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4.0 Manufacture

The manufacturing stage of the EV battery value chain is highly energy intensive – literature shows that it can account for around 40–60% of the total emissions associated with the production of an EV.
McKinsey & Company (2023) The race to decarbonize electric-vehicle batteries. Retrieved from: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/automotive-and-assembly/our-insights/the-race-to-decarbonize-electric-vehicle-batteries
Lakshmi R. B. (2023) The Environmental Impact of Battery Production for Electric Vehicles. Retrieved from: https://earth.org/environmental-impact-of-battery-production/
As described in Section 2.1, it includes the production of the anodes, cathodes, separators, etc. required to form the battery cell. These cells are then combined into battery modules and subsequently battery packs. Most of the variation in battery manufacture results from the different battery chemistries used. However, there is also differentiation in innovation in manufacturing techniques. Both factors have been included here. The following section outlines the maturity, risks, emissions, strengths, barriers to circularity and applicability to the Nordic context of the most promising technologies in battery EV manufacture.

4.1 Lithium-ion Batteries

Most EV batteries are lithium-ion. This is due to their high battery capacity and high energy density compared to other chemistries (e.g., lead-acid batteries). Table 4‑1 provides an overview of the lithium-ion chemistries most used in EV applications. Historically, lithium-ion batteries were almost entirely based on lithium cobalt oxide (LCO). LCO batteries have been and still are the most used chemistry in lithium batteries worldwide (predominantly in consumer electronics such as laptops, mobile phones, etc.), but the inclusion of certain metals (predominantly nickel, but also manganese and others) in them is now commonplace and has improved their performance and stability – notably their lifespan, which historically was a major drawback of lithium-ion batteries. This has massively improved the performance of lithium-ion batteries for uses demanding higher battery capacity (such as EVs). The first lithium-ion battery, commercialised by Sony in 1991, had an energy density of about 80 Wh/Kg, with the best batteries available at present being roughly 300 Wh/Kg – a 375% increase. The variations in lithium-ion batteries used today result from changes predominantly to the materials used for the cathode, but also from variations in materials used for the anode and electrolyte, or both. Research shows that the maximum technical limit for the energy densities of lithium-ion batteries could reach over 1000 Wh/Kg – this will most likely be realised through the application of solid-state batteries, discussed in section 4.1.6.
Cao, W. et al. (2020). Batteries with high theoretical energy densities. Energy Storage Materials, 26, 46-55. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S240582971931102X
Table 4‑1: Most common lithium-ion chemistries used in EV applications
Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide
BEV denotes “battery electric vehicle” – vehicles that solely use electric motors for propulsion.

Lithium Iron Phosphate
Lower range BEVs
 HEV buses
HEV denotes ‘hybrid electric vehicle’ – vehicles that use a combination of electric motors and internal combustion engines for propulsion (plug-in hybrids, EV’s with combustion engine range extenders, self-charging hybrids, etc.)
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminium Oxide
Electric cars, e-scooters
While Table 4‑1 provides an overview of the battery chemistries used most often in EV applications, the following section highlights a selection of the technologies evidenced to be the most representative of the best available techniques for manufacture. Note that, while that a general overview of environmental impacts for each technology is provided, detailed knowledge of quantified emissions of greenhouse gases, dust and other toxic gas emissions such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from heavy solvents have not been included for each technology; nor is there an assessment basis for the lifetime and resource use behind the different chemistries to compare them against each other in a BAT regime.

4.1.1 Cathode Variation: Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NMC) Batteries

There are several types of manganese-based cathode chemistries that are widely used in the EV market and wider battery market worldwide, such as lithium manganese oxide (LMO), lithium manganese nickel oxide (LMNO) batteries and LMFP batteries (discussed in 4.1.3). Manganese is a stabilising component in the cathodes of lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. The material increases energy density and hence improves driving range. At the same time, it decreases the combustibility of an EV battery pack. NMC batteries are now the most common and developed manganese-based chemistry currently available.
NMC batteries are a type of lithium-ion battery that use a nickel-based cathode, layered with manganese and cobalt. They were developed in the late 1990s and early 2000s as a stability improvement for LCO batteries, which use cobalt exclusively in the cathode. The primary issue with LCO batteries lies in their thermal instability and relatively limited cycle life (the number of times a battery can be charged and discharged before its overall capacity becomes too degraded to remain viable for use); this is typically 500–1000 full charge-discharge cycles. Due to these limitations, LCO batteries are not the preferred choice for EV use at present, but still remain the most commonly used lithium-ion battery worldwide.
International Energy Agency (2022). The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions. Retrieved from: https://iea.blob.core.windows.net/assets/ffd2a83b-8c30-4e9d-980a-52b6d9a86fdc/TheRoleofCriticalMineralsinCleanEnergyTransitions.pdf
It is also worth noting that the cycle life of any battery is dependent on how regularly the battery is charged and discharged, the level to which it is charged relative to its overall capacity (known as state-of charge, or SoC) and the level to which it is discharged relative to its overall capacity (known as depth of discharge, or DoD). Therefore, any battery chemistry choice depends on several factors, dependant on its application.
NMC batteries are now the most common type of battery currently found in EVs today, with car manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes and Nissan using them.
Man, H. (2023). What are LFP, NMC, NCA Batteries in Electric Cars? Retrieved from: https://zecar.com/resources/what-are-lfp-nmc-nca-batteries-in-electric-cars
In NMC batteries, the nickel, manganese and cobalt combination allows manufacturers to vary the mix to balance performance, cost and safety – leading to a range of NMC batteries available for EV manufacturers. The most common NMC chemistries are NMC111, NMC532, NMC622 and NMC811, where the numbers denote the ratio of nickel, manganese and cobalt.
Targray (unknown) Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide Cathode for Li-ion Batteries. Retrieved from: https://www.targray.com/li-ion-battery/cathode-materials/nmc
NMC811 offers the highest energy density, but decreased stability – while NMC111 offers better stability at the cost of energy density. Overall, NMC batteries provide higher energy density, better power capability, improved safety and longer lifespan compared to the original LCO batteries used in the past.
Key manufacturers include Panasonic, Samsung SDI, LG Chem, Sony and Wanxiang Group. According to the IEA, NMC batteries accounted for 60% of the market share in cathode materials in 2022.
International Energy Agency (2023) Global EV Outlook 2023: Trends in batteries. Retrieved from: https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2023/trends-in-batteries
NMC batteries provide an optimised blend of performance, safety and cost for many lithium-ion battery applications.
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
9 – This technology is mature. There are commercial plants producing high volumes of NMCs.
Higher initial cost – The major drawback of NMC batteries is the high cost due to the cobalt content, a material that is extremely expensive compared to the other materials found in most batteries.

Shorter cycle life – NMC batteries have a shorter cycle life when compared to other chemistries, particularly lithium iron phosphate (LFP) – around 2000–2500 charge-discharge cycles compared to 5000.
Murden, D. (2023). Lithium NMC Vs LiFePO4 – How to Choose The Best One For Your Needs. Retrieved from: https://ecotreelithium.co.uk/news/lithium-nmc-vs-lifepo4/
Faster degradation occurs when they are rapidly charged or discharged. Fast charging and discharging an NMC battery reduce its lifespan more quickly compared to slow charging. This is a huge barrier for use in EVs, where charge speed is considered a top priority alongside driving range. It is, however, worth noting that this cycle life is still high compared to original lithium-ion chemistries used in the past and is currently sufficient for EV use.

Safety – NMC batteries are more prone to thermal runaway compared to most other battery chemistries, and as a result require greater precautionary measures to ensure safety.
Compared to the other battery technologies presented in this section, NMC batteries, alongside NCAs (section 4.1.2), currently account for the majority of the carbon emissions associated with the EV battery manufacturing market due to the two types of battery making up the vast majority of the global EV battery demand – about 68% as of 2022.
International Energy Agency (2023) Global EV Outlook 2023: Trends in batteries. Retrieved from: https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2023/trends-in-batteries

The use of larger quantities of cobalt compared to other chemistries will also cause this type of battery to pose a higher environmental risk due to its toxic nature – there will always be a risk of harm to the environment in the case of accidents/chemical spills. However, ongoing research for this type of battery is extensive and the associated environmental impacts are expected to reduce over time.

The production of NMC batteries also has several other harmful byproducts associated with it. Nickel is also a heavy metal that is toxic to humans and wildlife, but to a lesser extent when compared to cobalt – both metals may leach into nearby soil or wastewater if the production process is not properly regulated. The same applies to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are generated in battery production and are dangerous to humans when inhaled in quantities over an extended period, potentially also forming smog. An example of a VOC produced during NMC battery production is hydrogen fluoride.
Anguil Environmental Systems (2023) From Mining to Recycling: The Road to Responsible Battery Manufacturing. Retrieved from: https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=1736
Mature manufacturing – Manufacturing techniques for NMC batteries are well established and scalable. Large automated production lines are common, keeping costs lower compared to newer battery types.

High energy density NMC batteries have a high energy density compared to most other well-established lithium-ion technologies, allowing them to save space and weight when used in EVs.

High discharge rate – NMC batteries can deliver high currents and have a high discharge rate, making them well suited for devices requiring short, powerful bursts of energy; this makes them ideal for designing more high performance EVs.

Temperature tolerance – NMC batteries operate well in hot and cold temperatures, unlike some lithium-ion batteries. They can also be charged at freezing temperatures.
Barriers to circularity
Design and diversity – Batteries are not consistently designed for disassembly and recycling. There are also many different NMC chemistries and formats that are used for EVs, given that they are the most used type of battery in EVs currently. This can end up complicating recycling processes by having so many variations in the chemistry. However, as recycling processes become more mature and refined for different battery chemistries, this should be much less of an issue.

Cobalt use While a benefit of NMC batteries is a lower dependence on cobalt when compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, they still use the rare and toxic metal – unlike LFP batteries, which omit cobalt use entirely. There are still concerns over the ethical issues associated with cobalt mining and its lack of circularity if recycling processes are not further optimised.
Applicability to Nordic Context
The maturity of NMC batteries means there are already a number of manufacturing plants available in Nordic countries as well as others in Europe. They will continue to be extensively developed and their recycling network improved, making them a great choice for achieving a closed-loop system in the Nordics. Furthermore, their ability to withstand cold temperatures during both charging and use makes them ideal for Nordic climates.

While other, less mature battery chemistries may offer greater potential for improving the range and longevity of EV battery packs, NMCs offer an easier pathway to circularity and are readily available.

Case Study: Northvolt

Established in 2017, Northvolt, a Swedish company, is dedicated to “creating the most environmentally friendly battery in the world” by the middle of this decade. Northvolt’s focus lies in the development of NMC batteries; its goal is to minimise carbon footprint and maximise recyclability. Overall, Northvolt has demonstrated the potential to improve the circularity of NMC batteries, which could have a significant impact given how widely used they are.
In 2021, Northvolt revealed a significant milestone: its recycling initiative, Revolt, successfully crafted its inaugural lithium-ion battery cell. This achievement was made possible by utilising an NMC cathode, constructed from metals obtained entirely through the recycling of battery waste.
Northvolt’s Chief Environmental Officer commented: “What we have shown here is a clear pathway to closing the loop on batteries and that there exists a sustainable, environmentally preferable alternative to conventional mining in order to source raw materials for battery production. The recycling process can recover up to 95% of the metals in a battery to a level of purity on par with fresh virgin material. What we need now is to scale-up recycling capacities in anticipation of future volumes of batteries requiring recycling.”
Northvolt (2021) Northvolt produces first fully recycled battery cell – looks towards establishing 125,000 ton/year giga recycling plant. Retrieved from: https://northvolt.com/articles/recycled-battery/

4.1.2 Cathode Variation: Nickel Cobalt Aluminium Oxide (NCA) Batteries

NCA batteries are a type of lithium-ion battery that has been around since 1999 for special applications and are very similar in their properties when compared to NMC batteries; the key difference is that they use a much higher nickel content – roughly 84% compared to 33%.
Nickel Institute (2023) Nickel in Batteries. Retrieved from: https://nickelinstitute.org/en/about-nickel-and-its-applications/nickel-in-batteries/
This has the benefit of a reduced cobalt requirement, while simultaneously improving energy density. They are far less common in EVs currently when compared to NCM batteries.
Battery University (2021) BU-205: Types of Lithium-ion. Retrieved from: https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-205-types-of-lithium-ion
In their current state of development, they are very suited to EV use already – currently being the third most in demand battery chemistry for use in EVs, after NMC and LFP batteries.
Innovation Norway et al. (2023) The Nordic Battery Value Chain. Retrieved from: https://www.eba250.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/NordicBatteryReport.pdf
However, despite their advantages, NCA batteries also have drawbacks. One of the primary concerns with NCA batteries is their relatively lower thermal stability compared to other types of lithium-ion batteries, similarly to NMC. These batteries can be sensitive to high temperatures, which can lead to overheating and, in extreme cases, thermal runaway. Effective thermal management systems are crucial to maintaining their performance and ensuring safety during operation. Additionally, while NCA batteries have a good cycle life, they may not be as durable as some other types of lithium-ion batteries, which could lead to a shorter overall lifespan in certain applications. While offering good power density, they might not be sufficient for high-power applications, limiting their use in devices or systems that require rapid energy discharge.
Despite these drawbacks, ongoing research and development efforts are focused on addressing these challenges to enhance the performance, safety and durability of NCA batteries for future EV use. As a result of demand from car companies, battery manufacturers are trying to increase the nickel content in them to reduce cobalt dependence; this also has the benefit of increasing the energy density of the battery.
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
9 – This technology is mature. There are full scale production facilities of NCA batteries in several geographies.
Higher initial cost – The major drawback of NCA batteries is the high cost due to the cobalt content, a material that is extremely expensive compared to the other materials found in most batteries, such as nickel and lithium.

Shorter cycle life – As with NMC, NCA batteries have a shorter cycle life when compared to other chemistries, notably LFP. However, they have a longer cycle life when compared to NMC, owed to the inclusion of aluminium; this increased cycle life is at the cost of a lower energy density when compared to NMC.
Baker, D. (2023). Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum (NCA) vs. Nickel-Cobalt-Manganese (NCM) Batteries Compared: What’s the Difference? Retrieved from: https://history-computer.com/nickel-cobalt-aluminum-nca-vs-nickel-cobalt-manganese-ncm-batteries-compared-whats-the-difference/

Safety – Similarly to NMC, NCA batteries are more prone to thermal runaway compared to most other battery chemistries, and as a result require many more safety precautionary measures.
Compared to the other battery technologies discussed in this section, NCA batteries, along with NMC (as detailed in section 4.1.3) and LFP batteries, currently dominate the EV battery manufacturing market. Therefore, they will collectively be accounting for the majority of carbon emissions associated with EV battery production.

More specifically to NCA batteries – the use of cobalt in these still raises environmental concerns due to its toxic nature, posing a potential risk to the environment in cases of accidents or chemical spills. The same may also be said for its increased nickel content when compared to other battery chemistries (including NMC). However, nickel is widely regarded as an enabler to reducing cobalt content in batteries, being less toxic/scarce when compared to cobalt and simultaneously improving the energy density of a battery. Extensive ongoing research on this battery type is being conducted, and it is anticipated that the associated environmental impacts will decrease over time.

As with NMC batteries (section 4.1.1), the production of NCA batteries also has several other harmful byproducts associated with it. Aside from the risk of heavy metals leaching into soil and wastewater, VOCs, which are generated in battery production and are dangerous to humans when inhaled in quantities over an extended period, are still a concern in NCA manufacturing. An example of a VOC produced during NMC battery production is hydrogen fluoride.
Anguil Environmental Systems (2023) From Mining to Recycling: The Road to Responsible Battery Manufacturing. Retrieved from: https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=1736 [4] Baker, D. (2023). Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum (NCA) vs. Nick
High energy density NCA batteries have a high energy density compared to the majority of other well-established lithium-ion technologies, allowing them to save space and weight when used in EVs, while also using less raw material.

High discharge rate – NCA batteries can deliver high currents and have a high discharge rate, making them well suited for devices requiring short, powerful bursts of energy like power tools.

Low self-discharge – NCA batteries experience minimal self-discharge when not in use, typically losing less than 10% of their charge per month. This makes them suitable for infrequently used devices.

Temperature tolerance – NCA batteries operate well in hot and cold temperatures, unlike some lithium-ion batteries. They can also be charged at freezing temperatures.
Barriers to circularity
As with NMC batteries, the design and diversity of NCA batteries pose challenges for recycling efforts, coming in various chemistries and formats. Despite reduced cobalt dependence compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, NCA batteries still contain this rare and toxic metal, although it is worth noting that they use less cobalt on average when compared to NMC.
el-Cobalt-Manganese (NCM) Batteries Compared: What’s the Difference? Retrieved from: https://history-computer.com/nickel-cobalt-aluminum-nca-vs-nickel-cobalt-manganese-ncm-batteries-compared-whats-the-difference/
In contrast, LFP batteries avoid cobalt use entirely and thus also avoid ethical issues around the mineral’s extraction and circularity. However, with the expanding recycling processes for EV batteries, these challenges are expected to diminish over time.
Applicability to Nordic Context
Similarly to NMC batteries, their established presence in Nordic and European manufacturing plants offers a reliable choice for the region. Their maturity ensures accessibility and ease of integration into existing systems, making them a practical solution for the Nordics. Despite potential alternatives with greater range and longevity, NCA batteries provide an accessible pathway to circularity, enhanced by ongoing improvements in recycling networks. Additionally, their resilience in cold climates makes them a well-suited choice for use in Nordic climates (like NMC batteries), making them a practical and efficient option for sustainable energy solutions in the region.

Case Study: Samsung SDI

Samsung SDI has developed NCA batteries with elevated nickel content in their cathodes for electric vehicle battery cells. This advancement aims to boost energy density and reduce costs when compared to cells containing higher levels of cobalt. Tesla also utilizes NCA batteries in their high-performance car models, enhancing range and significantly reducing charging times. Initially developed by Tesla and Panasonic, NCA batteries were exclusively used in Tesla’s early EV models.
Frąckiewicz, M. (2023). Does Tesla use NMC or NCA? Retrieved from: https://ts2.space/en/does-tesla-use-nmc-or-nca/
Samsung revealed at the InterBattery trade fair in South Korea that they are currently producing cylindrical cells with a nickel content of 91%, up from the previous 88%. These new cells boast a volumetric energy density of 670 Wh/l. However, the specific format of these cells has not been disclosed. According to Chang Hyuk, Executive Vice President and Head of Research at Samsung SDI, the nickel content may eventually increase to as much as 94% in the long term.
Randall, C. (2021). Samsung increases nickel content in NCA batteries. Retrieved from: https://www.electrive.com/2021/06/11/samsung-increases-nickel-content-in-nca-batteries/
Additionally, Samsung is reportedly exploring other technologies, such as nickel manganese oxide (NMO) cathodes, which rely solely on nickel and manganese, potentially eliminating cobalt entirely. Chinese cell manufacturer SVOLT already offers cobalt-free NMx cells, but details regarding differences or similarities between SVOLT’s approach and Samsung SDI’s are currently unknown.
In addition, Samsung SDI is said to be working on dry electrode production, discussed in section 4.3.

4.1.3 Cathode Variation: Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries

One of the fastest growing cathode designs for use in EV applications is lithium iron phosphate (LFP). These batteries use LiFePO4 as the cathode material, a compound known for its stability and safety. This chemistry has been commercially available since the 1990s. They differ from other chemistries, as they use iron and phosphorus instead of the nickel, manganese and cobalt found in NCA and NMC batteries. One of the most notable features of LFP batteries is their exceptional safety profile. Unlike some other lithium-ion batteries, they are highly resistant to overheating and are far less prone to thermal runaway, a major concern in battery technology. This inherent stability makes them better suited to applications where safety is paramount, while other batteries perform better in terms of overall capacity and charging times, being more robust for daily use.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2022 LFP cathode technologies reached their highest market share in the past decade – 30% of the global EV market is powered by LFPs, with NMC remaining the predominant battery chemistry, holding a market share of 60%.
International Energy Agency (2023) Global EV Outlook 2023: Trends in batteries. Retrieved from: https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2023/trends-in-batteries
It is also worth noting that LFP variants may be emerging in future, such as LMFP. The “M“ denotes the inclusion of manganese in place of some of the iron in the cathode material. This modification enhances its energy density compared to LFP batteries, while keeping costs and safety levels consistent. In China, where cost-efficient LFP batteries dominate 60% of the EV battery market, there is a growing push for mass production of LMFP batteries, as they are considered a promising successor.
Zhao, J. (2023). Lithium Manganese Iron Phosphate (LMFP) Batteries Receiving Renewed Attention in China. Retrieved from: https://www.mitsui.com/mgssi/en/report/detail/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/09/19/2308t_zhao_e.pdf
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
9 – This technology is mature. There have been numerous commercial-scale production facilities of LFPs established by multiple organisations.
Large cost fluctuation potential – According to the IEA, the rise in battery material costs has had varying impacts on different battery types (as of 2022). Among these, LFP batteries saw the most significant surge in cost, exceeding 25% from 2021, while NMC batteries experienced a more modest increase of under 15%. This disparity can be attributed to the composition of LFP batteries, which lack the costly elements nickel and cobalt, using iron and phosphorus instead. Consequently, the fluctuating price of lithium, a key component in LFP batteries, played a larger role in determining the overall cost. Ultimately, as the price of lithium rose at a faster rate than nickel and cobalt, LFP batteries became pricier compared to NMC batteries. Nevertheless, LFP batteries remained more affordable than NCA and NMC batteries when considering their energy capacity per unit.
International Energy Agency (2023) Global EV Outlook 2023: Trends in batteries. Retrieved from: https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2023/trends-in-batteries

Lower Energy Density – LFP batteries have a lower energy density (around 90–120 Wh/Kg) when compared to other chemistries such as NCA (200–260 Wh/Kg). Thus, they may need to be larger (and heavier) for the same energy storage capacity. This increases resource consumption during manufacture and weight during use.
LFPs are regarded as one of the most environmentally friendly forms of battery currently available worldwide, owing mostly to their increased length of life (reducing the number of required replacements) and non-toxic nature. They also do not contain any nickel or cobalt, which are scarce and toxic materials only available in a handful of regions worldwide. There are consequently no associated concerns with heavy metals leaching into soil and wastewater from LFP batteries.

Unlike with NMC or NCA batteries (sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2), the production of LFP batteries has fewer other harmful byproducts. VOCs, which are generated in battery production and are dangerous to humans when inhaled in quantities over an extended period, are much less of a concern in LFP manufacturing. Research shows that the overall volume of VOCs released from LFP batteries is an order of magnitude lower in quantity when compared to NMC batteries, for example – over 30 times less.
Sturk, D. et al. (2019). Analysis of Li-Ion Battery Gases Vented in an Inert Atmosphere Thermal Test Chamber. Batteries, 5, 61. Retrieved from: https://www.mdpi.com/2313-0105/5/3/61
Improved safety – One of the most notable features of LiFePO4 batteries is their exceptional safety profile. Unlike some other lithium-ion batteries, they are highly resistant to overheating and are far less prone to thermal runaway – a major concern in battery technology. This inherent stability makes them a preferred choice in Evs, where safety is essential.

Extended cycle life – LFP batteries offer an extended cycle life, typically averaging around 5000 charge-discharge cycles.
Murden, D. (2023). Lithium NMC Vs LiFePO4 – How to Choose The Best One For Your Needs. Retrieved from: https://ecotreelithium.co.uk/news/lithium-nmc-vs-lifepo4/
This makes them ideal for long-term use and is especially valuable in applications where frequent charging and discharging cycles are common.

Cost effective – The main cathode materials used in LFP batteries are iron and phosphorus. These are relatively abundant materials when compared with other battery metals. This makes them a cost-effective option for a variety of energy storage applications.

Charging capacity – LFP batteries can be charged to full capacity (or 100% SoC). For other batteries (for example, NMC and NCA), the recommendation can be to avoid both very high and very low charges in order to maintain optimal lifespan (typically keeping the SoC at around 10–80 percent – though this level is different across other battery chemistries). LFP batteries do not face this limitation and can be fully charged without experiencing accelerated battery degradation.
Barriers to circularity
Increased resource consumption – LFP batteries have a lower energy density compared to other battery chemistries. Thus, resource consumption is comparatively high for the same power. As well as being a barrier to circularity during manufacture, this characteristic of LFP batteries also impacts circularity at end-of-life. LFP recycling infrastructure must be capable of handling higher volumes of material than infrastructure for other technologies.

Manufacturing locations – At present, LFP battery manufacturing is predominantly limited to China, but they are being used worldwide – including by several Nordic companies such as Freyr and Morrow. Their leading position in LFP battery manufacturing is linked to crucial LFP patents being managed by a collective of universities and research institutions. A decade ago, this group reached an agreement with Chinese battery manufacturers exempting them from licensing fees, provided the LFP batteries were exclusively used within Chinese markets. This makes it difficult to establish a closed-loop system within Europe, as car manufacturers outside of China will be subject to these licencing fees. However, these fees expired in 2022 and it is now anticipated that LFP battery use will surge globally. Major car manufacturers (for example, Tesla, Volkswagen) have announced changes to LFP chemistries in entry level (high production volume) models.
International Energy Agency (2022) Global Supply Chains of EV Batteries. Retrieved from: https://iea.blob.core.windows.net/assets/961cfc6c-6a8c-42bb-a3ef-57f3657b7aca/GlobalSupplyChainsofEVB

Lack of recycling incentive – Recycling LFP batteries is expensive. Recovery of the comparatively lower value materials (e.g., iron) instead of higher-value cobalt or nickel will lack economic viability in many scenarios.

As LFPs have only recently began to surge in popularity, the recycling technologies have not yet caught up. To address this, direct recycling, regulatory intervention, innovative frameworks and/or alternative business models seem necessary to ensure the profitability of LFP recycling; research shows that existing recycling techniques may be utilised to improve its economic viability.
Vasconcelos, D. et al. (2023). Circular Recycling Strategies for LFP Batteries: A Review Focusing on Hydrometallurgy Sustainable Processing. Metals, 13, 543. Retrieved from: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4701/13/3/543
This may be alleviated by instances of LFP batteries outlasting the vehicles they are used in (also owing to their long cycle life), in which case they could be repurposed for things like energy storage.
Applicability to Nordic Context
LFP batteries may not fully align with the Nordics’ goal of achieving a closed-loop battery system with Europe to as great an extent as other chemistries. This is predominantly due to their production being so heavily concentrated to China – which also applies to all lithium-ion batteries, but more so for LFP batteries. However, this may change as investments are made. Indeed, a large LFP battery factory is being set up in Norway (see case study below).

LFPs may become less relevant for Nordic countries as there is significant focus on improving more nascent technologies within the region. However, due to their maturity and sudden surge in popularity, they could act as a useful supplement to the Nordic EV market and help reduce the total emissions associated with EV battery production – they certainly should not be disregarded.

Case Study: Freyr & Aleees

Norwegian battery company Freyr and Taiwanese LFP cathode material manufacturer Aleees have entered into a joint venture agreement. The collaboration aims to establish an LFP cathode factory in the Nordic region. Expected to commence operations in 2024, the factory's launch aligns with the anticipated expansion of Freyr's first Gigafactory in Mo i Rana, Norway. This facility is set to become the world's inaugural gigawatt-scale LFP cathode plant outside of mainland China.
Randall, C. (2022). Freyr & Aleees launch LFP joint venture. Retrieved from: https://www.electrive.com/2022/01/12/freyr-aleees-launch-lfp-joint-venture/
Initially, the partners plan to produce 10,000 tonnes of LFP cathode material annually in Scandinavia, sufficient to meet the demands of Freyr's Mo i Rana factory. The joint venture's objective is to swiftly scale up to "at least 30,000 tonnes" utilising Aleees' modular LFP plant design by 2025 – just one year after the start of production. The statement does not specify whether Freyr will exclusively procure the entire quantity or if third-party customers will also be included in the supply chain.
Freyr and Alees intend to create a "Nordic supply chain," primarily obtaining iron and phosphate products from Scandinavia, although the specific location of the lithium source remains undisclosed. Freyr has announced its plans to establish lithium refining capacity in Norway to guarantee a consistent supply of high-quality raw materials.
By developing a localised supply chain, Freyr and Alees anticipate reduced CO2 emissions owing to shorter transportation distances, along with potentially significant economic benefits. While these advantages are highlighted, they have not been precisely quantified yet.

4.1.4 Anode Variation: Lithium Metal Anode Batteries

Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, which use graphite anodes, lithium metal anode batteries employ lithium metal as the anode material. This design offers several significant advantages, including higher energy density, faster charging capabilities and reduced weight. Lithium anodes are most commonly paired with one of three cathodes:
  • Lithium-Sulphur Batteries – These use a sulphur cathode. They have the potential for significantly higher energy density compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries. Researchers are working on overcoming challenges related to the dissolution of sulphur and the formation of lithium polysulfides, resulting in rapid capacity degradation and poor electrical efficiency of the cells.
  • Lithium-Air Batteries – As the name implies, these use oxygen from air as the cathode. They have theoretical energy densities much higher than lithium-ion batteries. However, these batteries face challenges related to the stability of lithium metal and the formation of lithium peroxide during discharge; this accelerates the combustion of other materials, especially organic materials, involved in a fire.
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2020) Lithium Peroxide. Retrieved from: https://cameochemicals.noaa.gov/chemical/1002#:~:text=LITHIUM%20PEROXIDE%20is%20strongly%20basic,on%20contact.
  • Lithium-Glass Batteries – These use a solid lithium-glass electrolyte and offer high ionic conductivity. The use of glass electrolytes may enhance safety and could help further enable the use of lithium metal anodes.
Lithium metal anodes enable batteries to store more energy in a smaller and lighter package. Thus, they are ideal for applications where size and weight are critical factors (such as EVs). Lithium anode batteries have the potential to significantly enhance the driving range of EVs, as well as to reduce charging times. Both factors address key challenges in widespread adoption of electric transportation.
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
5–6 – This technology is in development. There have been proof-of-concepts for scalable component production. However, the commercial availability of lithium anode batteries is not yet widespread.
The greatest challenge to developing lithium metal anode batteries into a feasible technology for EV use are concerns over stability and safety. The main risks are:

Lithium dendrite – As with solid-state batteries (section 4.1.6), lithium anode batteries are similarly susceptible to the build-up of dendrites. These can accumulate on the anode current collector of a cell and can ultimately penetrate the separator in a cell and cause short circuiting. This can result in large currents passing through the dendritic connection, ultimately rapidly generating heat and causing the risk of fire or explosion.
Wang, Q. et al. (2021). Confronting the Challenges in Lithium Anodes for Lithium Metal Batteries. Advanced Science, 8. Retrieved from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/advs.202101111

Dead lithium – The term for lithium that has lost contact with the electrode, originating from broken dendrite. After the break of the dendrite, the freshly exposed lithium surface is corroded quickly by the electrolyte, forming a solid electrolyte interphase – a thin film that forms around the broken lithium and has poor electronic conductivity. These broken bits of lithium reduce the lifetime and charging efficiency of the cell; repeated occurrences of this reaction will eventually lead to the corrosion of the lithium anode. While this effect occurs in all lithium-ion batteries, it is prominent in those that suffer from high dendrite formation.
Life cycle assessments (LCAs) show that lithium metal anode batteries have the potential to have the lowest environmental impact (in terms of CO2e emissions) when compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, and also LFP batteries – mainly due to the lower mass of raw materials required for their manufacture (although this does depend on manufacturing locations).
Berg, H. & Zackrisson, M. (2019). Perspectives on environmental and cost assessment of lithium metal negative electrode sin electric vehicle traction batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 415, 83-90. Retrieved from: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1554505/FULLTEXT01.pdf

When compared to different cathode variations, lithium metal batteries also possess a lower risk surrounding the quantity of harmful byproducts released during manufacture –  as with LFP batteries (section 4.1.3). This is mostly due to the omission of nickel and cobalt, which are toxic heavy metals that are harmful to humans and wildlife if allowed to leach into soils and wastewater.
High energy density – Lithium metal anodes have the highest theoretical energy density versus other anode designs.

Lightweight – Lithium is lightweight without compromising energy density. Thus, it is invaluable in applications where weight and size are critical factors, giving them huge potential for use in EVs.

Faster charging – The design of lithium anode batteries enables rapid deposition and dissolution of lithium ions during charging and discharging processes, leading to quicker charge times for EVs.

High electrochemical potential – Alkali metals readily give up electrons, and lithium has the lowest reduction potential (willingness to give up electrons) in the group. This gives lithium-ion batteries a relatively high voltage compared to other types of batteries, which directly translates to the storage of more energy.
Barriers to circularity
Complex recycling requirements – Lithium anode batteries often use complex chemistries and materials, including solid electrolytes (for solid state variants) and various cathode materials. Disassembling and recycling these efficiently is difficult, especially as designs are not standardised across manufacturers.

Scale and Volume – Production of lithium metal anode batteries is unlikely to be large enough to support a robust recycling system. Adequate volume is necessary to justify investments required for recycling infrastructure.
Applicability to Nordic Context
The use of lithium metal anode batteries is aligned with the ambitions of the Nordic countries in the EV battery market. The increased use of lithium content in these batteries could make it easier to make recycling more economical, with a great number of recycling routes – allowing the life cycle of lithium to become much more closed, aligning with the goal of the Nordic battery market.

Case Study: Northvolt

Northvolt, a Swedish company formed in 2017, aims to produce the world’s greenest battery with the lowest carbon footprint and highest level of recyclability by the mid-2020s. To do this they are focussing on lithium metal anode batteries with a nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) cathode. The aim is to commercialise a battery with an energy density of 1000 Wh/L, offering a 70% increase in the density seen in conventional lithium-ion cells. Independent tests conducted by the US Department of Energy in 2020 provided a high-level confidence in the technology.
Due to its high energy density, lithium metal is extremely reactive, making it unsuitable for use with traditional liquid electrolytes and cell structures. This challenge has led many researchers to explore solid electrolytes, which are less reactive with lithium metal. However, Cuberg (a Silicon-Valley company acquired by Northvolt) opted not to pursue a solid electrolyte approach, instead developing an innovative, non-flammable liquid electrolyte. This unique formulation effectively stabilises the lithium metal while fulfilling the typical role of an electrolyte – acting as a medium for charged ions to move across.

4.1.5 Anode Variation: Silicon-Graphite Batteries

Silicon-graphite anode batteries are a type of lithium-ion battery that incorporates both silicon and graphite materials in the anode of the battery. This combination of materials aims to improve the energy density and overall performance of the battery compared to traditional graphite anode batteries.
Silicon has a high theoretical capacity for lithium-ion storage, which means it can store a large amount of energy. However, it suffers from rapid expansion and contraction during charge and discharge cycles, leading to electrode degradation. On the other hand, graphite is a stable material commonly used in traditional lithium-ion batteries. It provides structural stability to the electrode but has a lower energy storage capacity compared to silicon. Therefore, the use of silicon with graphite anodes increases the overall energy density of the battery, allowing it to store more energy per unit weight or volume. Research in the field will be required to push the amount of silicon that can be applied to the graphite anodes higher. Some commercial battery makers, such as Tesla, have already started adding up to 5% silicon content to their anodes, but it is anticipated that startups will want to drive this percentage much higher.
This type of battery will be particularly relevant for EV manufacturing, where high energy density and faster charging times are key.
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
5–9 – The maturity of this technology varies depending on the percentage of silicon incorporated. In some instances, commercial production has been established. In others, there is proof-of-concept for saleable component production.
First charge expansion Silicon anodes can expand over 2x when they are fully charged, compared to about 10% expansion for conventional graphite-anode batteries. This causes design issues and size constraints when applied in the context of EVs.

Volume expansion – Silicon undergoes significant volume expansion during lithiation (absorption of lithium ions), leading to mechanical stress and eventual electrode degradation. This can affect the long-term stability and cycle life of the battery.

Cycle life – The expansion and contraction cycles can lead to the formation of a solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer as silicon particles electrically disconnect from the anode. This can affect the battery’s performance over multiple charge/discharge cycles.
Silicon is an abundant and more environmentally friendly material compared to other predominantly used materials in batteries like lithium, nickel and cobalt. Its use in batteries is expected to have lower environmental and social impacts than the mining and processing of metals like cobalt. Additionally, it has the potential to increase the energy density of batteries. Ultimately this could lead to longer-lasting batteries for consumer electronics, as well as increased driving range and reduced charging times for electric vehicles – reducing associated GHG emissions when compared to other battery types.
Frąckiewicz, M. (2023). The Road to Sustainable Energy: Silicon Anode Batteries and Their Environmental Impact. Retrieved from: https://ts2.space/en/the-road-to-sustainable-energy-silicon-anode-batteries-and-their-environmental-impact/
Philippot, M. et al. (2023). Life cycle assessment of a lithium-ion battery with a silicon anode for electric vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage, 60. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352152X23000324#:~:text=The%20energy%20use%20in%20the,to%20the%20environmental%20impact%20categories.
High energy density – The use of silicon increases the overall energy density of the battery, allowing it to store more energy per unit weight or volume.

Improved performance – Silicon-graphite anodes offer better performance (energy storage, charge/discharge rates) versus traditional graphite anodes.

Reduced charging time – The higher conductivity of silicon-graphite anodes can lead to faster charging times compared to conventional graphite technologies.

Potential cost effectiveness – Silicon is abundant and relatively inexpensive, which can contribute to the cost-effectiveness of these batteries once scalable manufacturing methods are established.
Barriers to circularity
Silicon-coated anode batteries are highly aligned with a circular economy, as they promote greater resource efficiency and utilise already well-established processes and manufacturing facilities, reducing the need for designing/building new ones. However, recyclability is currently a concern. The intricate composition of silicon-coated anode batteries, involving multiple layers of coatings and different materials, makes it challenging to separate and recycle these components efficiently. In particular, the presence of coatings and binders can introduce contaminants during manufacture or over the battery's lifecycle. These factors are also likely to increase the energy intensity of the recycling process. It is not currently clear to what extent existing recycling infrastructure for lithium-ion batteries can be used for silicon-coated anode variants.
Applicability to Nordic Context
As with other battery technologies aiming to improve charging times and energy density, silicon-coated anode batteries are highly applicable to the Nordic countries for future EV production. Silicon is a safe and abundant material – research also shows that there are large reserves of it yet to be exploited in the Nordics.
Jonsson, E. et al. (2023). Critical metals and minerals in the Nordic countries of Europe: diversity of mineralization and green energy potential. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 526, 95-152. Retrieved from: https://www.lyellcollection.org/doi/10.1144/SP526-2022-55

There have also been studies highlighting the potential of recycled silicon content to be utilised in this type of battery.
Ruan, D. et al. (2021). A low-cost silicon-graphite anode made from recycled graphite of spent lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 884. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1572665721000990
Green Car Congress (2022) NEO Battery Materials to integrate recycled silicon into silicon anode materials. Retrieved from: https://www.greencarcongress.com/2022/12/20221230-neo.html
This further aligns with the Nordics’ goal of a closed-loop system within Europe, as well as a circular economy in general.

Case Studies: Sicona/​Vianode

Sicona, an Australian battery innovator, develops next generation electrode technologies used in the anodes of lithium-ion batteries. Sicona is bringing an innovative silicon-composite battery anode technology to market. The current generation of silicon-composite anode technology offers 50% to 100% higher capacity than traditional graphite anodes. Additionally, Sicona claims their anode materials can achieve over 50% higher cell energy density than existing Li-ion batteries. Sicona has recently entered into a non-binding Heads of Agreement with Woxna, a Swedish subsidiary of Leading Edge Materials Corp. This memorandum outlines the framework for establishing a 50/50 joint venture based in Sweden. The venture aims to produce advanced natural graphite and silicon-graphite-carbon composite active anode materials using natural graphite sourced from the Woxna graphite mine as the primary raw material. The aim of this venture is to provide the European lithium-ion battery manufacturing industry with a stable and sustainable supply of high-performance anode materials.
Vianode, a Norwegian company specialising in eco-friendly advanced battery materials (namely silicon-graphite anodes), has been chosen to receive a EUR 90 million grant from the EU Innovation Fund. This funding aims to support the preparation of a large-scale plant dedicated to enhancing the production of synthetic graphite through innovative methods. This grant, provided by the European Commission as part of the EUR 3.6 billion awarded to 41 large-scale clean technology projects, signifies the Commission's confidence in Vianode as a significant contributor to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering technological advancement. Hans Erik Vatne, the interim CEO and COO of Vianode, emphasised the importance of such financial support in facilitating responsible electrification efforts in Europe. Vianode aims to produce the battery material for 2 million EVs per year by 2030, claiming that their range of anode graphite products offer “unparalleled performance characteristics and [are] produced with 90% lower CO2 emissions than today's standard materials.”
Vianode (2023) Vianode selected for grant award from EU Innovation Fund for large-scale battery materials plant. Retrieved from: https://www.vianode.com/news/article/?itemid=10FCBAAED52B20C3

4.1.6 Electrolyte Variation: Solid State Batteries

Solid-state batteries (SSBs) use solid electrolytes between the anode and the cathode. This differs from traditional batteries, which use liquid or polymer gels. Using a solid electrolyte also removes the need for a separator between the anode and the cathode to prevent cells from short-circuiting.
Kanno, R, (2023) What are solid-state batteries? An expert explains the basics, how they differ from conventional batteries, and the possibility of practical application. Retrieved from: https://article.murata.com/en-eu/article/basic-lithium-ion-battery-4#:~:text=Solid%2Dstate%20batteries%20are%20hard,batteries%20are%20not%20risk%2Dfree.
SSBs are predominantly intended to be an alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries. However, they are applicable for other types of battery chemistries (e.g., sodium-ion, discussed in section 4.2.) as well. While the range of solid electrolytes that can be used in solid state batteries is vast, they all fall under three main chemical categorisations: solid polymer electrolyte (SPE), inorganic solid electrolyte (ISE) and composite polymer electrolyte (CPE).
Kaufmann, T. et al. (2021). Advanced Technologies for Industry – Product Watch: Solid-state-lithium-ion-batteries for electric vehicles. Retrieved from: https://monitor-industrial-ecosystems.ec.europa.eu/news/product-watch-report-solid-state-lithium-ion-batteries-ssb-electric-vehicles
SSBs are widely regarded as one of if not the most promising emergent battery technologies available. They have significantly higher energy densities versus traditional lithium-ion batteries. They are also much safer to handle, transport and use.
Previously, manufacturing methods have restricted SSBs to use in micro-scale devices or systems that function at a low power. However, significant research is now underway with the aim of scaling up the size of these batteries. In particular, research is focussed on the use of SSBs for EVs, where they show significant potential to disrupt the market. Major players in the automotive sector – including Ford, GM, Toyota, BMW, Honda and Volkswagen – strongly back efforts to scale up this technology.
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
6–7 – The maturity of this technology varies depending on the electrolyte that is used. In general, this technology is considered pre-production. However, there has been some development of industrial-scale component production.
Safety – While SSBs are generally considered to be safer than traditional batteries, they are not without risk. SSBs are anticipated to experience higher temperature rises than those of lithium-ion batteries in future high-energy-density configurations, particularly involving lithium metal anodes, as the same amount of heat is generated under operation over a smaller mass and volume when compared to less energy dense battery types; however, with proper thermal management, this issue is not unmanageable.
Green Car Congress (2022). DOE researchers suggest solid-state batteries may not be a safety slam-dunk; thermodynamic models evaluated solid-state and Li-ion safety. Retrieved from: https://www.greencarcongress.com/2022/03/20220307-sandia.html

Short-circuit failure scenarios may arise should the integrity of the solid electrolyte be compromised; this occurs when lithium dendrites (projections of metal that can build up on the lithium surface and penetrate the solid electrolyte) can reach the cathode.
Ruan, D. et al. (2021). A low-cost silicon-graphite anode made from recycled graphite of spent lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 884. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1572665721000990
As solid electrolytes become thinner, driven by demands to increase energy density, the ability to prevent dendrite growth is typically reduced. Preventing lithium dendrite growth is a critical safety problem to overcome before commercialisation of solid-state batteries.
The increased resource efficiency and longer lifespan of solid-state batteries will clearly provide scope to reduce emissions associated with EV battery production. According to the European Federation of Transport and Environment, based on a comparison of one of the most promising solid-state batteries to lithium-ion technology and using sustainable lithium sources, a battery's carbon footprint could be cut by as much as 39%.

SSBs do, however, have risks of other harmful byproducts associated with their production; this is dependent on materials used in the anode and the cathode used to make them. These risks can therefore vary significantly. Further research and development of SSBs will prove critical for minimising harmful emissions resulting from their production.
Higher energy density – By using a solid electrolyte instead of liquid, SSBs can include greater volumes of electrode material in the same battery volume as batteries with non-solid electrolytes. Some prototypes have demonstrated energy densities over 1,000 Wh/L, compared to 600–700 Wh/L for current lithium-ion designs. This can increase range and/or decrease battery size.

Faster charging – Solid electrolytes have higher ionic conductivity, thus allowing ions to move faster during charging and discharging. While SSBs are not yet mature enough to have real-world data regarding speed of charging and range, Toyota has announced a date when they aim to have solid-state batteries used in EV production (2027) – stating that they hope to achieve charge rates that could charge an EV battery to 80% in 10–15 minutes, compared to 30–60 minutes for current EVs. Toyota is the first major car manufacturer to make this level of commitment to commercialising SSBs.

Improved safety – Unlike batteries using liquid electrolytes, solid electrolytes are non-flammable and have a great thermal stability. These attributes are vital as batteries increase in size.

Longer lifespan – Solid electrolytes maintain properties better over repeated charging and discharging. This enables a greater number of cycles before degradation, providing potential to significantly increase the life span of a battery – ultimately reducing costs. Some SSBs in development have been reported to last for over 9000 cycles.
Cheng, Z. et al. (2022). Achieving long cycle life for all-solid-state rechargeable Li-I2 battery by a confined dissolution strategy. Nat Commun, 13, 125. Retrieved from: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27728-0

Less use of harmful materials – Compared with lithium-ion batteries, the manufacture of SSBs may require less cobalt. Cobalt is rare, expensive and associated with potentially unethical mining processes. The simpler pack design and potentially lower manufacturing costs could make solid state batteries cheaper than liquid lithium-ion.

Lower cost – As a result of many of the attributes previously listed, SSBs require fewer safety components and cooling systems than lithium-ion batteries. Additionally, they use fewer raw materials during manufacture and typically have simpler designs. These considerations potentially reduce overall (material, processing and maintenance) costs. It is worth noting, however, that the relative immaturity of this technology means these potential cost savings have not yet been realised.

Wide operating temperatures – The solid electrolytes used in SSBs – typically manufactured from ceramics or polymers – do not evaporate or decompose when exposed to high temperatures. Consequently, SSBs can maintain their performance and safety even in harsh thermal conditions. While lithium-ion batteries operate best at ambient temperatures, SSBs work well across a wider range (including extreme heat).
Frąckiewicz, M. (2023). How do solid-state batteries handle high temperatures? Retrieved from: https://ts2-space.webpkgcache.com/doc/-/s/ts2.space/en/how-do-solid-state-batteries-handle-high-temperatures/

Improved recyclability – The recycling procedures for SSBs are significantly simpler and require less energy compared to traditional batteries; there is evidence of research underway looking at how these processes can be realised in industry.
Waidha, A. et al. (2023). Recycling All-Solid-State Li-ion Batteries: A Case Study of the Separation of Individual Components Within a System Composed of LTO, LLZTO and NMC. ChemSusChem, 16. Retrieved from: https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cssc.202202361
The solid electrolyte facilitates an easier separation process of the battery components, which can be subsequently reused in the manufacturing of new batteries.
Barriers to circularity
Raw material usage – SSBs require more lithium than traditional lithium-ion batteries, which could put a strain on global lithium supplies. However, as with traditional lithium-ion batteries, advances in recycling and alternative materials could help to reduce the reliance on these materials and increase their circularity.

Scaling-up production – SSBs are currently difficult to manufacture at scale. An effective circular system for SSBs would require significant volumes of batteries to reach end-of-life to consequently make recycling economically viable (and thus to make the system circular). Given the immaturity of the technology, scale-up is naturally required.

Lack of recycling infrastructure Despite SSBs being easier to recycle, the nascent state of the technology means there is a lack of recycling infrastructure. However, this is likely to change as the technology develops and further investments are made. The shift to SSBs also raises questions about the future of the existing lithium-ion battery recycling infrastructure due to the heavy investment that has already been made in developing processes and facilities for recycling lithium-ion batteries. As the demand for these batteries decreases, the recycling industry will need to adapt. This could involve repurposing existing facilities or investing in new technologies to handle SSBs.
Applicability to Nordic Context
According to an article published by Business Norway, the Nordic countries are “not aiming for world battery domination”, but rather a sustainable closed-loop battery ecosystem within Europe. An objective is to shift battery manufacturing away from the Far East, where they are predominantly produced. This alliance between Norway, Finland and Sweden specifically is known as the Nordic Battery Collaboration. It aims to utilise the synergistic properties and skills of these countries to achieve a closed-loop system:
  • Finland possesses a robust mining and minerals production sector;
  • Norway boasts a well-established process industry; and
  • Sweden showcases an advanced industrial base.
Together, these countries possess all the essential elements to establish a circular battery ecosystem and value chain in the Nordic region.

Solid-state batteries align extremely well with the ambitions of the Nordic battery alliance; their increased lifespan, reduced raw material consumption and potential for improved recyclability make them a perfect fit for EV production in Nordic countries. Their wider operating temperature range also makes them a suitable choice for use in EVs for the colder climates felt in the Nordics.

Case Study: QuantumScape

There are many companies in Europe and worldwide that are investing in the development of SSBs. One such example is QuantumScape, an American battery manufacturer working to commercialise SSBs for use in EVs. QuantumScape claims that a finalised design, ready for production, may be complete as early as 2025.
Doll, S. (2023). QuantumScape Q1 2023 report: 5 amp-hour solid-state cell targeted as first commercial product. Retrieved from: https://electrek.co/2023/04/26/quantumscape-q1-2023-report-solid-state-cell-first-commercial-product/
Yield, P. (2022). QuantumScape: Solid-State Batteries Will Likely Change The World Forever. Retrieved from: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4523793-quantumscape-solid-state-batteries-will-likely-change-world-forever
QuantumScape’s approach uses a ceramic electrolyte with a reportedly higher conductivity versus other solid electrolytes. A higher conductivity would allow for a more efficient flow of ions, ultimately translating to a higher energy density and longer battery life. QuantumScape aims to commercialise EV batteries with energy densities of 1000 Wh/L. It is also working on a novel manufacturing process that enables the mass production of these batteries at lower cost than traditional lithium-ion batteries.
Singh, V. et al. (2023). 9 Leading Solid-State Battery Companies and Startups. Retrieved from: https://www.greyb.com/blog/solid-state-battery-companies/
Alongside electrolyte innovation, QuantumScape is also exploring novel cathode designs for SSBs. New designs use a layered cathode architecture to promote a more stable and uniform ion flow. If achieved, this would enable a more reliable and consistent battery performance.

4.2 Sodium-ion Batteries  

The sodium-ion battery was initially developed in the late 1980s, around the same period as the lithium-ion battery. However, the successful commercialisation of lithium-ion batteries left sodium-ion technologies largely overlooked. In recent years, sodium-ion batteries have been revisited as a promising avenue in the field of battery technology. They are now being viewed as a viable alternative to lithium-ion batteries, especially for large-scale renewable energy storage and electric vehicles.
Sodium-ion batteries employ sodium ions (Na+) as the charge carriers within their electrodes. This is currently the only viable chemistry that does not contain lithium. One of the key advantages of sodium-ion batteries is the reduced intensity of the raw material requirements. Sodium is an extremely abundant metal compared to lithium and thus sodium-ion batteries are a more cost-effective and lower environmental impact choice. These batteries find applications in various fields, ranging from portable electronics to renewable energy systems.
When compared with lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries generally have a lower energy density. Consequently, they store less energy per unit volume or weight and are typically, therefore, heavier. Despite this, sodium-ion batteries boast a faster charging rate – a desirable characteristic for applications where rapid charging is essential. Sodium-ion batteries are also lower cost than lithium-ion alternatives. While sodium-ion batteries do provide several important advantages compared with other technologies, there is a crucial need for performance enhancement if they are to become commercially competitive. Notably, improvements in battery energy density and cycle life are essential.
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
7 – Sodium-ion batteries are on the brink of commercialisation for EV applications. CATL, one of the world’s largest lithium battery manufacturers (based in China), is launching commercial-scale manufacturing of sodium-ion batteries for EVs.
Zhukov, A. (2023). Sodium-ion Batteries are on the Horizon: How do they Measure up to Lithium-ion? Retrieved from: https://www.machinedesign.com/materials/article/21274631/sodiumion-batteries-are-on-the-horizon-how-do-they-measure-up-to-lithiumion
Low cycle life – Lithium-ion batteries usually have a longer cycle life compared to sodium-ion batteries.  Sodium-ion batteries, as of current technology, tend to degrade faster over multiple cycles, reducing their overall lifespan.

Low energy density – Sodium-ion batteries generally have a lower energy density compared to lithium-based batteries (mostly due to their higher atomic mass), which makes them generally less suitable for EV applications – where lightweighting is regarded as one of the priorities in future EV development. This could be a significant barrier to commercialisation in EV use.
Sodium mining is less environmentally intensive than lithium mining. Sodium is abundantly available in more geographies than lithium. The lack of the need for copper and cobalt use within sodium-ion cells reduces this impact further.

There is still, however, a risk of contaminating wastewater and soil as a result of sodium-ion battery production, namely from the solvents used during the manufacturing process, but these risks are notably small in comparison to the majority of lithium-ion based battery chemistries.
Lower cost – Sodium is more than 500 times more abundant than lithium and can be extracted from seawater at a low cost, using established processes.
GEP (2023). Sodium-ion vs. lithium-ion battery: Which is a better alternative? https://www.gep.com/blog/strategy/lithium-ion-vs-sodium-ion-battery
Consequently, the cost of manufacturing a sodium-ion battery is lower than lithium-ion. These costs should also reduce over time as a better supply chain for sodium-ion batteries develops. Unlike lithium, there are no concerns surrounding the scarcity of sodium and hence a secure supply chain with a stable and predictable price in the future is likely. Furthermore, sodium-ion cells do not need copper current collectors or use any cobalt – both of which are expensive materials. The cost for the overall bill-of-materials needed to manufacture sodium ion batteries could be 20–30% lower when compared to LFP batteries.
Lilley, S. (2021). Sodium-ion Batteries: Inexpensive and Sustainable Energy Storage. Retrieved from: https://www.faraday.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Faraday_Insights_11_FINAL.pdf

Improved safety – Sodium-ion batteries are safer than many other battery technologies, particularly during transport. Unlike (for example) lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries can be transported with the battery terminals directly connected and the voltage maintained at zero. This fully discharged state significantly lowers the risk of fire, eliminating the need for costly safety precautions during transportation. Additionally, sodium-ion electrolytes possess a higher flash point, the lowest temperature at which a substance can vaporise and create an ignitable mixture with the air. This characteristic makes sodium-ion electrolytes less prone to ignition, further reducing fire risk.
Lilley, S. (2021). Sodium-ion Batteries: Inexpensive and Sustainable Energy Storage. Retrieved from: https://www.faraday.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Faraday_Insights_11_FINAL.pdf

Future scalability – A major hurdle in introducing new battery technology commercially is the requirement to establish and expand novel manufacturing techniques. Once scientists perfect a battery in the lab, substantial financial investment is necessary for manufacturers to increase production scale and reduce per-unit costs. Developing supply chains also demands time to mature and achieve the necessary scale to drive down material expenses. While the compositions of sodium-ion and lithium-ion active materials differ, their synthesis and handling methods are very similar, and the overall production process remains largely unchanged. Therefore, existing lithium-ion battery plants and cell formats can be adapted for manufacturing sodium-ion batteries. In fact, some manufacturers have already successfully created prototype sodium-ion batteries using this method and are able to seamlessly integrate them into their existing facilities.
Lilley, S. (2021). Sodium-ion Batteries: Inexpensive and Sustainable Energy Storage. Retrieved from: https://www.faraday.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Faraday_Insights_11_FINAL.pdf

High temperature range – Sodium-ion batteries typically have a broader operational temperature range compared to some other battery chemistries. They can function effectively in a wider range of temperatures, which can be advantageous in EV use in more extreme environments.
Barriers to circularity
As a comparatively abundant resource, sodium arguably has a higher potential for circularity than lithium. However, sodium-ion battery manufacture occurs almost entirely in China, leaving little opportunity for circular supply chains in the Nordics. Nordic countries would need to begin construction of sodium-ion plants to reduce reliance on Chinese imports and increase circularity.

As with many other battery technologies, the recyclability of sodium-ion batteries is limited by the (lack of) existing infrastructure. There is not yet enough demand for sodium-ion batteries to incentivise the establishment of a recycling network.
Applicability to Nordic Context
Sodium-ion cells currently show great potential to align with the aims of the Nordic countries; they can be considered more sustainable compared to lithium-based batteries due to the abundance of sodium, along with their overall lowered raw material requirements. Their wider operating temperature range also makes them a suitable choice for use in EVs for the colder climates of the Nordics. However, their lower energy density would likely limit their use to short range vehicles in the EV market (if they are used at all). It is anticipated that sodium-ion batteries are better suited to energy storage applications (versus EVs), where space and weight constraints are not as essential and where low-cost, large-scale production is the main driver.

The availability of sodium may suggest that establishing a closed-loop supply chain within the Nordics is a more viable possibility than for other battery technologies. A contributing factor is long coastlines and abundant seawater surrounding the Nordics. While this technology appears applicable to Nordic countries, time and investment are needed to determine the extent to which the sodium-ion battery supply chain is developed – not just in the Nordics, but globally.

Case Study:  Altris & Northvolt

In 2022, Altris – a Swedish-based sodium-ion battery firm – announced successful completion of a Series A funding round, securing €9.6 Million (100 MSEK).
Altris (2022) Altris secures €9.6 million in Series A funding. Retrieved from: https://www.altris.se/news/altris-secures-eu9-6-million-in-series-a-funding
This funding was intended to facilitate scale-up of the production of its groundbreaking battery cathode material “Fennac” to 2,000 tonnes (and reportedly 1 GWh of sustainable batteries).
Fennac is a cathode material made from iron, nitrogen, sodium and carbon.
No indication of progress on this goal could be found as of the time of writing.
Altris produces a sustainable cathode material, designed for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries, that can be made from commonly found substances like seawater, wood and air. The company aims to manufacture safer and more affordable batteries with less impact on the environment. In support of this objective, Altris claims to manufacture the world’s first high-performing sodium-ion cathode material made from sustainable and readily available low-cost materials. The design eliminates the need for cobalt, nickel and copper. The company supplies Fennac to battery-cell producers, allowing them to use existing lithium-ion manufacturing processes and equipment for creating Fennac-based batteries. Altris hopes that this ability to make use of existing infrastructure will facilitate a seamless adoption process, rapid scale up and swift market entry. Altris helps cell manufacturers during this transition by providing samples and material expertise to develop batteries based on Fennac. The company also offers in-house knowledge in sodium-ion battery manufacturing, supporting manufacturers in the incorporation of their technology.
As of November 2023, Northvolt (who was one of the investors in Altris’ Series A funding) has announced the development of its first sodium-ion battery – produced in partnership with Altris. The battery has been validated for an energy density of just over 160 Wh/Kg and is intended to be at the front of Northvolt’s future energy storage systems, expecting to reach large-scale production in 2026. The company has also alluded to their use in EVs once further generations are produced with higher energy densities.
Northvolt (2023) Northvolt develops state-of-the-art sodium-ion battery validated at 160 Wh/kg. Retrieved from: https://northvolt.com/articles/northvolt-sodium-ion/

4.3 Dry Electrode Coating 

A fundamental step in the battery manufacturing procedure involves applying an active material coating onto a metal foil to form the electrode. Traditionally, the electrode material is combined with water or an organic solvent to create a liquid slurry, which is then applied onto the metal foil. Subsequently, the electrodes undergo a lengthy drying process known as solvent evaporation, until finally going through a compacting process using rollers – known as calendering.
Myere, C. et al. (2017). Characterization of the calendering process for compaction of electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 249, 172-178. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0924013617302054
This is done to reduce the porosity of the electrode as the active material dries, improving particle contact and thus increasing the overall energy density and conductivity of the electrode. This step is crucial in battery manufacturing, as it will directly impact the performance and lifetime of the battery produced; however, the drying process is both energy-intensive and time-consuming, with certain electrodes taking 12–24 hours to completely dry. Additionally, the organic solvents utilised in slurry preparation are typically hazardous and necessitate recovery and re-distillation for subsequent use, adding to the complexity and cost of the manufacturing process.
Electric & hybrid (2021) Why dry coating electrodes is the future of the electric vehicle battery industry. Retrieved from:  https://www.electrichybridvehicletechnology.com/opinion/why-dry-coating-electrodes-is-the-future-of-the-electric-vehicle-battery-industry.html
Dry coating omits the traditional drying step. In this method, a powder is combined with a specialised polymeric binder (which functions as an adhesive). This mixture is subsequently spread onto the metal foil. Alterations in pressure and temperature are then introduced to the mixture, enabling it to firmly bond with the foil.
Electric & hybrid (2021) Why dry coating electrodes is the future of the electric vehicle battery industry. Retrieved from:  https://www.electrichybridvehicletechnology.com/opinion/why-dry-coating-electrodes-is-the-future-of-the-electric-vehicle-battery-industry.html
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
5–6 – This technology is being piloted for application in EV batteries.
Uniformity and consistency – Ensuring a uniform and consistent coating on electrodes is crucial for their performance. Achieving consistent coating thickness and distribution across a large scale can be challenging.

Scalability – Transitioning from lab-scale to industrial-scale production while maintaining the quality and efficiency of the coating process is a significant challenge. Scalability issues can affect the cost-effectiveness of the technology.

Material Selection – Identifying coating materials that are not only effective in enhancing electrode performance but also cost-efficient and readily available in large quantities can be a challenge.

Cost – While dry coating has the potential to reduce costs, the initial setup and material costs, especially for specialised binders and powders, can be a challenge. Researchers are working on finding cost-effective solutions.

Integration – Integrating dry coating processes into existing manufacturing processes without disrupting the overall production flow is a challenge faced by industries adopting this technology.
Dry coating processes generally require less energy compared to traditional wet coating methods. By reducing energy consumption, dry coating contributes to lower greenhouse gas emission. The absence of solvent-based coatings in dry processes means fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released into the atmosphere. VOCs can contribute to air pollution and have adverse effects on air quality and human health. Dry coating minimises these emissions, promoting cleaner air.
Despite the complexity often associated with dry coating electrodes, this method offers significant advantages, including cost reduction, shorter fabrication time and enhanced environmental sustainability.

By eliminating the need for solvents, the dry coating process streamlines preparation steps and reduces the necessary equipment, thereby decreasing both capital and operational expenses. The reduced reliance on heavy machinery allows for manufacturing electrodes within a fraction of the typical factory space. This not only saves costs but also minimises energy consumption during battery production. Additionally, the quicker dry coating process significantly boosts manufacturing output, leading to lowered costs and energy usage. These advantages could potentially translate into a minimum 10% reduction in battery production costs.

Dry electrode coating has also been shown to produce electrode coatings with an increased adhesion strength to the electrode foiling; this will improve the longevity and performance of the battery.
Barriers to circularity
There are no real barriers to circularity associated with this manufacturing process, but there is a risk that integrating this process into existing facilities could potentially cause parts of existing facilities to become obsolete. This may require the construction of many new ones, but this is countered by the benefit of reduced factory footprint requirements for dry electrode coating equipment.
Applicability to Nordic Context
If Nordic countries can make substantial developments/investments in this manufacturing process, the benefits for EV battery production could be significant. However, it remains a relatively nascent process.

It is a technology worth considering, however, as the overall battery manufacturing value chain in the Nordics is still relatively immature. Therefore, it is anticipated that prioritising efforts to upscale the manufacture of new and better battery chemistries will likely have a greater impact, both improving overall EV battery production and reducing the associated environmental impacts.

Case Study: BroadBit

Finnish battery firm BroadBit Batteries, in collaboration with IWS, has initiated a pilot facility for dry electrode coating at its Espoo factory. BroadBit utilises this method to manufacture innovative sodium-ion batteries. IWS has demonstrated the capability to coat electrode foil at a rate of several meters per minute on a laboratory scale, producing constant thickness cathodes over 1 meter in length.  It has showcased the potential for scaling up this technology in production.
BroadBit (2019) BroadBit installs and qualifies novel, cheap, and green cathode production process. Retrieved from: https://www.broadbit.com/news/BroadBit-installs-novel-cathode-production-equipment/
It is also working on using dry electrode coating as a way to bolster the development of solid-state batteries. Solid electrolytes can lose their functional properties in contact with solvents, which occurs in traditional wet-coating processes. A scientist at IWS stated that “A solvent-free coating process is significantly better qualified to produce these storage media."
Broadbit are therefore not only promoting the development of sustainable battery production through dry electrode coating, but are also contributing to overcoming one of the barriers associated with SSBs (section 4.1.6).

4.4 Electron Beam Welding

Electron beam (EB) welding involves generating electrons through an electron gun, accelerating them at high speeds using electrical fields. These high-speed electrons are tightly focused, using magnetic fields and directed towards the materials to be joined. Upon impact with the workpieces, the electron beam generates kinetic heat, melting the materials and fusing them together. Laser welding is currently the most advanced technique available for EV battery production, with electron beam welding showing the potential to surpass it.
Electron beam welding is commonly used in industries where high-quality, precision welding is essential, and is hence very applicable for EV production; it also has applications in aerospace, electronics and medical device manufacturing. It is particularly valuable for welding materials that are challenging to weld using conventional methods due to their thickness or composition.
Electron beam welding does possess challenges; addressing these will involve ongoing research and development efforts to improve the efficiency, accessibility and cost-effectiveness of electron beam welding processes. Advancements in automation and inspection technologies aim to mitigate some of these challenges, making it more viable for a wider range of applications.
Technology Readiness Level
A technology readiness level (TRL) is a scale used to describe the maturity of a technology while it is being researched (TRLs 1-3), developed (TRLs 4-6) and deployed (TRLs 7-9).
3–4 – Electron Beam Welding for use in EV batteries has been proven in a lab environment.
Vacuum environment – Electron beam welding requires a vacuum environment to prevent electron scattering and absorption by air molecules. Maintaining a vacuum can be technically challenging and expensive, especially for large or complex workpieces.

Sensitivity to contamination – The electron beam is highly sensitive to contamination, such as dirt, grease or oxides, on the surface of the materials to be welded. Even small impurities can affect the quality of the weld, making thorough cleaning processes crucial.

Limited joint accessibility – Electron beam welding requires a direct line of sight between the electron gun and the welding area. This limitation can make it challenging to weld complex geometries or components with restricted access points.

High initial costs – The equipment for electron beam welding is expensive to purchase, set up and maintain. This high initial investment can be a barrier for smaller businesses or industries with limited budgets.

Skill and expertise – Operating electron beam welding equipment requires skilled technicians with specialised training. Proper set-up and parameter adjustments are critical for successful welds. Finding and training skilled personnel can be a challenge.

Material limitations – While electron beam welding is versatile, it is most effective on conductive materials. Welding dissimilar materials with significantly different melting points or thermal conductivities can be challenging.

Post-weld inspection – Inspecting the quality of the welds can be complex due to the internal nature of the welds and the need for advanced inspection techniques such as X-rays. Ensuring the integrity of the welds may require additional testing and quality control measures.

Energy consumption – Creating and maintaining the vacuum environment, as well as accelerating the electrons, requires a significant amount of energy. However, this is not the case for all types of electron beam welding; the levels of energy usage depend on the context (thickness, material type, etc.).
While electron beam welding benefits from having a low material usage due to the absence of a filler that is typically required for conventional welding methods, it can require a large amount of energy, raising some environmental concerns.
Precision – EBW offers high precision, making it suitable for delicate and intricate welding tasks.

Minimal heat affected zone (HAZ) – Due to the concentrated heat input, EBW results in a small heat-affected zone, reducing the risk of distortion and preserving material properties.

Deep weld penetration – Electron beams can penetrate deep into the material, allowing for welding thick sections.

Improved resource efficiency – As EBW does not require filler material, it may result in the use of less raw material.
Barriers to circularity
Applicability to Nordic Context
There is currently no real direct applicability for electron beam welding in Nordic countries. However, if the technology matures, it could be a key tool for ramping up the efficiency of battery production. If the Nordics can get a foothold in its development, then there could be large potential benefits realised in forming a closed-loop battery system within Europe. However, there are currently only a handful of startups that are looking to scale this technology for use in EV battery production, hence its impact is not anticipated to be felt in the industry for a reasonably long time.

Case Study: Cosworth

Cosworth, a British automotive manufacturer, has collaborated with Cambridge Vacuum Engineering (CVE) and The Welding Institute (TWI) to develop, construct and test an electron beam welding machine aimed at enhancing the production of battery packs. Funded by Innovate UK through the Faraday Battery Challenge – a partnership involving Innovate UK, UK Battery Industrialisation Centre and The Faraday Institution – the EB-Bat project aims to boost research and development in innovative and sustainable battery technologies for EVs. A total of £27.6 million in funding is allocated across 17 research and innovation projects and facilities, fostering the growth of a robust battery industry in the UK.
Cosworth (2023) Cosworth joins Faraday Battery Challenge partnership. Retrieved from: https://www.cosworth.com/news/cosworth-joins-faraday-battery-challenge-partnership/
Compared to laser welding (the more commonplace technique), electron beam welding is anticipated to be 20 times faster and remains unaffected by copper and aluminium reflectivity, ensuring more reliable and consistent welds. This technique also offers advantages such as energy efficiency, a smaller factory footprint, reduced scrap material and better control of welding fumes.
Cambridge Network (2023) CVE Win Faraday Challenge Funding. Retrieved from: https://www.cambridgenetwork.co.uk/news/cve-win-faraday-challenge-funding
The EB-Bat project intends to showcase the process's performance, productivity, quality and economic viability to the automotive manufacturing sector, aiming to secure additional funding for full-scale production. CVE have already reported that they have developed high-quality welds for EV busbars, which are used to connect cells together to form battery packs.
Cambridge Vacuum Engineering (2022) Electron Beam Welding of Busbars for Electric Vehicles. Retrieved from: https://camvaceng.com/case-study/electron-beam-welding-of-busbars-for-electric-vehicles/