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This project was funded by the Nordic Council of Minister’s Working Groups for Climate and Air (NKL) and for Environment and Economy (NME). The project team would like to thank Anna Gran from the Nordic Council of Ministers for her dedicated support throughout the project.  
The contributions and perspectives of the experts and stakeholders that participated in the events organised under this project has been invaluable for the success of this project. The project team would like to thank everyone who participated in these events. The project team would like to give special thanks to the following experts for their contributions: Malin Ahlberg (German Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Action), Karoliina Anttonen (Finnish Ministry of the Environment), Sebastian Axelsson (Swedish Ministry of Climate and Enterprise), Helga Barðadóttir (Icelandic Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources), Karin Bergbom (Nordic Swan Ecolabel), Ellen Bruzelius-Backer (The Government of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative), Joachim Marc Christensen (UN Global Compact), Malin Dufour (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Laurien Eblé (The Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs), Anette Abjerg Ejersted (Danish Chamber of Commerce), Flintull Annica Eriksson (IVL Swedish Environ­men­tal Research Institute), Ragnhildur Freysteinsdóttir (Icelandic Forestry Association), Emy Gustavsson (Swedish Consumer Agency), Jussi Hakanen (Finnish Chamber of Commerce), Ola Hansen (H2 Green Steel), Owen Hewlett (The Gold Standard Foundation), Robert Höglund (Milkywire), Suvi Järvinen (LähiTapiola), Haukur Logi Johannsson (Icelandic Standards), Henrik Juhlin (ZeroMission), Karoliina Korhonen (Finnish Chamber of Commerce), Tore Langhelle (The Government of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative), Jesper Backer Lemming (Down to Earth), Malin Meyer (Royal Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment), Lea Ravnkilde Møller (Danish Climate and Forest Foundation), Andreas Myhrvold (KAPO), Terhi Naukkarinen (SOK), Emelie Neidre (Swedish Consumer Agency), Paula Paloranta (Finnish Chamber of Commerce), Christian Søren Poll (Danish Consumer Ombudsman), David Rademacher (E.ON), Senni Raunio (Climate Leadership Coalition), Teppo Säkkinen (Finnish Chamber of Commerce), Stig Schjølset (Miljøstiftelsen ZERO), Þorsteinn Hrannar Svavarsson (Iceland Consumer Agency), Peter Svednsen (Road to Zero), Jussi Tamminen (Maku Brewing), Kaj Török (MAX Burgers), Asbjørn Torvanger (CICERO), Julia Wernersson (Swedish Energy Agency), Claire Wigg (Exponential Roadmap Initiative), Embla Winge (Peab).
The project team has made its best efforts to summarise key insights gained through these events. This report does not, however, represent any formal consensus or position of the Nordic Council of Ministers or anyone who participated in the events organised under this project.