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4. Preface

This report presents results from the project ‘End-of-life treatment of Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) in the Nordics’. The project has been commissioned by the Nordic Working Group for Chemicals, Environment, and Health (NKE), and the Nordic Ozone Group and F-gas Group (NOFG) with the purpose of increasing knowledge of recovery options and end-of-life treatments for hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) across the Nordic countries. By doing so, it aims to facilitate the development of more sustainable and environmentally friendly approaches to handle these substances. Furthermore, the project aims to identify best practices and potential areas for improvement in HFO end-of-life management in alignment with the broader sustainability and environmental goals of the Nordic region. The report will support the objectives of the Programme for Nordic Co-operation on the Environment and Climate 2019–2024 under circular economy, climate change and air quality as well as chemicals – environment and health.
The report covers Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, as well as Germany and Switzerland. The inclusion of the two non-Nordic countries allows for an extended examination of HFO treatment practices, taking into account varying regulatory frameworks, waste treatment systems, and industrial contexts.
While finalising this report, the EU reached a provisional agreement on the revised F-gas Regulation on 5 October 2023. The new rules could become applicable in early 2024, depending on the formal endorsement.  
The project report is written by Amalie Engelbrecht Hansen, Adam Bergmann Andreasen, Amalie Børglum Ploug Olsen and Rikke Fischer-Bogason, Norion Consult, Morten Nikolaj Mandrupsen and Peter Hørning, the Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management. Other key contributors have played pivotal roles by providing insights through interviews and participating in a joint webinar. The collective expertise of the authors and the consulted stakeholders ensures the quality and relevance of the insights presented in the report.