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Thriving of all species

The interaction between nature and humanity is a critical focus in today's world. As we have distanced ourselves from nature, it's crucial to understand that in the Earth's ecosystem, one cannot take without also giving back. Creating a better balance is imperative, necessitating a holistic approach to living, dwelling, and cultivating for the thriving of all species.
Establishing a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve is one way to initiate local collaboration to strengthen the interactions with environments that sustain both nature and people. Biosphere Reserves are designed to deal with one of the most important questions the world faces today: How can we reconcile the conservation of biodiversity, the quest for economic and social development and the maintenance of associated cultural values?
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The Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme has laid the scientific foundation for a new harmony between humans and their environment – one that reconciles conservation and development and teaches us how to live with the living world in the living world, rather than at its expense.
Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO