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Decarbonisation of the building stock

Authors: Maria Balouktsi, Kai Kanafani, Nicolas Francart, BUILD – AALBORG UNIVERSITY
Nicolaj Langkjær, Morten Ryberg, SWECO DK
Other contributors from project team:
Harpa Birgisdottir (BUILD), Endrit Hoxha (BUILD), Rasmus Nøddegaard Hansen (BUILD), Bjørn Rothmann (SWECO DK), Christine Collin (SWECO DK), Anna Joelsson (SWECO SWE), Inga Sjöberg (SWECO SWE), Anni Oviir (LCA Support), Alexandra Kjeld (EFLA), Karin Sjöstrand (SWECO NO), Isabel Segura (SWECO NO), Satu Kangas (SWECO FI), Kari Nöjd (SWECO FI)
Contributors from Expert Advisory Group:
Anna Rannisto, Arora Arnadottir, Britta Tipsmark Hougaard, Jonathan Leonardsen, Karen Allacker, Magnus Ulaner, Marianne Kjendseth Wiik, Martin Erlandsson, Martin Röck, Mikko Somersalmi, Pekka Vuorinen, Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir, Tove Malmqvist Stigell, Trine Lyng Madsen and Åsa Lindell
© Nordic Innovation 2024
Published: 05.09.2024
Cover photo: Nordic Sustainable Construction
Other photos: Nordic Sustainable Construction and Sweco

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This project is part of the Nordic Sustainable Construction programme initiated by the Nordic Ministers for Construction and Housing and funded by Nordic Innovation. For more information on Nordic Sustainable Construction, visit our website at nordicsustainableconstruction.com