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This appendix provides a printable summary of the guidelines for reducing emissions from construction sites. The intention with this appendix is to provide a quick reference for the key points outlined in the main document.
The summary has been designed for easy printing and distribution among team members and stakeholders. It can be used during planning, training, and operational activities to ensure that all personnel are informed about the critical aspects of the guidelines.

Guidelines for EFCS planning and design

Here are the key points to keep in mind in EFCS planning and design.
Urban planning and infrastructure
  • Consider the necessity of the project and explore alternatives to a new building
    • Repurpose existing buildings
  • Strategic selection of project locations
    • Minimise transportation distances and earthworks
    • Prioritise accessibility to existing road infrastructure, electricity grid, water supply network, etc.
  • Ensure the availability of clean energy sources from the outset
  • Plan the order of new infrastructure to ensure that essential utilities are in place from an early stage
  • Schedule construction activities to coincide with the seasons
  • Allocate designated areas for sorting and storing building materials and waste
Building materials
  • Select building materials that result in minimal waste
  • Select building materials that reduce energy consumption
  • Use prefabricated components designed for disassembly in mind
  • Specify exact material requirements
  • Prioritise local materials
  • Write a detailed project specification to ensure proper material use
Excavated material
  • Develop and implement a mass disposal plan early on in the project
  • Prioritise the local reuse and recycling of excavated materials
  • Minimise the transportation of bulk materials through optimised design and planning
  • Follow sustainable soil management guidelines to reduce environmental impact and emissions
For more information on procurement for emission-free construction projects, see Chapter 3 of the Guidelines for Emission-free Construction Sites.
Nordic Sustainable Construction 2024

Guidelines for EFCS procurement

Here are the key points to keep in mind during EFCS procurement.
  • Expect extra time and cost
  • Establish goals that align with the organisation’s strategies
  • Engage with potential contractors
Suggested criteria
Application of bonuses:
  • A bonus is awarded for every sub-module that is evaluated (where generic figures are not used).
  • A bonus is awarded for reducing emissions from A4 and A5 by XX%. The bonus amount can be connected to a calculated carbon price.
Award criteria:
  • Quality points are awarded for reducing emissions from A4 and A5, with the percentage attributed to price not exceeding 60%. One quality point is awarded for each 10% reduction, up to 10 points for a 100% reduction in emissions from A4 and A5.
Minimum requirements:
  • Emissions from A4 and A5 need to be XX% under the stated estimated emissions.
Keep in mind
  • A combination of award criteria and minimum requirements can be used
  • An action plan should be required
  • State clearly that carbon balancing is not allowed and will not be counted as emissions reduction
  • Regular follow-up meetings (integrated in construction/environment meetings)
  • Verify that accounts are being produced as planned (monitoring of waste and resources)
  • Up-to-date equipment list and machines used on site
For more information on procurement for emission-free construction projects, see Chapter 3 of the Guidelines for Emission-free Construction Sites.
Nordic Sustainable Construction 2024

Guidelines for EFCS implementation

Here are the key points to keep in mind in the implementation of EFCS.

A4 Transportation

Reducing emissions from transportation means reducing energy use. The “avoid, shift, improve” hierarchy can be used to reduce energy use.
  • Source building material from local suppliers and priorities the use of locally available resource.
  • Keep transportation of masses down by reusing and recycling materials as close to the site as possible.
  • Include suppliers and subcontractors early to plan for material availability and minimize transportation.
  • Use vehicles with the lowest emissions available (e.g., electric or biofuel).
  • Plan early for charging infrastructure or biofuel supply.
  • Discuss low-emission transport options with stakeholders.
  • Prefer sea or rail transport for long distances to minimize emissions
  • Train drivers to minimize idling, drive efficiently, and report vehicle maintenance needs promptly.
  • Optimize delivery routes and schedules to minimize travel distances and avoid traffic.
  • Coordinate with suppliers to optimize delivery times and load vehicles efficiently to reduce trips.
  • Utilize logistics software for transport optimization where available.

A5.E Energy use

Reducing emissions from energy use on site. The “avoid, shift, improve” hierarchy can be used to reduce energy use.
  • Avoid unnecessary energy use by reviewing all expected energy consumption.
  • Prevent heat loss and avoid heating unused spaces.
  • Use electric machinery when possible; opt for biofuels or other clean energy instead of diesel to cut emissions.
  • Assess machinery availability early; discuss with subcontractors about accessing green energy equipment.
  • Coordinate with power suppliers and grid operators to manage constraints on battery and electric machinery.
  • Explore battery or plug-in machinery; use battery containers and appoint a charging coordinator to optimize schedules.
  • Consider district heating systems for heating and drying, and arrange early connections to central heating systems if applicable.
  • Pair machinery and equipment with digital controls to improve logistic.
  • Provide training for workers in efficient machine operation.
  • Implement strategic work planning logistics like reducing idling to enhance energy efficiency.

A5.W Waste

The “reduce, reuse, recycle” hierarchy can be used to reduce emissions from waste.
Waste management plan
  • Set up a comprehensive waste management plan
  • Estimate material needs, optimize usage, and prevent excess waste
  • Specify the amount of material planned for reuse and recycling
  • Details on where the sorting containers will be placed and how many are needed
  • Appoint an employ to oversee and manage the plan.
  • Precisely estimate materials in a material takeoff to avoid excess.
  • Considere the purchased sizes to minimize cutoffs.
  • Properly store materials and optimis delivery times to reduce waste from product damage.
  • Use a software such as BIM to organize the storage of building materials and waste on-site.
  • Precisely estimate materials in a material takeoff to avoid excess.
  • Considere the purchased sizes to minimize cutoffs.
  • Properly store materials and optimis delivery times to reduce waste from product damage.
  • Use a software such as BIM to organize the storage of building materials and waste on-site.
  • Have an early dialogue with waste management companies to optimise the process and communicate needs.
  • Have a dialogue with workers on site and train them to use the waste sorting system and reduce waste generation.
For more information on procurement for emission-free construction projects, see Chapter 3 of the Guidelines for Emission-free Construction Sites. Nordic Sustainable Construction 2024

Guidelines for the evaluation of EFCS

Here are the key points and recommendations for the evaluation of EFCS.
Data collection
  • It is vital to collect data during the construction phase to estimate emissions from transportation, energy use, and waste.
  • Establish a data collection system before the project begins and dedicate the necessary resources and personnel for data collection.
  • Use LCA methodology for guidance.
  • Consider using automated or digital processes.
LCA module
What to consider
How to measure
Transport of materials, products, and equip­ment to the construction site from:
-Energy source
-Verifi­cation (of energy source)
-Travel logs
Material, product, and equipment hauliers
Energy use
Emissions from:
Type of machinery
Energy source
Verification (of energy source and worked hours)
Heating and cooling:
-district heating
-power station
sources (for temporary works or other processes)
Energy source
Automatic or manual meter reading
Utility providers
Construction waste:

-Waste manage­ment company reports or verification
Waste hauliers
Transport of waste from construction site
-Energy source
Waste hauliers
Sharing feedback
  • Prior to the project, establish a process for sharing feedback with key stakeholders throughout the project and once the project is complete.
  • Key stakeholders include planners, material and service providers, construction teams, and external stakeholders (industry groups, government and regulators, researchers etc.) to accelerate the progress of the industry towards EFCS.
For more information on the evaluation of emission-free construction projects, see Chapter 5 of the Guidelines for Emission-free Construction Sites. Nordic Sustainable Construction 2024