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10 facts about mobility in the Nordic Region

Info Norden’s target groups include citizens who move or commute between the Nordic countries in order to work, study or establish a business. There are also residents of the Nordic countries who have previously worked and earned the right to a pension in another Nordic country, and citizens who are looking for information about obtaining citizenship in another Nordic country.

At the beginning of 2023, approximately 28,000,000 people were LIVING in the Nordic Region

At the beginning of 2023, approximately 451,000 were LIVING in a Nordic country other than the one in which they were born.

In 2022, approximately 38,000 people MOVED from one Nordic country to another.

In the DECADE between 2013 and 2022, approximately 411,000 people moved from one Nordic country to another.

Approximately 44,400 people live in one Nordic country and WORK in another

Approximately 10,400 students study in one Nordic country with STUDY SUPPORT from another.

Approximately 5,700 students make use of ERASMUS + or NORDPLUS between the Nordic countries.

Approximately 179,000 receive a PENSION from another Nordic country, because they have lived or worked there at some point in their lives.

In 2022, approximately 10,800 Nordic citizens were granted CITIZENSHIP in another Nordic country.

Info Norden’s 400 ARTICLES, which can be read in six languages, were VISITED 2.0 million times in 2023, and during the year Info Norden RESPONDED to 4,614 inquiries, of which 152 represented possible OBSTACLES to freedom of movement.
Info Norden is an important partner for the Youth League of the Finnish Norden Association (PNU) in relation to freedom of movement in the Nordic Region, such as questions relating to the taxation of summer jobs, student support or pensions. We cooperate to raise awareness of the excellent service that Info Norden can provide to anyone who relocates in the Region, and to discuss  current issues that arise,  and how we can work together to find solutions to communicate these. Info Norden’s work and support is invaluable to young people who relocate in the Nordic Region.
Jenny Tabermann, secretary general of the Youth League of the Finnish Norden Association