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Key messages from the GBF to the UNESCO biosphere reserves

What are the key messages from the Global Biodiversity Framework to the UNESCO biosphere reserves and how can the GBF contribute to improve the quality of the MAB programme?
The Global Biodiversity Framework conveys several essential messages to the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) Program, aligning with its goals and strategies:
  1.  Urgency of Biodiversity Conservation: The framework emphasizes the critical need to conserve biodiversity globally. It underscores the urgency of actions required to halt biodiversity loss and promote ecosystem restoration, a message that resonates with the core function of biosphere reserves.

    Targets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.  
  1. Holistic Approach to Conservation: Kunming-Montreal Framework stresses the importance of holistic approaches to biodiversity conservation, integrating conservation efforts with sustainable development. Biosphere reserves, with their emphasis on balancing conservation and human activities, are well-positioned to exemplify this integrated approach.
    Targets: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 16
  1. Community Engagement and Participation: The framework highlights the significance of engaging local communities and indigenous people in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Biosphere reserves, known for their community-based approach, can further promote active community participation and empowerment in conservation efforts.
    Targets: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22 & 23
  1. Science, Research, and Knowledge Sharing: Emphasizing the importance of science-based decision-making, the framework encourages research, innovation, and knowledge sharing. Biosphere reserves serve as living laboratories, fostering scientific research, and facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices among stakeholders.
    Targets: 20 & 21
  1. Policy Support and Implementation: The Kunming-Montreal Framework urges policy coherence and effective implementation at national and international levels. Biosphere reserves can advocate for policy alignment, offering practical models for policymakers and supporting the translation of global biodiversity goals into actionable local initiatives.
    Targets: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20
  1. Collaboration and Networking: The framework promotes collaboration, partnerships, and networking among various stakeholders. Biosphere reserves, with their networks of reserves across the world, can strengthen collaborations, exchange experiences, and enhance cooperation towards achieving shared biodiversity conservation goals.
    Targets: All

In summary, the Global Biodiversity Framework emphasizes the importance of urgent and holistic actions for biodiversity conservation, aligning closely with the principles and strategies of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program. It reinforces the need for community engagement, science-based approaches, policy support, and collaborative efforts, all of which are integral to the MAB's mission of fostering sustainable relationships between people and their environments.