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Photo:  Rördrommen, Tim Meier/Sweco


Policy initiatives to decarbonise the European building sector are gaining momentum. The Regulations for Construction Products (CPR) and Ecodesign for Sustainable Products (ESPR) regulate product-level environmental information, and the Taxonomy for Sustainable Investments provides criteria to classify assets as “sustainable”. Simultaneously, the revised Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) includes mandatory climate impact declarations for buildings greater than 1,000 m2 in 2028, and all buildings in 2030. By 2027, member states must publish a roadmap for progressive carbon limit values for new buildings towards the EU climate neutrality goal in 2050. By 2030, binding carbon limits have to be introduced. Within Europe, the Nordic region has long been a pioneer for building climate impact assessment and mitigation. A legal framework for disclosing life-cycle greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, with or without limit values, is planned to be introduced in all Nordic countries by 2026. This means that all Nordic countries will likely have had at least two years of experience with mandatory national life-cycle regulation before the expected implementation of the revised EPBD. With Denmark issuing the earliest limit values in 2023, Sweden and Finland with plans to follow by 2026 and Iceland in 2028, all Nordic countries are proactively implementing policies to regulate buildings’ climate impact and decarbonise the building stock. By analysing and comparing their respective approaches, this report draws from the Nordic countries’ experience to provide recommendations for the harmonisation of decarbonisation policies, and the implementation of such policies in other countries.
The ability to monitor and understand building stock carbon emissions is an essential prerequisite for effective decarbonisation policies. At national and sectoral level, input-output analyses and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) provide insights into overall emission trends and a comprehensive account of all emissions happening today, albeit with a low level of detail. Such accounts are essential for formulating national reduction strategies and targets, allocating resources to high-priority policy areas, evaluating the effectiveness of policy interventions, and monitoring progress towards environmental objectives. While accounting per economic sector does not typically allow for an easy monitoring of the building stock, Sweden has implemented a model accounting for emissions in the construction and real estate sector with a life cycle perspective that cover the entire building stock. At the building level, the life-cycle assessment (LCA) offers granular insights into emission hotspots in the building’s entire upstream and downstream value chain, to inform targeted design interventions and set building-level performance targets. Two approaches can be used to aggregate building-level LCA results and provide macro-level insights for the entire stock. The archetype approach uses a small number of representative buildings, based on theoretical models or real cases, and is useful with insufficient real-case data. Conversely, the sampling approach relies on the statistical analysis of a sample of building LCA case studies, which requires a sufficiently large representative sample. Both approaches can provide a broad understanding of building climate impacts, but aggregating their results may not match national and sectoral accounts due to truncation gaps. Eventually, efficient building stock monitoring will require setting up a digital infrastructure to gather and analyse carbon declarations for new buildings. Sweden is currently the only Nordic country that has established a mandatory digital data reporting format and a database infrastructure for handling the data from carbon declarations. There are multiple registries and databases in the Nordic countries that provide relevant building information, but their content varies significantly. Available information on the building stock is not harmonised between countries and requires drawing from multiple different databases within each country. These differences complicate comparisons and modelling across countries.
Photo:  Mjøstårnet/Sweco
The strategies adopted by Nordic countries in the implementation of limit values differ in several respects. Regarding the coverage of carbon limit values, particular building types or sizes might be excluded, and different building types may have different limit values. The pace of the respective decarbonisation strategies (initial limit value and trajectory for its future revision) also differs. Denmark at first introduced a single limit value for all buildings exceeding 1,000 m2, with an easily achievable initial level, followed by a planned biennial revision. Based on the experiences gained from this initial limit value introduction, updated limit values, differentiated by building type and covering 85% of new construction in terms of building types and sizes, will be valid from July 2025. Sweden initially introduced a mandatory declaration without a limit value, which will be followed from July 2025 with ambitious limit values differentiated by building type, updated every five years.
Multiple differences are also apparent in the life cycle assessment (LCA) methods used in each country.  As a result, comparing assessments becomes more challenging, but there are numerous opportunities for harmonisation. The most important methodological differences relate to:
  • Covered assessment scope: the required scope for a declaration and a limit value may differ as a declaration can drive learning and include a more extended scope, while a strict limit value requires higher assessment quality and precision to ensure robust compliance with the regulation. Regarding building parts, the inclusion or exclusion of deep foundations, soil stabilisation, external works, internal finishes, fixed furniture and building services causes considerable variability. According to the revised EPBD, Level(s), which is currently undergoing some updates, will set the minimum requirements for the building model scope at least for the mandatory climate declarations from 2028, which might be further specified in a Delegated Act. It is unclear whether the binding carbon limits should be subject to the same minimum scope as declarations when they are introduced on an EU level in 2030. The definition and inclusion or exclusion or elements in the limit value scope may have an impact on the localisation of a new build. Thus, we find that particularly deep foundations and external works are aspects that warrant consideration with more detailed clauses in further updates of Level(s). In relation to the covered life cycle modules, most current declarations and limit values exclude some modules of the life cycle. A striking example is the Swedish declaration, which explicitly focuses on upfront embodied carbon (module A) in its first implementation. However, some countries have already planned to expand this scope, which also aligns with EPBD’s requirement for a full life cycle scope disclosure from 2028.
  • Building floor area definition: national floor area definitions differ in whether they include basements, balconies, circulation areas and external wall thickness. The EPBD and Level(s) framework use the notion of “useful floor area”, not yet used in any Nordic national framework.
  • Treatment of exported energy: The allocation of impacts and benefits from exported onsite energy production is expected to have two options according to the EN 15978 revision. The Nordics and Estonia can achieve harmonisation by choosing a common option.
  • Biogenic carbon reporting: Among the countries with a carbon declaration already in place, Sweden and Norway explicitly exclude biogenic emissions from the scope of the declaration, as they do not include C modules (end-of-life stage), while Denmark includes them (showing a negative value in module A and a corresponding positive value in module C). This is primarily a matter of transparency, as the total life cycle impact is similar (in the absence of discounting factors). However, it is unclear whether the Nordic countries will decide to introduce biogenic carbon reporting as separate information in future revisions of declaration methods, and whether this will be an aspect also addressed in the Delegated Act expected by mid of 2025. The revised EPBD text state that information on carbon removals associated with the temporary storage of carbon in or on buildings along the life cycle global warming potential (GWP) indicator may be declared in the energy efficiency certificate (see EPBD, Annex V).
  • Which future scenario(s) are considered for modules B and C: it is common to include a decarbonisation scenario for the energy mix in module B6, but assumptions taken as part of this scenario can affect the assessment results considerably. No Nordic national method considers future scenarios for the embodied part of B and C stages, but these have been considered in other initiatives. Relatedly, discounting factors can also be used to give a higher weight to emissions the earlier they happen, which considerably favours temporary biogenic carbon storage. Although this approach is not used in the Nordics, the French national method implements it.
  • Definition of conservative standard values for building systems and generic values for products: considerable differences are found between the various Nordic databases of generic product emission factors. Some of these differences can reflect actual differences in the supply chains of products used in each national market, but differences can partly be explained by how conservative generic factors are defined. For instance, Estonia and Finland use the average of a product sample plus 20%, Norway and Sweden use a 25% factor, and Denmark uses the upper quartile of an EPD sample instead.
As for bottom-up building stock monitoring, the level of national limit values for buildings’ GWP can be derived from LCA cases using an archetype approach or a sampling approach. It is particularly important to use a building sample that is representative of new construction to be able to draw reliable conclusions. Limit values can be defined as the X% percentile of the sample results, thus defining a certain share of current projects which would have to alter their design or material choice to meet the target. This is the rationale followed in Denmark, where the initial limit value was set as the 90th percentile of a building sample (i.e., 1/10 buildings must perform better), and the updated value for 2025 corresponds to the 15th percentile of an updated representative sample (i.e. 17/20 buildings must perform better). Considering that the recently established limits for 2025 are already within the range of current good practices, the latest agreement suggests that the limits for 2027 and 2029 will be lowered by approximately 10% compared to the previous limits, until more data is available regarding the impact of regulation.
The introduction and tightening of carbon limit values may have various complex economic, social and environmental consequences that require careful consideration. One direct consequence is the change in design and material choices in building projects. As limit values become stricter, optimised versions of conventional products will need to be developed, such as using alternative binders in concrete and changing production processes. However, if limit values are set too low to be achieved with optimised products, designers will have to alter the building designs. This can entail avoiding balconies or making changes to interior layouts. Importantly, there may be a shift towards using alternative materials, particularly bio-based materials, and an increase in timber construction if mineral materials cannot be sufficiently decarbonised. This has potential consequences for architectural identity, as well as for environmental indicators other than climate change, although data quality was found to be too low to draw robust conclusions for other impact categories. Importantly, to address the increased demand for wood products complementary policies and incentives are needed to mitigate potential adverse effects on land use, biodiversity and forest carbon storage. Efficient use of wood in construction would entail a cascading use of wood products, prioritising the use of timber in high-value engineered products and ensuring the possibility of future reuse and recycling by using reversible joints and non-chemical connections. Incineration should only be considered as a last resort. This should be combined with sufficiency measures on the demand side in order to avoid unnecessary material use. Finally, such changes also carry socio-economic implications, including potential cost increases in development projects and fluctuations in economic activity for construction material suppliers. For example, in Denmark, it is estimated that the construction cost for reducing the climate impacts of typical buildings to comply with the tighter limit values to be in effect in 2025 will lead to an increase of DKK 220/m2 (i.e. EUR 30/m2). The socio-economic consequences of such policy proposals must therefore be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and complementary measures to secure stakeholder support might play an important role when developing decarbonisation policies.