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e-kodex Directive Article 2 no. 14: a user not providing public electronic communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services.
DECA § 2 no. 3: a user of electronic networks or services who on a non-commercial basis makes the electronic network or service available to others.
FECA § 3 no. 10 a: a physical or legal person using or requesting access to telecom services or VAS without providing publicly available electronic communications networks or -services.
NECA § 1-5 no. 15: any natural or legal person who enters into an agreement about access to an electronic communications network or service for own purpose or for lending to others.
SECA 1:7: a user not providing a publicly available electronic communications network or service.                 

Electronic communications service

e-kodex Directive Article 2 no. 4: “a service normally provided for remuneration via electronic communications networks, which encompasses, with the exception of services providing, or exercising editorial control over, content transmitted using electronic communications networks and services, the following types of services:
  1. Internet access service as defined in point (2) of the second paragraph of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120;
  2. Interpersonal communications service; and
  3. Services consisting wholly or mainly in the conveyance of signals such as transmission services for the provision of machine-to-machine services and for broadcasting.”
DECA § 2 no. 9: Elektronisk kommunikationstjeneste: Tjeneste, der helt eller delvis består i elektronisk overføring af kommunikation i form af lyd, billeder, tekst eller kombinationer heraf ved hjælp af radio- eller telekommunikationsteknik mellem nettermineringspunkter, herunder både tovejskommunikation og envejskommunikation.
NECA § 1-5 no. 3: Tjeneste som helt eller i det vesentlige omfatter formidling av signaler i elektronisk kommunikasjonsnett og som normalt ytes mot vederlag 
SECA 1:7: en tjänst som vanligen tillhandahålls mot ersättning via elektroniska kommunikationsnät och som - med undantag för dels tjänster i form av tillhandahållande av innehåll som överförs med hjälp av elektroniska kommunikationsnät och elektroniska kommunikationstjänster, dels tjänster som innebär utövande av redaktionellt ansvar över sådant innehåll är en
  1. internetanslutningstjänst enligt artikel 2.2 i Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EU) 2015/2120 av den 25 november 2015 om åtgärder rörande en öppen internetanslutning och slutkundsavgifter för reglerad kommunikation inom EU och om ändring av direktiv 2002/22/EG och förordning (EU) nr 531/2012,
  2. interpersonell kommunikationstjänst, eller
  3. tjänst som utgörs helt eller huvudsakligen av överföring av signaler, såsom överföringstjänster som används för tillhandahållande av maskin-till-maskin-tjänster eller för rundradio, 


International Mobile Equipment Identity. A globally unique identification number for mobile electronic communications devices. 

Internet access service

Regulation 2015/2120/EU (and e-kodex Article 2 no. 4): a publicly available electronic communications service that provides access to the internet, and thereby connectivity to virtually all end points of the internet, irrespective of the network technology or terminal equipment used.


Network Address Translation. Technology that allows an owner of an IP-address to share it with others at the same time.


Number-independent interpersonal communication service
e-kodex Article 2 no. 7: an interpersonal communications service which does not connect with publicly assigned numbering resources, namely a number or numbers in national or international numbering plans, or which does not enable communication with a number or numbers in national or international numbering plans.
DECA § 2 no. 20: Nummeruafhængig interpersonel kommunikationstjeneste: En tjeneste, som normalt ydes mod betaling, og som muliggør direkte interpersonel og interaktiv informationsudveksling via elektroniske kommunikationsnet mellem et afgrænset antal personer, hvor de personer, der indleder eller deltager i kommunikationen, bestemmer, hvem modtageren eller modtagerne skal være. Tjenesten omfatter ikke tjenester, der blot muliggør interpersonel og interaktiv kommunikation som en mindre støttefunktion, der er tæt knyttet til en anden tjeneste. Tjenesten etablerer ikke forbindelse til offentligt tildelte nummerressourcer, dvs. et eller flere numre i nationale eller internationale nummerplaner, og muliggør ikke kommunikation med et eller flere numre i nationale eller internationale nummerplaner.
FECA § 3 no. 11 b: En interpersonell kommunikationstjänst som inte använder ett eller flera nummer i nationella eller internationella nummerplaner, (30.12.2020/1207).
SECA 1:7 en interpersonell kommunikationstjänst som varken etablerar en förbindelse till nummer i nationella eller internationella nummerplaner eller möjliggör kommunikation med sådana nummer.


Provider may be translated to “udbyder” and “tilbyder”, which are terms used in DECA and NECA. FECA uses both “teleföretag” and “kommunikationsförmedlare,” while the e-kodex Directive uses “operator”.
e-kodex Directive: Article 2 no. 29 “operator”: an undertaking providing or authorised to provide a public electronic communications network or associated facility.
DECA § 2 no. 1: “udbyder”: anyone providing products, electronic communications networks or services falling under the scope of [DECA] for a commercial purpose.
FECA § 3 no. 27: “teleföretag“: anyone providing net services or communications services to a group of users not delimited in advance, i.e., operating a public tele service.
FECA § 3 no. 36: “kommunikationsförmedlare”: A teleföretag (§ 3 no. 27), a sammanslutningsabonnent (§ 3 no. 41), or another actor who transmits electronic communication for purposes other than personal.
NECA § 1-5 no. 16: “tilbyder”: a natural or legal person making access to electronic networks or services available to others.

Signal data

Data generated by a connection established between a mobile phone and a cell mast when the mobile phone is turned on but not in use by the owner.


Subscriber Identity Module. A unique number on a SIM-card inserted into a mobile phone. The SIM connects to the telephone number through a Home Location Register. SIM and telephone number relate to one and the same subscription to a mobile phone service. SIM cards may be switched between phones, and many SIM cards may be used on one and the same phone. By combining IMEI and SIM, the provider keeps track of the SIM cards used on a device and the devices that have been used by a SIM. It is thus possible to detect the phones used by a subscriber, and the subscribers who have used a phone. 


e-kodex: N/A.
FECA § 3 no. 30: a legal or physical person who for any purpose other than operating a telenet or -services has entered into an agreement with a tele corporation about access to or use of the services.
SECA 1:7: Anyone who has entered into an agreement with a provider of publicly available electronic networks or -services.


e-kodex Directive Article 2 no. 13: a natural or legal person using or requesting a publicly available electronic communications service.
DECA: N/A.                     
FECA § 3 no. 7: a physical person who in the role of subscriber or otherwise, uses teleservices or VAS.
NECA § 1-5 no. 14: any natural or legal person using electronic communications networks or services for own purpose or as a resource in the production of other services.
SECA 1:7: anyone using or requesting a publicly available electronic communications service.


Value Added Service (mervärdestjänst) FECA § 3 no. 10: a service based on the processing of data related to electronic communication for purposes other than transmitting electronic communication.