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The Nordic Region in numbers

Illustration af invånare
28 million inhabitants (2023)
Illustration af företag1.6 million companies (2022)*
Illustration af arbetstagere13.4 million employees (2022)
Illustration af pendlar
45 000 commute across a Nordic border (2015/2017)*
Illustration af EUR
1 810 trillion Euro in GDP (2022)
Illustration af Ekonomin
18th largest economy in the world, PPP (2024)
Illustration af Europa
7th largest economy in Europe, PPP (2024)
Illustration af annat nordisk land
228 000 live in another Nordic country (2022)
Illustration af
The world's second highest degree of freedom (2023)
Illustration af demokrati
The world's most democratic region (2022)
Illustration af lycklig befolkning
The world's happiest population (2023)
Illustration af folk som flytter
36 000 moved to another Nordic country (2022)
*Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden only
*Statistics are available for Sweden and Denmark for 2021, but since the statistical model is based on register data instead of microdata, the figures are not comparable. See the table in the appendix for more information.