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Appendix B - Sampling manual for road run-off

General sampling strategy 

Sampling site selection

The Joint Nordic Screening group have selected the sites relevant for their countries.

Homogeneity of samples

The sample represents a snapshot. and due to different sites and possible weather condition during sampling the homogeneity of the samples will vary.


The sample protocol must be filled in and sent to NILU. together with the sample and/or by e-mail. If the documentation is filled out in the field. we recommend taking a photo of it as backup. An explanation should be given if variables are left blank. There must be a clear connection between the labels on the sample containers and the documentation.
If possible. add responsible person/​persons in the form.

Sampling equipment

NILU will ship precleaned bottles to the participants together with aluminum foil to put under the cap. To transfer solid samples (snow. sediments or soils) into the bottles use precleaned spoons or spatulas. 

How to sample

Contact between the sample and rubber materials (including rubber gloves) should be avoided at all times.
Road run-off water should be sampled close to the road. If possible. road run-off should be sampled during heavy rain events.
Do not fill the bottle more than ¾ full to avoid bursting of the bottles during freezing.
Snow samples should be taken from the bottom layer of the snow. i.e.. close to the road surface.

Sample storage

After sampling the bottles should be kept in a dark place and. if possible. frozen to limit transformation of compounds.

Sample shipment

The samples should be shipped to NILU as soon as possible.
If the street address is required for shipment. please use:
Hjalmar Johansens gate 14.
9007 Tromsø
Attn: Linda Hanssen. Phone: + 47 92 88 72 91
Also. do not forget to add a proforma invoice with the shipment.
We would advise you to mark the shipment with:
Picture 1.png

Sampling information for NMR Screening. tire wear particles

NILU ID on bottle:
Customer ID:
Sample material:
Date and time:
Site (description. GPS coordinates)
Sample volume:
Water temperature:
Road salts used in the area?
Precipitation amount in the last 24 h:
Transport temperature after sampling:
Observations/deviations from sampling procedure:
Storage date:
Storage temperature:
Special observations:
Date sample sent:
Shipping temperature:
Date sample received*:
Condition upon arrival*:
Special observations*:
* To be filled in by NILU