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2.0 Background and Context

This section provides background information for this study. It includes a description of the structure of batteries and introduces some of the technical terms used throughout the report. It also summarises key policies of relevance to EVs and batteries and introduces the permitting requirements in the three pre-selected Nordic countries when manufacturing, handling or recycling EV batteries.

2.1 Battery Pack Structure

Battery packs used in EVs comprise battery modules, each of which contain multiple battery cells. The different types of cells are:
Arar, S. (2020). The Three Major Li-ion Battery Form Factors: Cylindrical, Prismatic, and Pouch. Retrieved from: https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/news/three-major-lithium-ion-battery-form-factors-cylindrical-prismatic-pouch/
  • Prismatic cells, which are rectangular in shape and are enclosed in rigid casing, making it easy to efficiently stack them.
  • Cylindrical cells, which are encased within a rigid cylindrical casing. Unlike other battery formats, this shape prevents swelling (an undesirable phenomenon).
  • Pouch cells, which are not housed in a rigid casing. Consequently, they are an efficient use of space. However, their lack of protection leaves them more susceptible to damage.
Figure 2‑1 illustrates the top-level stages of battery pack assembly using prismatic cells.
fig 2-1.png
Figure 2‑1: Diagram of the battery cell, module, and pack
The number of cells, modules and packs used in EVs varies depending on model. For example, the battery pack used in Tesla’s Roadster contains 6,831 cylindrical cells arranged into 11 modules. In contrast, the BMW i3 battery pack contains 96 prismatic cells configured as eight modules of 12 cells.
Zwicker, M. et al. (2020). Automotive battery pack manufacturing – a review of battery to tab joining. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, 1. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666330920300157?via%3Dihub
Typically, prismatic cells are much larger than cylindrical cells and contain significantly more energy per cell.

2.1.1 Battery Cells

Battery cells store chemical energy and convert it to electricity. A cell contains:
  • Two electrodes – one negative (the anode) and one positive (the cathode). These are typically two dissimilar metals that are electrical conductors and enable the release and absorption of electrons during use.
  • An electrolyte, which enables the transference of ions between a cell’s two electrodes during charge and discharge.
  • A separator, which prevents the cell from short circuiting. This is typically a thin, porous membrane that does not restrict the flow of electrons but ensures that physical space is maintained between the two electrodes.
    Orendorff, C. (2012). The Role of Separators in Lithium-Ion Cell Safety. The Electrochemical Society Interface, 21, 61-65. Retrieved from: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/2.F07122if/pdf#:~:text=The%20primary%20function%20of%20the,robustness%20and%20porosity%2Ftransport%20properties.
A chemical reaction between the electrodes and the electrolyte causes electrons to be produced at the anode and accepted by the cathode. During discharge, the cell creates a flow of electrons that can be used to produce an electrical current in a circuit to power a load (e.g., a motor).  Figure 2‑2 provides a schematic of the basic structure of a battery during discharge.
fig 2-2.png
Figure 2‑2: General battery cell structure and movement of electrons during discharge
Battery cells come in various constructions and chemistries, depending on their intended application. Batteries for EV applications require high battery capacities (a measure of how much electric charge a battery can store) and energy densities (a measure of how much energy a battery can store per unit of volume or weight). Currently, lithium-ion batteries are the highest performing commercially available batteries considering these criteria. Therefore, most EV batteries are a variation of lithium-ion chemistry with a range of chemical additions to improve performance. Section 4.0 provides further details about the range of battery chemistries (existing and emerging) that are suitable for EV applications.

2.1.2 Battery Modules

Battery cells can be joined together to make battery modules. Cells can be joined in either series or in parallel configurations to improve performance:
  • Joining multiple cells in series increases voltage, thus enabling lower current for the same power output and consequently improving battery efficiency. For a given battery capacity, a higher voltage also enables faster charging, as chargers can deliver more power at a higher voltage without requiring higher charging currents.
  • Joining multiple cells in parallel increases capacity and current. Capacity is directly related to vehicle range, and higher currents enable faster acceleration and higher sustained speeds.
Regardless of whether in series or in parallel, when cells are combined into modules, they are joined with battery management systems (BMS) that monitor cell performance. Specifically, the BMS:
Shashank, A. et al. (2021). Battery Management System: Charge Balancing and Temperature Control. Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles, 1, 173-203. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349661817_Battery_Management_System_Charge_Balancing_and_Temperature_Control
  • Measures and controls key performance indictors (voltage, current, temperature).
  • Determines the current state-of-charge (SoC) and state-of-health (SoH) of the battery.
  • Identifies faults within the battery.
  • Records data and communicates information related to battery health.
While the exact design of the BMS is largely dependent on the design of the battery itself, components always include:
EV Expert (2022) Battery Management System. Retrieved from: https://www.evexpert.eu/eshop1/knowledge-center/bms1
  • A battery monitoring integrated circuit (BMIC);
  • A cell management controller (CMC); and
  • A battery management controller (BMC).
The BMIC collects key information related to battery cell condition (e.g., temperature) and informs other components within the BMS to act in response as necessary. The CMC and BMC determine whether action is needed and shut down overheated cells to prevent damage.

2.1.3 Battery Packs

Battery modules can then be joined together to make battery packs. Modules are again connected in either series or parallel to optimise desired performance. Battery packs also contain components designed to support thermal management (e.g., cooling plates, heat exchangers, etc.) and to protect the battery modules from damage.

2.2 Policy Landscape

The development and production of EV batteries within Europe is considered a strategic necessity in the context of the clean energy transition. Furthermore, it is a key contributing factor to the ongoing competitiveness of Europe’s automotive sector. Indeed, roughly one quarter of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to the transport sector. The European Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy (part of the European Green Deal) includes objectives to reduce 90% of transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
European Commission (2020). Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. Retrieved from: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/12438-Sustainable-and-Smart-Mobility-Strategy_en
At the EU-level, the regulatory landscape surrounding EV batteries is primarily shaped by three main pieces of legislation:
  1. The Batteries Directive (2006/66/EC), which is a producer responsibility piece of legislation (the objectives of which can be interpreted and implemented slightly differently in each Member State). It aims to establish rules for the collection, recycling, treatment and disposal of batteries and to restrict the marketing of batteries containing heavy metals (mercury or cadmium). This will soon be repealed and replaced by the new Batteries Regulation.
  2. The Batteries Regulation (2023/1542) was approved by the European Union in July 2023 and is now the key piece of producer responsibility policy affecting EV batteries (and batteries for light means of transport (LMT), like e-scooters and e-bikes) in the EU.
    European Commission (2023). Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning Batteries and Waste Batteries, Amending Directive 2008/98/EC and Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Repealing Directive 2006/66/EC. Official Journal of the European Union: L, 191, 1-117 Retrieved from: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32023R1542
    As a Regulation, it will apply automatically and uniformly across the EU. In line with the circularity ambitions of the European Green Deal, the Batteries Regulation is the first piece of European legislation taking a full life-cycle approach in which sourcing, manufacturing, use and recycling are addressed and enshrined in a single law. The Batteries Regulation starts to apply from 18 February 2024, and from then onwards new obligations and requirements will gradually be introduced.
    Starting from 2025, the Batteries Regulation will gradually introduce declaration requirements, performance classes and maximum limits on the carbon footprint of EV and LMT batteries. Targets for recycling efficiency, material recovery and recycled content will also be introduced from 2025 onwards. Due diligence obligations will also apply where companies must identify, prevent and address social and environmental risks linked to the sourcing, processing and trading of raw materials such as lithium, cobalt, nickel and natural graphite contained in their batteries. To help consumers make informed decisions on which batteries to purchase, key data will be provided on a label via a QR code, which will provide access to a digital passport with detailed information on each battery, including material composition and hazardous substances. As an EPR Regulation, there are numerous technical, informational and financial obligations for the battery producers (manufacturers, importers, distributors) and any authorised representative, as well as the producer responsibility organisations (PROs) in the Member State.
    Of specific note for EV and LMT batteries are the following requirements:
    • Mandatory minimum levels of recycled content for Starting, Lighting and Ignition (SLI) batteries and EV batteries. These are initially set at 16% for cobalt, 85% for lead, 6% for lithium and 6% for nickel. From 18 August 2036, for batteries now including LMT batteries, these targets increase to 26% cobalt, 85% lead, 12% lithium and 15% nickel.  
      These targets do not apply to batteries that have been subject to preparation for re-use, preparation for repurposing, repurposing or remanufacturing, if the batteries had already been placed on the market or put into service before undergoing such operations.
    • Introduces a dedicated separate collection objective for LMT waste batteries (51% by the end of 2028 and 61% by the end of 2031), relative to placed on market figures;
    • Sets a recycling target of 65% by average weight of lithium-based batteries by the end of 2025 and 70% by the end of 2030; and  
    • Sets a target for lithium recovery from waste batteries of 50% by the end of 2027 and 80% by the end of 2031, which can be amended through delegated acts, depending on market and technological developments and the availability of lithium.
  1. The Waste Framework Directive (WFD, 2008/98/EC), which sets the basic concepts and definitions related to waste management, including the management of hazardous waste. The WFD was amended in 2018 (Directive 2018/851) and includes minimum requirements for Extended Producer Responsibility across a range of products, including for batteries. This is referenced in the new Batteries Regulation, and it requires that producer fees are modulated, as a minimum by battery category and battery chemistry, taking into account as appropriate the rechargeability, the level of recycled content in the manufacture of batteries and whether the batteries were subject to preparation for re-use, preparation for repurposing, repurposing or remanufacturing, and their carbon footprint.
  2. The Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), which aims to achieve a high level of protection of human health and the environment by reducing harmful industrial emissions. It covers most of the recycling and end-of-life waste management of batteries, as well as the production of the nonferrous metals and chemicals used in battery manufacture. Under the IED, any facilities considered to be in-scope must obtain permits that set conditions for operation in line with the directive. The IED takes an integrated approach, which means that these permits must cover all pollutants:
    • Emissions to air, water and land.
    • Generation of waste.
    • Use of raw materials.
    • Energy efficiency.
    • Noise.
    • Prevention of accidents.
    • Restoration of the site upon closure.
The permitting conditions (including emissions limit values) must be based on the Best Available Techniques (BAT) as detailed in the associated BAT Reference Documents (BREFs). BREFs covering some of the processes presented in this study, and relevant to the above permitting conditions, include the Waste Treatment BAT conclusions (WT-BREF), the Common Waste Water BAT conclusions (CWW-BREF) and the Non-Ferrous Metals BAT conclusions (NFM-BREF).
The IED is currently under review. Proposed revisions include an addendum to Annex I, with the latest version covering the manufacture of batteries, other than exclusively assembling, with a capacity of 15,000 tonnes of battery cells (cathode, anode, electrolyte, separator, capsule) or more per year. This inclusion will mean that specific BAT and BREFs may be introduced to cover these processes.
Council of the European Union (2023) Outcome of proceedings: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) and Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste. Retrieved from: https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-16939-2023-INIT/en/pdf
Alongside these three policies, EV batteries are also impacted by wider legislation, including:
  • The Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVD), which includes considerations related to producer responsibility in the automotive industry and requires de-pollution of vehicles, including the removal of their batteries prior to vehicle reprocessing (e.g. shredding).
  • The Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), which contains requirements for the safe handling and use of chemicals.
  • The Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP), which ensures that hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated through the supply chain and to consumers.

2.3 Permitting

Nordic countries adhere to EU regulation related to the handling of chemicals and products that are deemed to be hazardous, as outlined in Section 2.2. Specific to permitting, the underlying obligations that operators in the Nordics face are as specified in the Industrial Emissions Directive. Per this policy, all in-scope facilities are required to obtain permits that set conditions for their operation in line with the IED’s requirements. Where they are available, the permitting conditions (including emissions limit values) are based on BATs and the accompanying BREFs.
Environmental considerations specific to each stage of the EV battery value chain are provided below:
  • Production and storage of battery chemicals. Many cathode chemicals are classified as hazardous under the CLP Regulation. Thus, any operators engaging in these activities must identify hazards, assess associated risks (probability and severity) and determine effective mitigation tactics. Companies must be able to prevent explosions and fires, as well as to recover chemical leaks. Some chemicals may be subject to REACH requirements.
  • Transport of battery chemicals. Some of the raw materials used in battery manufacture are classified as dangerous goods (including cobalt and lithium).
  • Manufacture of batteries. Any manufacturer, importer or seller of batteries must ensure that their batteries are marked with the correct labels. This includes separate collection, capacity and (if necessary) chemical labelling.
  • Storage of batteries. REACH and CLP regulation do not apply to articles from which chemicals are not intended to be released during their intended purpose of use. Storage of batteries – even in large quantities – is not regarded as an activity that requires a license as defined in the Act on Chemical Safety.
    Ministry of Trade and Industry (2004) Regulations on restrictions on the use of chemicals and other products hazardous to health and the environment (the product regulations). Retrieved from: https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2004-06-01-922
    Thus, batteries need not be labelled with the hazard labels required under the CLP Regulation.
  • Transport of batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are always classified as dangerous during transport (whether pre- or post-use). Air transport of some batteries is forbidden. Applicable transport regulations are dependent on the battery technology, capacity and state in which they are transported.
  • Recycling of batteries. Used and decommissioned batteries must be clearly marked with their condition. They must be kept separate from new batteries and – if possible – stored in dedicated recycling containers away from other operations. Defective batteries must be separated from other decommissioned batteries and stored in small quantities in fireproof conditions.
While these obligations are largely common across the Nordics, requirements can differ subtly between Nordic countries and, in some instances, between regional authorities. These differences across the three target countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland) are summarised in the following sections.

2.3.1 Norway

EV battery manufacture, handling and end-of-life activities in Norway are subject to the Pollution Control Act of 13 March 1981 No. 6 Concerning Protection Against Pollution and Concerning Waste.
Ministry of Climate and Environment (2003) Pollution Control Act of 13 March No. 6 Concerning Protection Against Pollution and Concerning Waste. Retrieved from: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/pollution-control-act/id171893/#:~:text=The%20Act%20shall%20ensure%20that,its%20capacity%20for%20self%2Drenewal.
This legislation includes requirements for efforts to be taken to:
  • Prevent any occurrence of pollution;
  • Limit any pollution that does occur; and
  • Avoid issues caused by poorly handled waste management practices.
Through this legislation, limits can be introduced on specific pollutants, thresholds can be established for the occurrence of certain pollutants (including substances, noise, vibration, light, etc.) and requirements for pollution control equipment can be enforced.
The Pollution Control Act also introduces a requirement for any activity that may cause pollution to obtain a permit. Permits are granted by the relevant pollution control authority, who establishes conditions for operation. Typically, this includes limits for specific pollutants known to be of potential concern, as well as protection and clean-up measures, waste recovery requirements, etc. Decisions are taken to award permits based on the extent to which the benefits provided by the process outweigh the drawbacks associated with the pollutants and disruption they cause. 

2.3.2 Sweden

In Sweden, environmental permitting is governed by the Swedish Environmental Code. The purpose of the Environmental Code is to promote development without compromising the health of the environment for present and future generations. It focuses on:
  • Protecting human and environmental health from damage (through pollutants or other impacts).
  • Preserving natural and cultural environments.
  • Maintaining and restoring biodiversity.
  • Ensuring good management of land use, water and the physical environment in ecological, social, cultural and economic terms.
  • Encouraging reuse and recycling so that natural cycles are established and maintained.
Through the Environmental Code, any operator of an activity deemed to be potentially environmentally hazardous must seek out the correct approvals. Depending on level of environmental risk, operators may be required to obtain a license or simply to notify the relevant authority. Risk levels are divided into four categories:
  1. “A” indicates significant environmental impact. Activities receiving this categorisation require a license from the Land and Environment Court. There are five Land and Environment Courts in Sweden.
  2. “B” denotes moderate environmental impact. Activities classified as “B” must obtain a license for operation from one of the 12 environmental assessment delegations in Sweden.
  3. “C” activities do not require licensing. However, supervisory authorities must be notified of their operation. Supervisory authorities are typically the municipality in which the activity is located.
  4. “U” activities are all other activities. While they do not require permission or notification, they must still comply with the Environmental Code.
The licensing process requires the operator to conduct a feasibility study to establish which assessments its process should be subject to. They then engage with the relevant authority for consultation, complete the licensing application and compile supporting documents. The application is subsequently reviewed by the examining body. Following reviews, the final decision is taken by the examining authority.

2.3.3 Finland

Finland adheres to EU regulation related to the handling of chemicals and products that are deemed as hazardous. Under the Environmental Protection Act, an environmental permit is required for operations that pose a risk of environmental pollution. Granting a permit is subject to the condition that the operations do not cause harm to health or significant environmental pollution or a risk of such pollution. Environmental permits may contain regulations – e.g., on emissions and their reduction; waste and waste management; and preventing soil and groundwater contamination. In Finland, environmental permits are either granted by the relevant Regional State Administrative Agency or the municipal environmental protection authority, depending on activity and scope.
Regional State Administrative Agency (2023) Environmental permits. Retrieved from: https://avi.fi/en/services/businesses/licence-notices-and-applications/water-and-the-environment/environmental-permits
Specific information related to the Finnish approach to permitting and hazard management at each stage of the value chain is provided below.
Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (2023) Lifecycle of lithium-ion batteries. Retrieved from: https://tukes.fi/en/lifecycle-of-lithium-ion-batteries
  • Production and storage of battery chemicals. Plants handling large volumes of chemicals must be supervised by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes). Smaller plants are supervised by local rescue departments. All plants are subject to the same chemical safety legislation. Examples of sites that have obtained environmental permits for the production of battery chemicals include Terrafame and Keliber.
  • Transport of battery chemicals. Any vehicles or packaging used for dangerous goods must fulfil the technical requirements of the legislation and regulations on the transport of dangerous goods (VAK).
    Finlex (2023). Law on the transport of dangerous goods. Retrieved from: https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2023/20230541
    Tukes supervises compliance with this legislation.
  • Storage of batteries. The storage of batteries in new buildings is supervised by the local building supervision authority. The storage of batteries in an existing building may require a change in the purpose of use of the building to be sought. The rescue department supervises fire safety during storage by means of fire inspections.
  • Transport of batteries. In 2021, the Nordics introduced an export permit aimed at facilitating the transport of end-of-life batteries from Sweden and Norway into Finland for recycling. Finnish recycler Fortum received a permit to do this in 2021.
    Battery Industry (2021) New Nordic’s export permits help Fortum recycling electric car batteries in Finland. Retrieved from: https://batteryindustry.tech/new-nordics-export-permits-help-fortum-recycle-electric-car-batteries-in-finland/
    Little information is publicly available related to these permits.