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Appendix 1: Questionnaire

The project leaders of the pilot projects answered the questionnaire in June-August 2022. The questionnaire consisted of the following questions:

Basic information

  • Name of the pilot project
  • Location (municipality, country)
  • Actual starting date (dd.mm.year):
  • Planned end date of the pilot project (dd.mm.year):
  • Contact person(s) and email:
  • At what stage is the NBS pilot now? Please describe with a few words where you are in the process.
  • What overall problem(s) does the project aim to solve? Summarize in 3-5 sentences.
  • Which type of solution(s) does the pilot include? Check all options that apply.
    • Conservation
    • Restoration
    • Sustainable use
    • Other (please fill in)

Planning the pilot

  • Type of NBS included in the pilot: Please describe your NBS concept briefly.
  • Have there been any substantial changes to the pilot project after the application was submitted?
  • If several partners are involved in the NBS pilot, what are the roles of the different partners? Explain briefly.
  • What was the background and reason for choosing this specific case (including topic, location) as a pilot? Explain briefly.
  • What are the anticipated overall key success factors of your pilot project? Describe briefly.
  • Are you using any NBS frameworks or guidelines for NBS planning, implementation and assessments?
    • Yes (describe briefly and include reference/link)
    • No
  • If several partners are involved in the NBS pilot, what are the roles of the different partners? Explain briefly.
  • What was the background and reason for choosing this specific case (including topic, location) as a pilot? Explain briefly.
  • What are the anticipated overall key success factors of your pilot project? Describe briefly.

Experiences so far

  • Are you using any NBS frameworks or guidelines for NBS planning, implementation and assessments?
    • Yes (describe briefly and include reference/link)
    • No
  • How and at which stages do you plan to engage civil society and NGOs in the pilot? Describe briefly and provide examples if relevant.
  • Are there any mechanisms in place to address possible conflicts of interest? Please describe briefly.
  • To what extent will the NBS pilot require maintenance?
    • Who is responsible for this?
    • How will this be taken care of (including funding) after the NCM project period?”
  • Considering the effects of the NBS in your pilot – what impacts do you expect it to have on:
Negative change
No change
Some improvement
Large improvement
Not sure
Climate change mitigation
Climate change adaptation
Disaster risk reduction
Economic and social development
Human health
Food security
Water security
Reducing environ­mental degradation
  • Please elaborate briefly on the most important expected benefits of the pilot NBS:
  • How are you planning to evaluate the NBS pilot? Please describe briefly (e.g. approach, data, timing, which aspects).
  • Have you defined key performance indicators (KPIs)? Describe which indicators and how you plan to track them.
  • What has worked well so far, and why? Please explain briefly.
  • What has been challenging so far, and why? Please explain briefly.
  • Is the implementation of the pilot enabled or supported by specific policies in your country (e.g., regulation, strategy, programme)? If so, please briefly provide details."