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In this project, the Nordcrawl tool was updated to calculate the latest savings from ecodesign and energy labelling policies in the Nordic countries, providing a current ‘snapshot’ calculation. Two calculation methods were used, and both were implemented on the online platform Nordcrawl, where assumptions and input data can be changed to produce alternative calculations.
In the top-down method, the estimated EU savings from the 2023 Ecodesign Impact Accounting (EIA) report were scaled down for the Nordic countries using updated, product-specific scales. In the bottom-up method, savings were calculated using the latest sales data, including from the new, rescaled energy labels introduced in 2021.
The study shows continued large savings from ecodesign and energy labelling in the Nordic countries. The updated top-down calculations estimate yearly primary energy savings in 2030 (with final energy savings in parentheses) of approximately the following:
Denmark: 27.52 TWh/year (16.34)
Sweden: 51.01 TWh/year (25.85)
Norway: 35.50 TWh/year (17.42)
Finland: 41.58 TWh/year (24.07)
Iceland: 1.93 TWh/year (0.97)