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The following statistics describe the overall distribution of the indicators.

Long list of indicators

  • Academic Laboratories involved with research on CE (or sustainability in regard to CE) in the C&D sector. (e.g., research in building design for CE, research on innovative building materials).
  • Accessibility for recycling.
  • Adaptability and flexibility in new buildings.
  • Adoption of circular business models.
  • Amount of unrecoverable CDW.
  • Amount of waste that is recycled as the same material (TR6).
  • Amount of waste treated for energy recovery.
  • Architecture companies/bureaux designing/working with re-usable building components.
  • Ashes from energy recovery treatment are recycled as a building material. (TR26)
  • Awareness level of CE among the public.
  • Bill of quantities, materials and lifespans.
  • Biodiversity.
  • Building materials with EPDs available.
  • Building materials with Material Passport.
  • Buildings in use certified by selected certification schemes.
  • Buildings where the potential for reuse in construction projects is analysed is higher than 90%.
  • Buildings, where building materials are screened before demolition.
  • Built-up area.
  • Business engagement in waste prevention and reuse.
  • Businesses with a certified environmental.
  • C&D SME investment per year in resource efficiency activities.
  • C2C Material Health Assessment Methodology.
  • Capacities developed and trained in CE for CDW management.
  • Carbon footprint in the construction sector.
  • Chemical material connections.
  • Chemically hazardous materials.
  • Circular challenges and other initiatives from the public sector.
  • Circular material use rate: The circular material use (CMUR) is defined as the ratio of the circular use of materials to the overall material use.
  • Circularity properties of buildings.
  • Circularity properties of components and materials.
  • Circularity properties of rehabilitation projects.
  • Co-creation and co-production (i.e. participatory design).
  • Collaboration with other industries.
  • Collected household waste used as construction material. (TR31).
  • Components sized to suit the means of handling.
  • Construction and demolition waste / GDP in the construction sector.
  • Construction and demolition waste and treatment.
  • Construction industries involved in industrial symbiosis.
  • Construction industries receiving financial support towards BCDW circularity.
  • Construction waste recycled by fractions.
  • Contribution of recycled material to raw materials demand.
  • Courses available on CE in the universities.
  • CPI (Circular economy Performance Indicator.
  • Design for adaptability and renovation.
  • Design for deconstruction, reuse and recycling.
  • Design for disassembly.
  • Design for material reuse/durability (reusability or resource-efficiency).
  • Design support tools availability.
  • Designed for attachment and trust.
  • Designed for minimum resource input Designed for emissions minimisation.
  • Designed for minimum waste generation.
  • Designed for recovery (i.e. material or components).
  • Designed for upgrade.
  • Development programs put in place for CE in the construction sector.
  • Disassembly Effort Index.
  • Disassembly requires only common tools and equipment.
  • Domestic extraction of resources + Import (measured in Raw Material Equivalents)".
  • Domestic extraction of resources + Import (measured in RME) – Export (measured in RME) = DMI – Export (measured in RME)".
  • Domestic Material Consumption (DMC): Domestic extraction of resources + Import – Export.
  • Domestic Material Input (DMI): Domestic extraction of resources + Import .
  • Durability and quality of new buildings.
  • Ease of maintenance and cleaning in new buildings.
  • Eco-innovation index.
  • Economic value of the resources used and the value at the time they are reintroduced into the system.
  • Efficient use of water resources.
  • Embodied Carbon.
  • Embodied Energy.
  • Employees in CE-oriented organisations.
  • End-of-life management/end-of-life recycling input rates.
  • End-of-life recycling input rate (EOL-RIR): The indicator measures, for a given raw material, how much of its input into the production system comes from recycling of "old scrap”, i.e. scrap from end-of-life products. The EOL-RIR does not take into account scrap that originates from manufacturing processes ("new scrap").
  • End-of-life recycling input rates (EOL-RIR) (percentage).
  • End-of-life recycling input rates (EOL-RIR), aluminium.
  • Energy usage from the total life cycle.
  • Environmental costs (costs of exhaustion, water pollution, CO2 emissions, toxicity, and land use).
  • Environmental friendly design: The ratio of products and services being eco-labelled with the Nordic Swan.
  • Environmental friendly design: The revenue from the eco-label, the Swan.
  • Environmental tax revenues as a share of total revenues from taxes and social contributions.
  • EVR (Eco-cost value ratio).
  • Exhibitions or projects held concretely demonstrating CE strategies in the built environment (e.g., reuse in building construction, architecture/design with reused elements).
  • Existing value lost (output).
  • Expansion material inputs.
  • Expected building lifetime  (new buildings).
  • Expected impact of industrial symbiosis and sharing economy.
  • Expected lifespan of utilised products, compared to the average life span of status-quo products in the same application.
  • Few hazardous materials.
  • Fines on landfilling.
  • Flexibility of technical solutions in new buildings.
  • Frequency of recycling and quantity of CDW recycled.
  • Frequency of reuse and quantity of CDW reused.
  • Freshwater abstraction by source and sector.
  • Fully devalued (waste) materials produced after each use cycle (lower is better).
  • Generation of municipal waste per capita.
  • Google Search popularity of terms such as "circular economy", "circular construction", "sustainable construction" and similar.
  • Green deals.
  • Green Public Procurement: Circular economy criteria in GPP.
  • Green Public Procurement: The share of public tenders (being subject to EU procurement law), which include environmental elements.
  • Green suppliers.
  • Gross additions to stock (GAS).
  • Gross investments in tangible goods (percentage of GDP at current prices).
  • Hazardous waste in the construction sector.
  • High-value recycling.
  • Impact on the environment.
  • Imports in raw material equivalents.
  • Initial investment costs.
  • Initial value (input) of materials.
  • Innovative schemes for CE developed by the government for CDW management.
  • Investments: In material goods (in circular sectors) defined as investments in all material goods (in circular indicators) as a share of GDP in the year of reference.
  • Investors/real estate project owners or investments in circular buildings or circular real estate projects.
  • Joints and materials withstand repeated use (durability).
  • Land use change, index.
  • Land-use: Share of preserved areas versus industrial purposes.
  • Leadership development programs set in place to raise greater awareness among individuals involved with the construction process and develop individuals (in relation to CE).
  • Life cycle Global Warming Potential.
  • Lifetime of the material in the anthroposphere.
  • Lightweight materials.
  • Longevity of buildings and components.
  • Maintenance material inputs.
  • Management systems adapted within building sector companies, e.g. EMAS / ISO".
  • Material Circularity Indicator (MCI).
  • Material circularity indicator CIRC (actual cumulative service in per cent of maximal service).
  • Material efficiency score: SMEs, resource efficiency and green markets.
  • Material outputs from stock.
  • Material rejected for material recycling used for energy recovery.
  • Material stocks (MS)of non-metallic minerals.
  • Material stocks (MS)of non-metallic minerals.
  • Materials available for the next cycle (output).
  • Materials collected and resold by retailers.
  • Materials lost (output).
  • Materials restored and their quality: Contamination, Tramp element content.
  • Materials used (in-put).
  • Materials with local high-value recycling potential after each use cycle (lower is better).
  • Metals recycled from waste ashes from energy recovery treatment.
  • Mineral depletion indicator.
  • Minimisation of waste on construction sites.
  • Modular design.
  • Municipalities with circularity goals regarding municipal buildings.
  • National standards under CEN / TC 350/SC.
  • Net additions to stock (NAS).
  • New buildings certified within a sustainability system (DGNB, Svanemærket, etc.).
  • New construction projects applying Building Information Modelling (BIM) for the assessment of materials flows.
  • Number of EPDs for “circular” materials.
  • Number of EU Taxonomy-aligned buildings.
  • Often divided into fossil energy, non-metallic minerals, metallic minerals, biomass, others.
  • Open buildings system.
  • Origins of the materials used.
  • Patents related to recycling and secondary materials.
  • Per capita stock expansion.
  • Platforms for exchange/sales of reused building materials.
  • Platforms: (Extra) utilisation of (public) buildings monitored via platforms.
  • Platforms: Activity or frequency level of products/materials reuse platforms (number of times people visit the platform page, number of times people offer reusable products, number of times architects/designers buy from these reuse platforms).
  • Platforms: Material efficiency audit data collected through digital platform.
  • Platforms: Online social collaboration platforms that bring together CE organisations and members of those organisations worldwide, enabling more collaboration, sharing, and overall communication.
  • Platforms: Utilisation of secondary resources through 3rd party platforms.
  • Platforms: Variability of reusable elements collected, offered on reuse platforms and available for designers to choose from Reverse logistics and take back schemes set in place.
  • Position in the waste hierarchy. Total waste generation is multiplied by a step value for each step in the waste hierarchy to produce a score value of the position of a given waste system in the waste hierarchy.
  • Private investments, jobs, and gross value added related to circular economy sectors.
  • Product-Level Circularity Indicator.
  • Product, components, and material retention rate.
  • Products and components collected for reuse by the municipality or NGOs at recycling stations or reuse areas.
  • Provision for ‘realistic’ tolerances for assembly and disassembly.
  • PSS solutions within the sector (market share).
  • Quality in new buildings.
  • Raw Material Consumption (RMC).
  • Raw Material Input (RMI).
  • Recirculated economic value from EoL components over total product value.
  • Recovery rate of construction and demolition waste.
  • Recyclability of component.
  • Recycled content in buildings.
  • Recycled material value/resale value.
  • Recycled materials as part of the total amount of raw materials for construction.
  • Recycling efficiency rate.
  • Recycling rate of all waste, excluding major mineral waste: (Recycled waste / treated waste).
  • Recycling rate of municipal waste: The share of municipal waste being recycled of the total waste amount.
  • Recycling rate within the C&D sector for a range of fractions, including overall packaging, plastic packaging, packaging based on wood, electronic waste, biowaste and construction and demolition.
  • Refurbishment rate.
  • Rehabilitation projects with reuse of buildings at least 20%.
  • Rejected material for material recycling sent to landfill.
  • Repairability (availability of repair manuals or spare parts or products designed for maintenance).
  • Resource productivity in construction.
  • Resource security: kg resources extracted per kg DMI.
  • Resource- and carbon footprints.
  • Reuse generated by reuse operators or households.
  • Reuse in public works.
  • Reuse potential assessed through digital material passport of buildings.
  • Reuse potential indicator (RPI) assesses based on current technologies if a material is seen as material or waste.
  • Reused material of total C&D waste.
  • Reversible mechanical connections.
  • Roadmaps for CDW management availability.
  • Robustness of new buildings.
  • Running and replacement costs.
  • Scientific articles on CE in buildings.
  • Self-sufficiency for raw material.
  • Self-sufficiency for raw materials, aluminium.
  • Self-sufficiency in renewable energy.
  • Separated in many different types of waste from construction, including all types of hazardous waste."
  • Service generated by material consumption.
  • Servitisation (i.e. product service system).
  • Share of certified building projects.
  • Simplicity in construction: The number of connections (lower is better).
  • Simplicity in construction: The number of different material types (lower is better).
  • Simplicity in construction: The numbers different types of connections (lower is better).
  • Sorting of waste at construction sites.
  • Structured Facility Management documentation in new buildings.
  • Students applying for CE-related studies at university.
  • Supply chain footprint of regenerative flows.
  • Targets in place regarding public  buildings (e.g. repurpose).
  • Taxes on landfilling (amount/ton of waste).
  • TCA in new buildings.
  • The degree to which CE infrastructures are in place.
  • The impact of extraction of raw materials.
  • The ratio of virgin materials to recycled, re-used or rapidly renewable materials.
  • The use of renewable, recycled and sustainable raw materials in new buildings.
  • Times of Use of a Material (NTUM).
  • Total renovations vs demolition and new buildings.
  • Trade in recyclable raw materials: Between EU-states.
  • Trade in recyclable raw materials: Export of recyclable raw materials from non-EU countries.
  • Trade in recyclable raw materials: Import of recyclable raw materials from non-EU countries.
  • Trained environment- and resource-coordinators.
  • Treatment of hazardousness mineral waste from construction by waste management option.
  • Treatment of waste by waste category, hazardousness and waste management operations.
  • Turnover from reused construction- and demolition materials sold by retailer.
  • Urban waste management costs.
  • Use of cement per m2 created.
  • Use stage energy performance.
  • Utilisation rate of existing building stock.
  • Value available for the next cycle (output).
  • Value-based resource efficiency (VRE).
  • Virgin mineral materials produced and used in the building sector.
  • Voluntary collaboration towards CE for CDW.
  • Waste amounts treated as landfill, including waste rejected from other fractions.
  • Waste amounts treated by energy recovery, including waste rejected from other fractions.
  • Waste amounts treated by material recovery, including waste rejected from other fractions.
  • Waste amounts used as construction material, including waste rejected from other fractions.
  • Waste and resource management.
  • Waste being deposited.
  • Waste being generated from the construction sector.
  • Waste from building site.
  • Waste from construction, renovation and demolition activities.
  • Waste material used in the production of new materials (roofing felt, concrete, gypsum, wood chipboards, Rockwool).
  • Waste materials being recycled. Separated in a large number of different types of waste from construction, including all types of hazardous waste.
  • Waste materials ratio to reusable and/or recyclable materials generated when a building is refurbished or demolished.
  • Waste materials treated for energy recovery from the construction sector. Separated into many different types of waste from construction, including all types of hazardous waste.
  • Waste produced in the city.
  • Waste that is recycled as construction material, backfill and landfill cover.
  • Waste volumes from the construction sector in relation to value-added, goods procurement, production and turnover within the same sector.
  • Water productivity.
  • Water usage in the use phase.
  • Water use: Amount of used water in relation to accessible water.
  • Water, land, material footprints, or a combination thereof (footprint dashboard).
  • Workshops and exhibitions: Visitors at exhibitions and workshops regarding circular construction.
  • Workshops: Different partners from the construction industry/built environment sector addressed by CE workshops brought together, attending, and addressed by CE workshops.