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Recommen­dations for further work

Enhanced cooperation of Nordic customs authorities to ensure:

  • implementation of useful, enriched, and structural data on waste shipments in common digital system for European customs
  • that experiences from the customs frontline is addressed during implementation of new regulation waste shipments and underlying legal acts, including sharing of risk profiles, unwanted incidents, and current problematic shipments.
  • harmonization of supervision, risk profiles, categorization, data registration, investigation, and legal enforcement.
  • collaboration on efficiency through implementation investments in technology, such as:
    • NIR-scanners and scanners
    • Data analysis and machine learning on structural data to improve the efficiency of inspections combining cargo-weight, information on exporters, data on waste photo recognition and radiographs etc.

Enhanced Nordic cooperation for statistical methodology:

  • to follow up on UNITARs work on plastic-keys and decide on how the Nordics best can contribute with data in general and Nordic-specific information.
  • ensuring that the Nordics follow a common methodology on data reporting on
  • primary-, semi-finished- and finished-, waste- plastics.
  • contributing to developing harmonized waste reporting, including common and fact-based recycling rates and rates on process-loss in the value chains.
  • to map what data on waste from large industries that are easily available on what format to implement cost-effective, automated reporting schemes with sufficient data collection and reporting requirements.
  • to standardize methods for waste analysis to get better insight into large waste streams like the construction sector and industry.

Enhanced Nordic cooperation on environmental agency level to ensure:

  • product passes provide more information on polymer composition, additives, source and use throughout the value chain to enable closed loop recycling.
  • measures are implemented to improve information flow and connect providers and demanders of plastic feedstock and recycled plastic with matching needs.
  • supporting the need of improved incentives for recycled plastics