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The following recommendations are aimed at advancing the development and implementation of gender-responsive climate policy in the Nordic countries. The recommendations are divided into the governmental levels of the Nordic cooperation, the national governments, and the municipal and local governments, respectively. 

The Nordic Co-operation

  • Develop indicators and targets aligned with UNFCCC Gender Action Plan for each of the focus areas outlined in the Commitment by the Nordic Council of Ministers under Generation Equality's Action Coalition: Feminist Action for Climate Justice and follow up by regularly evaluating the implementation process in the Nordic region. 
  • Establish a mechanism for regular collection of resources and best practices from Nordic countries, for instance every two years, demonstrating or supporting the implementation of the UNFCCC GAP. Translate existing relevant guides, tools, and other resources presented in this review from local languages to other Nordic languages and/or English for broader accessibility. These resources may be made available on the recently launched Knowledge Hub on Gender Equality and Green Transition, which, moreover, should be broadly promoted among stakeholders and policymakers at all levels across the Nordic countries.
  • Facilitate high-level cross-Nordic events, conferences, roundtables etc. with relevant Nordic ministers within both climate- and gender equality agendas to bring attention to the commitment and relevance of gender mainstreaming in climate policy- and action, and to discuss the Nordic experiences, efforts, challenges, and best practices in implementing the UNFCCC GAP.
  • Commission projects aimed at
    • collecting and analysing Nordic case examples demonstrating how gender mainstreaming efforts within the green transition supports the efficiency in reaching climate goals, and develop a case catalogue that showcases “the business case” on gender mainstreaming in climate policy through data and inspiring examples. 
    • investigating and documenting the consequences of climate change and resilience from an intersectional gender perspective within the Nordic region.
  • Integrate gender equality considerations into the application process for commissioned projects within the field of climate policy and green transition by setting up requirements for gender-responsive initiatives related to e.g. project team, project activities or objectives, as well as impact assessments and evaluations. 

National governmental level

  • Develop national strategies for implementing the UNFCCC GAP, i.e. for gender mainstreaming the implementation of the Paris Agreement, including the translation and formulation of activities, targets, and indicators within each of the five priority areas of the GAP. The strategy should include:
    • Clear allocation of responsibilities and resources for implementation
    • Guidelines to integrate gender equality into climate policy documents, such as individual sections in UNFCCC submissions and National Climate Action Plans. This involves systematically specifying how gender equality is embedded in the concept of ‘just transition’ in both a domestic and international climate policy context.
    • Activities aimed at fostering more gender balance within STEM education and professions.
    • Measures to enhance accountability, transparency, and monitoring of gender mainstreaming in climate policy.
  • Establish inter-ministerial working groups and appoint coordinators with high-level support and allocated resources (time and budget) for their work of gender mainstreaming in climate policy, specifically implementing the UNFCCC GAP in a national context, i.e., in both domestic and international climate policy contexts.
  • Ensure systematic and inclusive involvement and collaboration with external gender experts, including both inter-governmental- and non-governmental experts such as the Gender Equality Department and NGO’s, researchers, etc. in all phases of implementing the UNFCCC GAP, from knowledge building, to conducting analyses and assessments, to monitoring.
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing events, e.g. conferences, to engage relevant stakeholders, including those who can share knowledge and best practices, such as researchers, organisations, or regional, municipal, or other Nordic policymakers. Topics could include the relevance of integrating gender equality into domestic climate policy through concrete measures taken in Iceland, Sweden, or Finland.
The recommendations presented in the next section targeted regional and local levels, is largely also relevant and important to consider at a national governance level. 

Regional and local levels

  • Allocate time and resources to gather and utilise existing data in gender analysis and/or gender impact assessments within specific, delineated areas of climate policy, such as for instance infrastructural planning, to identify gender-specific concerns or impacts. To know more about gender analyses, see chapter 3.1 and 4.1.5.
  • Integrate gender equality indicators and targets into existing frameworks and networks focused on regional and municipal commitments and reporting on implementing the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030. Examples include Viable Cities (NO), DK2020 (DK), Nordic Transition Partnership for Climate Neutral Cities 2030 (NTP), C40 (global) or the Smart City program. 
  • Enhance knowledge sharing across regions and municipalities within and across the Nordic countries, for instance through networks like those mentioned above.
  • Provide training programmes, courses and/or workshops for staff to enhance their level of knowledge and competences in gender mainstreaming the green transition on regional and/or municipal level.