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Nordic Added Value in Inter-ministerial Nordic Co-operation

Editor and Research Co-ordinator:
Frederik Forrai Ørskov
Contributions from:
Frederik Forrai Ørskov
Tuire Liimatainen
Essi Turva
Emilia Berg
Hasan Akintug
Project leader:
Peter Stadius
Advisory board:
Ruth Hemstad
Norbert Götz
Johan Strang


The editor and research co-ordinator would like to thank the project contributors for their dedicated involvement in the project, the project leader and members of the advisory board for their comments and advice throughout the project, as well as the interviewees who have shared their insights with members of the project group.
The project has been funded through NordForsk by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The content of this report does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or recommendations of NordForsk nor of the Nordic Council of Ministers.