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Promoting a greater interest in and enjoyment of reading, including at older ages, creates better opportunities to participate in democratic discourse. Reading can bring joy and comfort and strengthen empathy and understanding of the world around us.

(own translation, Government of Åland 2024a, p. 8)
In May this year, Åland published a new cultural policy strategy with associated annual action plans, “Åland's way forward 2024–2030”. In the new strategy, children's and young people's access to and participation in cultural life is prioritized. The promotion of increased interest in and enjoyment of reading is highlighted as particularly important in order to create better opportunities for children and young people to participate in the democratic debate, but also as a source of joy and comfort. The work to support access to literature and strengthen the work to promote reading will be described in more detail in a future library policy strategy (Ålands landskapsregering 2024a).
Mariehamn City Library is the central library for the whole of Åland. The library carries out many initiatives, but most are part of its regular activities. The largest reading promotion initiative in Åland is that all three primary schools in Mariehamn are staffed with services specifically focused on media and information literacy and reading promotion. Furthermore, municipalities and associations can apply for funds for cultural and sports activities for children and young people in connection with the school day; for example, a book circle at Mariehamn library is financed by such funds (Ålands landskapsregering 2024b).