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Acoustic emissions
Small releases of energy from the battery, measured with a piezoelectric sensor that is used to listen for flaws in metals and welds and has recently been applied to study the electrochemical processes occurring in batteries. This information can then be used to compare the acoustic patterns of different active materials, electrolytes and cell designs and can even be used to detect degradation mechanisms.
BAT reference document
A document supporting a BAT, containing a compilation of industry best practice and stakeholder engagement to provide a reference point for determination of permit conditions. These can include specified emission levels and emerging techniques.
BAT-associated emission levels
Emission limits defined in BREF documents.
Batteries Directive
A producer responsibility piece of legislation that aims to establish rules for the collection, recycling, treatment and disposal of batteries and to restrict the marketing of batteries containing heavy metals. This will soon be repealed and replaced by the new Batteries Regulation.
Batteries Regulations
The key piece of producer responsibility policy affecting EV batteries in the EU, taking a full life-cycle approach in which sourcing, manufacturing, use and recycling are addressed and enshrined in a single law. The Batteries Regulation starts to apply from 18 February 2024, and from then onwards new obligations and requirements will gradually be introduced.
Battery management controller
A component within a BMS, triggered by information from a BMIC, that determines whether action is needed and shuts down overheated cells to prevent damage.
Battery Management System
Part of a battery pack. Monitors battery cell performance by recording data on battery health and measuring temperature, voltage and current and helps to identify the status of, or faults within, the battery.
Battery monitoring integrated circuit
A component within a BMS that collects key information related to battery cell condition (e.g., temperature) and informs other components within the BMS to act in response as necessary.
Battery pack
Composed of battery cells and a battery management system.
Best Available Techniques
The best technologies and processes available for reducing emissions and minimising impact on the environment.
An electrode compacting process using rollers, used in battery manufacturing.
A measure of how much electric charge a battery can store.
Cathode active material
A composition of metal oxides used within a battery cathode.
Cell management controller
A component within a BMS, triggered by information from a BMIC, that determines whether action is needed and shuts down overheated cells to prevent damage.
Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation
Legislation ensuring that hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated through the supply chain and to consumers.
Common Waste Water BAT conclusions
The BREF document covering waste water management within the chemical industry.
Composite polymer electrolyte
A chemical categorisation for the solid electrolytes in SSBs.
Cylindrical cells
A type of battery cell encased within a rigid cylindrical casing.
Depth of discharge
The level to which a battery is discharged relative to its overall capacity.
Direct recycling
A battery recycling process used to gather and salvage active materials of lithium-ion batteries while preserving their original compound structure.
Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles
Legislation including considerations related to producer responsibility in the automotive industry, which requires de-pollution of vehicles, including the removal of their batteries prior to vehicle reprocessing (e.g. shredding).
Dry Electrode Coating 
Application of an active material coating onto a metal foil to form the electrode.
Electric vehicle
Any type of vehicle that has a motor powered either fully or partially by electricity.
Contained within a battery cell, will comprise one negative (the anode) and one positive (the cathode). These are typically two dissimilar metals that are electrical conductors and enable the release and absorption of electrons during use.
Enables the transference of ions between a cell’s two electrodes during charge and discharge.
Electron beam welding
A type of welding involving generating electrons through an electron gun and accelerating them at high speeds using electrical fields towards the material to be joined.
End of life
The point at which a battery is damaged or below the threshold for useful life.
Energy density
A measure of how much energy a battery can store per unit of volume or weight.
Energy storage system
A system that stores electricity, or other energies, for use at another time. In the context of this study, ESSs are often a way to repurpose batteries that no longer have the capacity required for their original function.
Environmental Protection Act
Finnish legislation to prevent the risk and arising of pollution of the environment and to reduce emissions.
Greenhouse gases
Gases, such as carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons, which absorb infrared radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect.
Heavy metals
Metals such as mercury or cadmium.
A battery recycling process that uses aqueous chemistry (mainly acids or bases) to dissolve the valuable cathode material.
Industrial Emissions Directive
EU policy aiming to achieve a high level of protection of human health and the environment by reducing harmful industrial emissions. It covers most of the recycling and end-of-life waste management of batteries, as well as the production of the ferrous metals and chemicals used in battery manufacture.
Inorganic solid electrolyte
A chemical categorisation for the solid electrolytes in SSBs.
Internal combustion engine
An engine that burns a fuel, such as petrol or oil, to generate gases to power it.
Light Means of Transport
Light EVs, for example e-scooters and e-bikes.
Lithium cobalt oxide
A type of lithium-ion battery that uses a cobalt-based cathode.
Lithium iron phosphate
These batteries use LiFePO4 as the cathode material, a compound known for its stability and safety.
Lithium manganese iron phosphate
A variant of LFP batteries where a portion of the iron within the cathode material is replaced with manganese.
Lithium manganese nickel oxide
Manganese-based cathode chemistry that is widely used in the EV market and wider battery market.
Lithium manganese oxide
Manganese-based cathode chemistry that is widely used in the EV market and wider battery market.
A specific combination of battery modules and cells which varies between manufacturers and by specification.
Nickel cobalt aluminium oxide
A type of lithium-ion battery with a high nickel content (~84%).
Nickel manganese cobalt oxide
A type of lithium-ion battery that uses a nickel-based cathode, layered with manganese and cobalt.
Non-Ferrous Metals BAT conclusions
The BREF document covering production of non-ferrous metals.
Original Equipment Manufacturer
A company that makes a product to be sold, either directly or through other companies.
Pollution Control Act
This legislation includes requirements for efforts to be taken to prevent any occurrence of pollution, limit any pollution that does occur and avoid issues caused by poorly handled waste management practices within EV battery manufacture, handling and end-of-life activities in Norway.
Pouch cells
A type of battery cell which is not housed in a rigid casing.
Precursor Cathode Active Materials
A mixed metal hydroxide of nickel, cobalt and other chemical elements.
Prismatic cells
A type of battery cells which is rectangular in shape and enclosed in rigid casing.
Producer Responsibility Organisation
An organisation established by manufacturers, usually those whose products require specialist handling or recycling, to help meet regulatory requirements and/or to effectively manage their EOL waste.
A battery recycling process that uses elevated temperatures to recover valuable metals and purify them through physical and chemical transformations.
Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
Legislation requirements for the safe handling and use of chemicals.
Remaining useful life
The number of remaining charging and discharging cycles a battery has before it no longer meets performance requirements, at which point it reaches EOL.
Prevents the cell from short circuiting. This is typically a thin, porous membrane that does not restrict the flow of electrons but ensures that physical space is maintained between the two electrodes.
Solid polymer electrolyte
A chemical categorisation for the solid electrolytes in SSBs.
Solid-state battery
These batteries differ from traditional batteries, which use liquid or polymer gels, instead using solid electrolytes between the anode and the cathode.
Starting, Lighting and Ignition
A type of battery that provides a large initial electricity supply, for example the kind used in a passenger vehicle.
State of charge
The level to which a battery is charged relative to its overall capacity.
State of health
The remaining capacity of the battery.
Swedish Environmental Code
Environmental permitting legislation in Sweden. The purpose of the Environmental Code is to promote development without compromising the health of the environment for present and future generations.
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1–3), developed (TRLs 4–6) and deployed (TRLs 7–9).
Thermal runaway
A phenomenon whereby a battery cell enters a self-heating process, increasing rapidly in temperature over a short space of time, often resulting in a fire or explosion.
Volatile organic compounds
Toxic gas emissions from heavy solvents.
Waste Framework Directive
EU policy setting the basic concepts and definitions related to waste management, including the management of hazardous waste.
Waste Treatment BAT conclusions
The BREF document covering various hazardous and non-hazardous waste treatment installations. It does not cover landfills or waste incineration.