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10 arenas for co-operation

Info Norden cooperates and maintains networks with authorities, embassies and organisations throughout the Nordic Region. Moreover, Info Norden provides information services for all types of stakeholders. In 2023, Info Norden organised or contributed to 47 different events.

  1. Nordic embassies: In 2023, Info Norden maintained close contact with the Nordic embassies to exchange updates on Nordic mobility, legislative changes and the challenges that Nordic residents encounter when moving, working or studying in other Nordic countries. This contact contributed to improving the level of information for both the embassies and Info Norden on current issues faced by the citizens of the countries concerned. There are various ways of sharing knowledge with the embassies in each country.
  2. Freedom of Movement Council: In 2023, Info Norden held a meeting with the Freedom of Movement Council to discuss the current challenges facing Nordic residents, including issues relating to pensions, work, e-ID and the possibilities of being able to communicate digitally with the public authorities and carry out cross-border transactions throughout the Nordic Region. During the meeting, the possibility of updating the cooperation between Info Norden and the Freedom of Movement Council was also discussed, with a view to establishing common goals for a secure Nordic Region for both citizens and businesses. The aim was to strengthen the cooperation and improve the ability to assist each other.
  3. Editorial Group for Social Security Issues in the Nordic Region: Info Norden is part of a formalised collaboration with 13 social security authorities in the Nordic Region, which is responsible for Info Norden’s web articles on social security. The articles cover such topics as retirement, maternity leave, child benefits, unemployment benefits and housing benefits. Info Norden meets regularly with the authorities to ensure that the information is up-to-date and easily accessible.
  4. Swedish Parliamentary Committee on Social Insurance: Info Norden presented its work on mobility and border barriers in the Nordic Region to the Swedish Parliamentary Committee on Social Insurance. The focus was on information and challenges relating to social security and the future labour market, with remote and hybrid working. It was discussed how the Nordic labour market can attract digital nomads and ensure that people with permanent residence and work permits can make use of free mobility throughout the Nordic Region. The discussion also dealt with social security needs across the Region, and the role of the Committee in promoting an integrated Nordic Region through legislation.
  5. Re-start competence mobility: From 2021 to 2023, Info Norden was part of the reference group for the project Re-start Competence Mobility in the Nordic Region, which was led by the Nordic research centre Nordregio. The project concluded in 2023 with the publication of a policy brief under the title: “How can labour market mobility in the Nordic Region be increased?”
  6. Film about Info Norden’s services to Nordic residents: In 2023, Info Norden produced four short films about different aspects of the organisation’s services and operations: the web pages, the inquiry response service, the work on freedom of movement and Info Norden’s role in the Nordic co-operation. The videos provide Info Norden’s users and stakeholders with a concise, overall picture of the service. The videos were published on 9 July, the anniversary of the service’s inauguration, and, through paid marketing, they have been viewed approximately 564,000 times on Facebook and 174,000 times on YouTube.
  7. Anniversary events: On the occasion of the Info Norden anniversary, Info Norden and the NORDEN Association held the conference “The Nordic Region with and without borders” in Copenhagen, at which politicians, researchers and other actors examined the status of integration in the Nordic Region. The anniversary was also celebrated in connection with the Nordic Council Session in Oslo with, amongst others, the president of the Nordic Council, Jorodd Asphjell. 
  8. A visible part of the Nordic co-operation: Every year, Info Norden contributes to the official Nordic co-operation’s events and activities on Nordic Day and at democracy festivals in the Nordic countries. A major investment in 2023 was the activities on Nordic Day in Helsinki, where approximately 750 people participated in panel debates and other events. Info Norden contributed to the implementation of activities in the Nordic marquee at Arendal Week in Norway and Almedalen Week in Sweden, and at Copenhagen Night of Culture, Info Norden ran an information stand at the event in Nordens Hus.
  9. Social media: Info Norden uses social media to reach different target groups. Via Facebook, Nordic residents are informed of the relevant factors to consider when they relocate, work or study in another Nordic country. On the platform X, Info Norden maintains contact with stakeholders such as politicians, officials and actors from other organisations. In 2023, Info Norden also created a page on LinkedIn to reach new audiences among users and stakeholders. 
  10. Newsletters: Info Norden’s eight offices provide information on mobility in the Nordic Region through national newsletters, which are primarily aimed at partners, public authorities and politicians. The newsletters provide up-to-date information about Info Norden’s activities, as well as about mobility, border barriers, events and publications. In 2023, Info Norden published 15 newsletters, with a total of 3,200 recipients. 
 We at the Finnish Tax Authority and Nordic eTax value our cooperation with Info Norden. We receive information from Info Norden concerning, for example, current trends and questions from users about taxation in various situations, which means we can take these into account when developing our pages. Thank you for the good cooperation!
Iisa Väänänen, Finnish Tax Authority
Through the Editorial Group for Nordic Social Security Issues, the Swedish Pensions Agency has the possibility to reach more people with our information about how the Swedish pension system works, how individuals can influence their pensions, and how they can keep track of their future pensions. This is important to give people who contact Info Norden the chance to understand, anticipate and influence the pensions they earn in Sweden.
Alexandros Maditianos, Swedish Pensions Agency