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Photo: Maria Louise Reichardt/norden.org

1. Decision and form of meeting

    Bear in mind that it requires careful planning to create good and inclusive interaction at meetings and events, whether online or in person. Interaction is sometimes easier in person, but not always. Video conferencing software is getting better at facilitating interaction with functions such as chats, breakout rooms, polls and digital bulletin boards. Online meetings are also more cost-effective and better for the climate because they involve using less energy, food and drink, paper, flights, transport and hotel accommodation.
    • Choose a format for the event that clearly supports its purpose and takes sustainability into account.
      • Choose online formats for short meetings and events (under two hours) and use streaming if the purpose of the event is solely to share information and the participants are expected to just listen/​be passive throughout.
      • Choose in-person formats for longer events and when the purpose is interaction and when participants are expected to provide input.
      • Choose hybrid formats to make physical events accessible to more people. We all lead different lives and online formats allow more people to take part without being a burden on the climate, environment or our finances.
    • Choose a date and time for your event that suits as many people as possible, e.g. by using calendars that specify different religious and Nordic holidays, and by taking the participants’ work/​life-balance into account when selecting the time of day.
    • Check out prices and allocate time and resources to make sure sustainability and accessibility are not just thought about but actually integrated into the whole event.
    Online meetings and streaming emit greenhouse gases, but very little compared to in-person events that involve road or air travel. A one-hour video conference uses up to 1 kg CO2. the equivalent of driving 8.5 kilometres in a relatively new car using petrol. You can save up to 94% on CO2 emissions by livestreaming an event instead of people meeting in person.
    Source: DR & Samvirke