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1. Mandate

The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security has commissioned a comparative study of the legal frameworks of the Nordic countries concerning retention and access to data related to electronic communications for the purpose of preventing, investigating and prosecuting crime. The study shall address:
  • The rules for registration and storage of data related to electronic communication,
  • public authorities’ access to such data when registered and stored by the provider; and
  • the applicable legal guarantees and safeguards.
The study shall inform about new regulatory initiatives regarding data retention.
The study shall not perform an assessment of the national rules relative to the fundamental human rights.
The study shall be in English and be finalized by August 2023 (extended to September 2023).
In September it was agreed that the report be used in a Nordic workshop concerning data retention regulation hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security. The workshop took place 9 November 2023 and resulted only in minor amendments to the report.