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Reading guide

This report is structured into four chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of decarbonisation in the building sector within the EU and specifically the Nordic countries. Here is a guide to navigating through these chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Start with the introduction to understand the report’s context and the pivotal role of the built environment in shaping a sustainable future.

Chapter 2: Decarbonisation policies and current state of carbon declaration and limit values for buildings in EU and the Nordic countries

  • Read this chapter to gain an understanding of the landscape of decarbonisation policies that are currently in effect across the EU and the Nordic region.
  • Familiarise yourself with the existing frameworks for carbon declaration and the limit values for new buildings. This will provide a baseline for comparing the approaches of different countries.

Chapter 3: Monitoring building stock carbon emissions

  • In this chapter, explore the methods and systems used to monitor the carbon emissions of the building stock.
  • Understand the importance of data collection, data analysis and reporting in tracking the progress of decarbonisation efforts.
  • Learn about the challenges and considerations in creating a harmonised process for monitoring carbon.

Chapter 4: Development of carbon limit values

  • This chapter delves into the process of developing carbon limit values for new buildings.
  • Discover the factors that influence the setting of these limits, such as national conditions, climate, geography and market considerations.
  • Examine the potential impacts of these limits on the construction industry.
In each chapter blue boxes, like this, will guide the reader to understand key messages. The recommendations provided in this report are summarised at the beginning of the report.