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Photo: Andreas Omvik/norden.org

About this guide

The Nordic Region has a vision of being the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030, but a great deal will have to change to make that vision a reality. Consumption patterns need to be more sustainable; we need to continue progress toward the target of carbon neutrality by 2050, and we need to make it easier for everybody to play a role in a cohesive society, by focusing on welfare for all, trust, language and accessibility.
Nordic Council of Ministers policy for mainstreaming sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective was adopted on 23 June 2020. Integrating these three perspectives into all of our activities ensures the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers is sustainable, equal, inclusive, representative and accessible, all of which are prerequisites for realising Our Vision 2030.
The principles and advice in the guide are founded upon the Nordic Council of Ministers' guidance for mainstreaming sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective, the Climate and Environmental Action Plan for the Nordic House 2022-2024, and the Nordic Welfare Centre's Meetings for All. The aim of the following guide is to provide a one-point entry that will make it easier to hold more sustainable and accessible physical and digital Nordic events.
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The guide is relevant for those involved in making decisions about, planning or holding conferences, seminars and meetings involving more than 30 people on behalf of and  with the Nordic Council of Ministers. 
The principles are applicable to all large events funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The advice consists of ideas and suggestions designed to provide inspiration for ways of putting the principles into practice.
Use the guide to inspire you and the people attending your event to act responsibly by adhering to the principles and following as much of the advice as possible.
What does it mean that an event is sustainable and accessible?
It means putting significant effort into reducing the impact on the environment and climate, making well-considered choices that promote inclusion and accessibility, and doing all of that within a financially acceptable budget.