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Photo: Karl Vilhjálmsson/norden.org

15. Involving children and young people

It is relevant to involve children and/or young people in your event if they are directly or indirectly affected by the subject concerned. When they are involved, you are responsible for them, and all organisers must adhere to the same principles, to minimum requirements for participation and, above all, protect and guarantee the safety of children under 18.
  • Map how the involvement of children and young people will enhance the event and lead to better or more relevant outcomes. Think about what they would get out of it and what they would add to your event.
  • Map how children and young people are directly or indirectly affected by the event and its programme (e.g. themes, examples, research/studies, policies or legislation). Use the tool Rights-based analysis related to children and young people in the Nordic Council of Ministers to conduct an analysis of your activity from their perspective.
  • If children and young people are affected by or are a target group for the event, they must be involved, e.g. participating in the actual event or drawing up the programme, speaking at it or being part of the audience. Be clear about what you expect and demand of them, and adapt your expectations to their prerequisites.
  • Use the guide When involving children and young people in the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers: Principles and approaches when inviting children and young people to attend or be involved. Follow the guidelines, minimum requirements and advice on how to select participants.
  • Focus on good and age-specific communication for children and young people before, during and after the event.
All children and young people are important here and now – not just in the future. Involving children and young people in events helps develop an inclusive society and accords with their right to be heard and involved in matters that affect them. The Nordic Council of Ministers defines children and young people as aged 0–25.