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In 2019, the Nordic Prime Ministers agreed on a new vision for the Nordic cooperation, Vision2030, which holds that the Nordics is to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. Following this, the Nordic Ministers for Trade, Business and Industry launched eight programs for the period 2021-2024, whereof AI & Data is one. The vision is for the Nordics to be a leading region in digitalization, ethical AI and responsible data use by 2030.
Picture a world where technology not only possesses intelligence but also ensures responsible decision-making in the realms of AI. In this vision, trust, equality, and human rights form the bedrock of our digital future.
The Nordics holds unique strengths that position it to lead in digitalization, ethical AI, and responsible data use. With a rich history of data collection and the world’s oldest statistical databases, we have the opportunity to set precedence for the world on how we envision data protection, privacy and human-wellbeing at the core of any AI development and thereby shaping a more integrated, liveable, and green society.
The urgency of ethical AI extends beyond the tech community to society at large. Policymakers globally seek guidance on governing AI. This report aims to explore the value proposition in prioritizing ethical AI development for Nordic businesses, delving into arguments for and against this focus and why mere ‘functional’ AI isn’t sufficient.
Ethical and responsible AI can be described as principles, guidelines and practices that steer and inform the design, development, deployment and operation of AI, and the field of questions that accompany how AI impacts its surroundings (e.g. humans, society, flora, fauna, and the planet).
Accenture, commissioned by Nordic Innovation, has gathered insights from the Nordic business community to inform this report. But why focus on the Nordics instead of adopting global or EU-level approaches? The answer lies in our Nordic identity and values, our robust tech ecosystem, leadership in ethical AI, and a spirit of collaboration.
We extend our gratitude to Accenture and all interviewees who contributed with insight into the field of ethical AI and responsible data use. This report, part of the AI & Data program by Nordic Innovation, aims to serve Nordic businesses, public actors, decision-makers, and other stakeholders in the data value chain, providing valuable information for all involved.
Nordic Innovation, Oslo March 2024
—Svein Berg
Managing Director