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Target 17:
Strengthen Biosafety and Distribute the Benefits of Biotechnology

Establish, strengthen capacity for, and implement in all countries, biosafety measures as set out in Article 8(g) of the Convention on Biological Diversity and measures for the handling of biotechnology and distribution of its benefits as set out in Article 19 of the Convention.


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and various forms of biotechnology that alter the genetic material of species can have negative consequences for biodiversity, food security, and public health. An increase in both the use and pace of GMO release is expected, which in itself represents a risk factor. It is therefore crucial for all countries to have sufficient capacity, knowledge, and public frameworks capable of managing such risks.
Gene drives differ from other GMOs in that they are developed to spread in nature. Typically, the purpose is to eradicate or reduce populations to prevent disease spread or other harm. The uncertainty associated with release is significant, especially if gene drives are released into an ecosystem where there are few barriers to uncontrolled spread, or if the organism to be eradicated covers large land areas. The effect of this can disrupt ecosystem balance and degrade nature, leading to numerous negative consequences for other species and populations, especially if the species being eradicated is a keystone species.

Policy Proposals for National Implementation

  • Develop national policies that protect the genetic diversity of species and the no contamination of endemic species with GMOs.
  • Develop national policies that protect the genetic diversity of species to support farmers in their independence from GMOs.

Policy Proposals for Inter­national Implementation

  • Support an international moratorium on the release of gene drives until more knowledge is available.
  • Support research on alternatives to gene drives to address issues such as malaria.
  • Contribute to the development of international guidelines for risk assessment of gene-edited organisms within the Cartagena Protocol.
  • Support knowledge development and capacity building to developing countries on risk assessment and administration related to genetically modified organisms.
  • Develop international policies that protect the genetic diversity of species and the no contamination of endemic species with GMOs.
  • Develop international policies that protect the genetic diversity of species to support farmers in their independence from GMOs.