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BIM-based building LCA – Instructions for material inventory for normative climate declarations  

Authors: Rita Lavikka, Mikko Kouhia, Martin Excell, Tomi Henttinen, Markku Kiviniemi, Tero Järvinen, Minna Salonsaari, Anna-Riitta Kallinen, Katja Maununaho and Tiina Vainio-Kaila
Other contributors: Tarja Häkkinen, Charlotte Nyholm, Tytti Bruce-Hyrkäs, Jan Karlshoej, Oddbjørn Dahlstrøm Andvik, Alexander Borg, Iselin Idunn Østvedt, Anni Oviir, Charlotta Malmén and Maximilian Von Bahr
© Nordic Innovation 2024
This project is part of the Nordic Sustainable Construction programme initiated by the Nordic ministers for construction and housing and funded by Nordic Innovation. For more information on Nordic Sustainable Construction, visit our website at nordicsustainableconstruction.com
Cover photo: Rita Lavikka
Published: 11.09.2024

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