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Appendix 1: Interview guide

Part one – characteristics of a climate-neutral Nordic society

Note for interviewer: The questions in parentheses are supplementary and can be asked if the interviewee does not understand the question or require more direction.
Envision a Nordic region in the future where the five Nordic countries have achieved climate neutrality. I will now ask you a series of questions about this society. In part two of this interview, we will explore how this translates into changes in the everyday life of the citizens in this society. 
  1. What does this society look like? Can you elaborate a bit on the characteristics of this society? (What other characteristics than “climate neutral” can be used to describe this society?
  2.  What would you describe as the core qualities of this society?
  3. How different is this society from the one we know today? What are the biggest changes? (Are there changes to the way citizens act and behave – their lifestyles? Are there changes to the way companies act and behave? What is the political focus in the Nordic region/the Nordic countries?
  4. From where did the changes originate? (Bottom-up, top-down or a combination – who led/enabled/facilitated the transition to a climate neutral Nordic region?)
    a. Who were the key actors in the transition?
    b. What were the main instruments or initiatives?  
  5. Were other environmental and societal issues addressed while achieving climate neutrality – or solved as a consequence of achieving climate neutrality? If so, what are they? (Are the any positive externalities of achieving climate neutrality? Any negative?)

Part two – The climate neutral everyday life of citizens in the Nordic region

Note for interviewer: The interviewee’s experience and perspective might determine what categories are talked most about. Try to get through as many as possible while allowing the interviewee to focus on those areas that they have specific interest and expertise in. The questions are deliberately open-ended to avoid imposing our ideas of the future upon the interviewee. Feel free to challenge their vision however if there are inconsistencies of it clashes with the premise of climate-neutrality.
I will now ask you a series of questions on how everyday life are impacted by the transition to a climate neutral Nordic region. There might be areas that you have not thought about or have little interest in. If this is the case, just let me know, and we will spend the time on the other areas. 
1. Housing
  • Where do Nordic citizens live? (In the cities, on the countryside – is it different from today?)
  • How do they live? (How much living space do they have? Are there limits? What types of housing? Communities, shared spaces, etc.?)
  • What does their local area look like? (What is their access to services, transportation, nature etc.?)
2. Food
  • What does a typical meal look like for a Nordic citizen in your vision for a climate neutral Nordic region?
  • Where does the food come from? (Local, regional, national, imported, etc.; farmed, laboratory grown, etc.)
  • What is expensive and what is not? Why? (e.g. are food products priced after their environmental impact? Are there equal access to different kinds of foods products? Is there a limited consumption of specific foods? How is this enforced?)
3. Mobility
  • How does Nordic citizens move around on a day-to-day basis? What forms of mobility are typical?
  • For what is mobility used? (Is it easier or harder to transport yourself in a climate neutral Nordic region?)
4. Consumer goods
  • What are the consumption patterns of the Nordic citizens? (Do they buy new/used? Is it easy to get your things repaired if they break?)
  • Where are the consumer goods produced? (In the Nordic region or elsewhere?)
  • How do companies in the Nordic region contribute to climate neutrality?
5. Leisure
  • How much time do Nordic citizens have for leisure activities in your vision for climate neutral Nordic region? What do they spend the time on?
  • What is their relationship to nature? (How do they use the natural environment? Is it similar to today, different?)
6. Final questions and remarks
  • In your envisioned climate neutral Nordic region, what has been the biggest quality of life improvement relative to today?
  • What has been the biggest challenges for the individual citizen?
  • Any other remarks on your vision for a climate neutral Nordic society?