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Literature review

A literature review has been performed to gather qualitative information for the report. The literature review was conducted during September-November 2023 with minor updates in until January 2024.

Survey data

From AI Compliance to Competitive Advantage
Nordic specific-data has been extracted from the global survey results of the Accenture report From AI Compliance to Competitive Advantage. The survey was carried out across 61 organizations in 17 industries in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway.
Impact leadership in the age of generative AI
During August, 2023, Accenture and Rehumanize Institute conducted surveyed 204 business leaders in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden who work for companies with more than 250 employees and are familiar with their companies’ Responsible Business initiatives.
Information about the data gathering methodology for other quantitative data points can be found in the referenced sources.


Interviews were carried out during October-November 2023 with selected Nordic companies. These have different roles in the AI ecosystem, including users of AI, developers of technology solutions that help with deploying ethical and responsible AI, and investors in AI companies. The interviews had a semi-structured format, meaning all interviews were based on the same interview questions from the start but new ideas and themes were allowed to be brought up during the interview.
Interviewed organizations:
  • Equinor (Norway)
  • Mynewsdesk (Sweden)
  • Islandsbanki (Iceland)
  • Bolt.works (Finland)
  • Katapult VC (Norway)
  • Maki VC (Finland)
  • SynData (Sweden)
  • 2021.AI (Denmark)