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This report is developed under the Nordic Networks for Circular Construction (NNCC) programme, aiming to accelerate the implementation of the best circular economy practices in the Nordic construction sector. The programme contributes to the Nordic Vision 2030 of becoming the leading region in sustainable and competitive construction and housing with minimised environmental and climate impact. It aims to accelerate circular construction in the Nordic countries through collaboration, peer-to-peer learning and standard metrics. Deliveries include analysing the state of circularity of the Nordic sector, building new networks, defining the Nordic construction culture in relation to the New European Bauhaus, disseminating best practices, and influencing European collaboration. The programme runs from 2023-2025 and consists of the following focus areas:
  • WORK PACKAGE 2: Barriers and opportunities
  • WORK PACKAGE 3: Measuring progress
  • WORK PACKAGE 4: Cultural change
  • WORK PACKAGE 5: Dissemination
  • WORK PACKAGE 6: National fora for circular construction 
  • WORK PACKAGE 7: Study on Green Public Procurement as a lever for circular economy
This report concludes Work Package 3, which specifically aims to establish a common Nordic framework for monitoring circularity in construction.
Norion Consult carried out the project with partners from NORSUS, Ethica, Chalmers University, and TRE Rådgivende Ingeniører og Biologer. The Finnish Ministry of Environment supervised the project and ensured compatibility with the overall programme. Finally, indispensable input and feedback were received through interviews and workshops from approximately 100 sector experts.
Bjørn Bauer, Norion – Project Director
Simon Claësson Kaarsberg, Norion – Project Manager
Leonardo Rosado, Chalmers University
Tuuli Kassi, Ethica
Maria Ekblad, TRE
Regina Skattenborg, Norsus

For more information on Nordic Networks for Circular Construction, visit our website here: https://nordiccircularconstruction.com/