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Appendix 2. List of interviewees


Jane Sandberg, Head of Unit, Recruitment and Staffing Unit, Region Gotland, 1 September 2023
Eva Flemming, Head of Unit for Labour and Establishment, Education and Labour Administration, Region Gotland, 14 September 2023
Ann-Mari Eklund, HR chef, Snellman, 2 October 2023
Magnus Larsson, CEO, Mc Donald’s Visby, 30 August 2023
Susanne Nielsen, HR Manager, Scandic Pelagic, 11 September 2023
Rasa Bartasiunene, Manager, Blåveis Department, 23 August 2023
Erla María Sigurðardóttir, HR Manager, Kronan, 23 August 2023
Nordic hotel chain in Molde, 11 October 2023
Catharina Van Den Houwe, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Leader, IKEA Finland, 3 October 2023

Intermediary organisations in the labour market

Emma Klöcker-Gatzwiller, Project manager, Lige Adgang association, Denmark, 24 August 2023
Leo Sjökvist, Commercial Excellence Manager, Just Arrived, staffing agency, Sweden, 27 September 2023
Veronica Hertzberg, Team Leader, Luckan Integration association, Finland, 29 September 2023
Aicha Manai, CEO, Startup Refugees, NGO, Finland, 19 June 2023
Karin Heri, Country Director Sweden, Tent Partnership for Refugees, foundation, Sweden, 3 October 2023
Jenny Flennemo, Business Development Manager, Manpower Matching, staffing agency, Sweden, 10 October 2023
Emma Barslund Fosse, Chief consultant, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), 16 June 2023

Nordic Expert Group on Labour Market Integration of Refugees and Migrants

Sara Glahder Lindberg, KL - Local Government Denmark, 8 November 2023