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Professor Hanne Marie Motzfeldt
is a professor in Administrative Law and Digitalisation at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. Her research is strongly funded in administrative law and EU-law as she for the last decade s have focused on public authorities’ use of new technologies in relation to administrative law, data protection, information security and protection of vulnerable groups of citizens’ digital rights (such as language requirements and accessibility for citizens with disabilities)

Adam Hyldkrog Lindberg
is a graduate student at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. He has been employed as a research assistant on the DigiLaw project. In connection with his studies, he has specialised in EU data protection regulation and legislation regarding information security

Paloma Krõõt Tupay
teaches constitutional law at the University of Tartu in Estonia. In addition to fundamental rights and governance issues, her research and publications focus on data protection, e-governance and digital constitutionalism. She has previously worked as a legal advisor to the President of the Republic and the Minister of the Interior, among others.

Monika Mikiver
teaches administrative law at the University of Tartu.  From 2022 to 2023, she participated as an expert in the work of the Council of Europe's Committee for European Judicial Cooperation (CDCJ) Working Group on Administrative Law and Artificial Intelligence (CDCJ-ADMIN-AI). Monika Mikiver has also worked as an advisor in the Public Law Department of the Ministry of Justice, as an advisor in the Chancellor of Justice's Office, and as a lecturer and Head of the Public Law Department at the Academy of Internal Affairs.

Sofia Heikkonen
is a doctoral researcher in the University of Helsinki’s Legal Tech Lab, and she acquired her legal education from the United Kingdom and from Finland. Her main research interests lie in structural changes in the functioning of the state as a result of digitalisation. She has published work on the digitalisation of public administration and liability questions arising from AI. 
Contact information: sofia.k.heikkonen@helsinki.fi

Prof. Dr Ida Koivisto
is associate professor of public law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki. Prior to her current position, she worked as a professor of public law at the University of Tampere, Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (Florence) and Global Hauser Fellow at New York University. She is a frequently consulted expert at the Constitutional Law Committee of the Parliament of Finland. Her research interests include digitalisation of public administration, the ideal of transparency, good governance, and the roles of humans in technology regulation.
Contact information: ida.koivisto@helsinki.fi
Prof. Dr Riikka Koulu 
is the Associate Professor (Social and Legal Implications of AI) in the Faculties of Social Sciences and Law at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Since 2016, she has also been leading the University of Helsinki Legal Tech Lab, an interdisciplinary research hub that examines the intersections of law, technology, and society. She holds several positions inside and outside of academia, e.g., as the chairperson of the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman’s Expert Board and is an associate researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society HIIG (Berlin). Her current research interests include automation of legal practices, AI ethics, policy and regulation, and procedural perspectives to technological design.
Contact information: riikka.koulu@helsinki.fi

Anastasija Kaplane, LL.M
is a Lecturer in International Law and Human Rights at the Riga Graduate School of Law. She is also an Associate Researcher at the Baltic Human Rights Society. Her main research interests are state responsibility in cyberspace and the impact of digitalisation on human rights. She is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Helsinki.
Contact information: anastasija.kaplane@rgsl.edu.lv

Aleksandrs Potaičuks, PhD
is an Assistant Professor (Docent) at the Riga Graduate School of Law and the Business Management College, specialising in Administrative Law and EU Law. He holds a PhD in law from the University of Latvia. Previously, he worked as Assistant to Judge and Judicial Counsellor at the Supreme Court of Latvia as well as a Judicial Counsellor at the Constitutional Court of Latvia where he specialised both in EU Law and Administrative Law. Experience has been supplemented abroad by internships at the University of Eastern Finland, Lund University, the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the Supreme Court of Lithuania.

Prof. Dr Eglė Bilevičiūtė
is the professor of Mykolas Romeris University Law School since 2010 year. Since 2018 also member of Lithuania Administrative Disputes Commission, - quasi court institution, that examine administrative disputes. Her current research interests include digitization of administrative procedure and e-justice development's perspectives. 
Contact information: eglek@mruni.eu 

Samson Y. Esayas
is an Associate Professor at BI Norwegian Business School and a Faculty Associate at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. His research explores the power dynamics stemming from control over data and mediated communications, with a focus on how these evolving power paradigms are addressed by competition and data privacy law. His book on the Interface between data privacy law and competition law is scheduled for publication by Oxford University Press in 2024. Dr. Esayas was a visiting researcher at Berkman Klein Center in 2023.
Contact information: samson.y.esayas@bi.no

Mathias K. Hauglid
is a PhD candidate and commercial lawyer who specialises in artificial intelligence and information technology. He is experienced with public sector digitalisation projects, including projects involving AI development. His research on legal and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence has been published in renowned international journals, and he is often engaged as a public speaker in this area. He wrote his doctoral dissertation at UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Faculty of Law, on the issue of bias in medical artificial intelligence. At the time of layouting this publication, Mathias is preparing to publicly defend his dissertation for the degree of PhD. 
Contact information: mathias.hauglid@gmail.com

Lena Enqvist
is a senior lecturer of Law at Umeå University, Sweden. She specialises in administrative law, with one focal interest being rule of law challenges arising from the digitalisation and automation of public administration.
Contact information: lena.enqvist@umu.se