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6. Methodology

The present study has mainly been based on desk research of available reports, policy documents and studies, interviews with policy makers, value chain representatives and experts, as well as existing knowledge and expertise among the authors.

Literature study 

The literature study has been threefold.  
  • Part 1 covered articles and reports from agenda-setting organisations, academic research studies and articles.  
  • Part 2 consisted of mapping of relevant policies and regulations at both a global, EU and national level.  
  • Part 3 focused on data related to the use of HFOs in different sectors and appliances in Nordic countries, as well as existing recovery systems/practices and end-of-life treatment options. 


As an essential supplement to the literature study, 26 phone-based or online interviews were conducted with Nordic and European policymakers, value chain representatives, and experts. An average of four interviews were carried out for each of the Nordic countries. In addition to the Nordic countries, Germany and Switzerland were included in the study, and interviews were conducted for both countries. The interviews were qualitative semi-structured interviews with thematic questions covering the following themes:
  • Current use and applications of HFOs
  • National regulations with relevance for the end-of-life treatment of gases and to what extent HFOs are sufficiently covered by the regulation.
  • The existing systems for recovering, collecting, recycling, reclaiming, or destroying HFOs from the following types of equipment or usages:
    • Auto sector
    • RACHP sector
    • Aerosol propellants
    • Foam-blowing agents.
  • Current barriers to ensuring proper waste disposal.


Selected stakeholders were invited to join a webinar to discuss the overall findings and gain their viewpoints on the following:
  • The current situation in the Nordic countries.
  • The way ahead for the Nordic countries.
  • Insights into which policies, regulations, and solutions they consider useful in light of their respective work or position in the value chain.
  • The prerequisites needed for well-functioning end-of-life systems and the current barriers that need to be tackled to ensure this.

Analyses and final report 

Part 1 of the report was prepared based on the desk research and interviews. Part 1 presents:
  • The global, EU and national regulations (based on part 2 of the literature study and the interviews)
  • An overview of the use of HFO, sector- and appliance-wise (based on part 3 of the literature study and the interviews)
  • The mapping of existing systems for recovery, collection, and treatment of HFOs in the assessed countries and by sector (based on part 3 of the literature study and the conducted interviews)
  • Assessments of barriers, weaknesses and strengths related to the recovery, collection, and treatment systems
  • Description of interlinkages between current systems for recovery and end-of-life treatment of ODS, HFC and HFO (based on part 3 of the desk research and the interviews).
Following the webinar, the final analyses, conclusions and recommendations were made, forming part 2 of the report:
  • Recommendations for measures for effective systems for the recovery, collection, and end-of-life treatment of HFO, both local and national