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The author thanks the Nordic Working Group for Oceans and Coastal Areas (NHK) at the Nordic Council of Ministers for funding the project. This work was done as a collaboration between many participants. Eva Björkman and Klas Magnusson at Levande Hav AB where indispensable in their knowledge of the activated limestone and where the central cog in this project. We would like to thank Rosita Broström at Ålands Fiskodlareförening and the staff at Storfjärdens Fisk AB for arranging the field campaign and helping us collect the sediment cores. Johanna Tanhuanpää and Patricia Wiklund at Invenire were inspiring sounding boards in framing the scope of the project. Jonas Gunnarsson at Stockholm University kindly provided sampling equipment and laboratory space. A special thank you to Divya Pal and Roshan Prabhakar, also at Stockholm University, who helped with field sampling and laboratory work. Finally, Elias Broman at Stockholm University was swift and clear in his review of the manuscript.
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