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About this report and Nordic food environments and behaviour change project

This report is part of the Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems project, under the Nordic Sustainable Lifestyles programme, initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Specifically, the report is written as part of the Nordic Food, Environments, and Behaviour Change sub-project, managed by Nordregio, aiming to provide a knowledge base of effective policies for implementation in the Nordic countries. These policies are designed to initiate the necessary structural changes to enable sustainable and healthy consumption, underscoring its importance as a crucial element of the broader initiative to promote healthy and sustainable food systems.
Leneisja Jungsberg, Research Team Leader, Nordregio
Anna Berlina, Research consultant, Nordregio
Louise Ormstrup Vestergård, Research fellow, Nordregio
Hjördis Guðmundsdóttir, Research fellow, Nordregio 
Øydis Ueland, Senior researcher, Nofima
Sofia Strömgård, Communications advisor, Nordregio
Nordic Council of Ministers
Jonathan Eng, Project Leader, Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems, Nordic Council of Ministers and Elisabet Skylare, Senior Advisor, Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems, Nordic Council of Ministers