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This report has been prepared by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) in cooperation with the Perspectives Climate Group as a project partner. It is a follow-up study on an earlier report from 2021 concentrating on barriers to BECCS (TemaNord 2021:538).
The overall purpose of this project has been to to analyse regulatory aspects in relation to CCS (including BECCS and Direct Air CO2 Capture and Storage, so called DACCS) development and deployment that are of relevance in the Nordic context. The regulatory environment for CCS in the Nordic countries has developed significantly over the past years. In addition, significant developments have taken place at the international level.  Regulatory obstacles and barriers still remain according to the report. In addition to an enabling regulatory environment, sufficient financial incentives are necessary for investments in CCS to take place.
The report highlights the cross border nature of CCS activities. Also the need for exchange of information between the Nordic countries seems obvious according to the findings. These conclusions point into the direction of a need to consider institutional arrangements on the Nordic level to deal with CCS activities of mutual interest.
Comments and inputs to the report have been provided by Members of the Nordic Working Group for Environment and Economy (NME) during the preparation of the report. The authors of the report are responsible for the content as well as the assessments and recommendations, which do not necessarily reflect the views and the positions of the governments in the Nordic countries.
May 2023
Magnus Cederlöf
Chair of the Nordic Working Group for Environment and Economics