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The Nordic Prime Ministers' Declaration

The Nordic Prime Ministers’ Declaration in response to the new strategy and action plan for removal of cross-border obstacles in the Nordic Region. The new strategy and action plan was discussed at the 65th Session of the Nordic Council in October 2013.
The Nordic Region as a forerunner for co-operation on freedom of movement, to create jobs and growth. 

The Nordic Region as a pioneer for borderless cooperation with the aim of creating jobs and growth

We, the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, the premier of the Faroe Islands, the prime minister of Greenland and the premier of Åland agree that the removal of obstacles to freedom of movement, to create jobs and growth in the Nordic Region, is one of the key challenges facing Nordic co-operation. This applies not least in our common need to help young people into the labour market.
By creating optimal conditions for individuals and businesses to operate across borders in the Nordic Region, we are strengthening the global competitiveness of the region.
A strongly prioritised initiative is therefore the work to actively remove cross-border obstacles. These obstacles are costly, restrict development and growth, and reduce options for the individual.
The work of the Freedom of Movement Forum, set up by the Nordic Prime Ministers in 2007, has been valuable in removing obstacles to freedom of movement in the Nordic Region. To strengthen and streamline this work, we are now developing the organisation for a Freedom of Movement Council, with a new strategy and action plan that will come into force on 1 January 2014.
This means that:
  • The work will be more closely linked to the political leadership in the Nordic Council of Ministers. The country holding the presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers will also be the president of the Freedom of Movement Council.
  • The Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers will have a stronger role in the work on freedom of movement on behalf of the Council of Ministers
  • The national representatives on the Freedom of Movement Council will have a clear remit to collaborate with the parties that can help remove obstacles for individuals and businesses in the Nordic Region. This collaboration will include the ministries and public agencies in the countries, parliamentarians, and the regional information services in the border areas.
The new form of the work on freedom of movement in the Nordic Region will improve the efficiency of the work on removing obstacles, and increase cross-border movement in the Nordic Region.
In order to attain this, our goals should be:
  • to work for an open and properly functioning common labour market.
  • to create the best possible conditions for Nordic businesses to operate across borders in the Nordic Region.
  • to ensure, as far as possible, similar implementation of EU legislation in the Nordic Region through continual dialogue between the Nordic countries.
  • to ensure that the countries consult with each other, when necessary, when new or revised laws and regulations are introduced, to prevent the formation of new cross-border obstacles.