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10 web pages for citizens of the Nordic Region

Citizens and businesses in the Nordic Region can make use of several different resources and services to obtain information on how to make use of the possibilities to cross borders. Some services focus on a limited number of themes, while others are aimed primarily at users in a specific region. Info Norden engages in collaboration and dialogue with all of them, in order to best serve its users.

  1. Info Norden: The information service of the Nordic Council of Ministers, which provides information on moving, working, studying and starting a business throughout the Nordic Region, as well as on Nordic support schemes and the Nordic co-operation in general.
  2. Nordic Council of Ministers’ Border Database: A database of known border obstacles, maintained by the secretariat of the Freedom of Movement Council.
  3. Nordic eTax: An information service for persons who are resident in one Nordic country and earn an income in another. Jointly operated by the tax authorities in the Nordic countries.
  4. Grensetjänsten Norge-Sverige: Handles questions from people and companies with activities along the Norwegian-Swedish border.
  5. Gränstjänsten Sverige-Finland-Norge: Service based in Nordkalotten (Cap of the North) providing guidance and information about cross-border activities in the region.
  6. Øresunddirekt: Provides information to private individuals and companies in the Øresund Region. 
  7. Your Europe: The European Commission provides information about rights in the EU. Here you can contact the service Your Europe Advice, which is administered by the European Citizen Action Service.
  8. Eures: A collaboration between the employment services in the EU and the EEA. Administered by the European Labour Authority.
  9. SOLVIT: EU service that assists citizens and businesses when public authorities fail to comply with EU rules.
  10. Nordic Labour Journal: Journal on the labour market in the Nordic Region. Published by Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet (Work Research Institute), Oslo. Financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Info Nordens webside  - fra Årsrapport 2021 bw.jpg(Photo: Info Norden)