa (4th largest) are adjacent to Helsinki and part of Greater Helsinki.
Country: Finland
City: Tampere
Comments: Apart from the built-up city, there are large areas of forest north of the city with very low building density.
Note that the border is in the middle of the waters. It has not been corrected as it does not have any consequence for emissions or exposure.
Country: Finland
City: Oulu
Comments: Apart from the built-up city, there are large areas of forest north and east of the city with very low building density.
Country: Norway
City: Oslo
Comments: Apart from the built-up city, there are large areas of forest north of the city with low building density.
Country: Norway
City: Bergen
Comments: Apart from the built-up city, there are large areas of forest north and east of the city with very low building density.
Country: Norway
City: Trondheim
Comments: Apart from the built-up city area, there are large areas of forest west and east of the city with very low building density.
Country: Iceland
City: Reykjavík
Comments: Rekjavík is Greater Reykjavík that includes six contiguous municipalities: Reykjavík, Kópavogur, Garðabær, Hafnarfjörður, Seltjarnarnes and Mosfellsbær. There are large landscape areas outside the built-up city which is uninhabited or with very low building density. 
We have excluded the area to the south-west in the picture as this area is disconnected from the rest and very few people live there. 
We have excluded the area to the south-west in the picture as this area is disconnected from the rest and very few people live there.