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Appendix 2

This appendix contains a table that presents the literature from our review. The table includes information such as the author(s), title, and area of focus, along with key takeaways from each source.
Key take-aways
Primary Production
Drangert J.-O.; Hallström J.
From pigs to incineration and beyond: The evolution of organic waste and food management in Sweden in the period 1800 – 2000 and future prospects
City and Environment Interactions
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on developing sustainable urban strategies that address both historical lessons and modern challenges. By promoting circular economy principles and engaging multiple stakeholders, cities can enhance food security and sanitation management in a sustainable manner.
Röös E.; Wood A.; Säll S.; Abu Hatab A.; Ahlgren S.; Hallström E.; Tidåker P.; Hansson H.
Diagnostic, regenerative or fossil-free - exploring stakeholder perceptions of Swedish food system sustainability
Ecological Economics
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on identifying common ground among stakeholders and building trust through collaborative and inclusive approaches. By addressing less controversial issues first, they can pave the way for larger systemic changes in the Swedish food system.
Joensuu K.; Hartikainen H.; Karppinen S.; Jaakkonen A.-K.; Kuoppa-aho M.
Developing the collection of statistical food waste data on the primary production of fruit and vegetables
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on developing efficient monitoring methods and supporting farmers in data collection to reduce food waste in primary production. By integrating these methods into annual surveys and simplifying the process, significant progress can be made toward achieving global food waste reduction goals.
Falagán N.; Terry L.A.
1-Methylcyclopropene maintains postharvest quality in Norwegian apple fruit
Food Science and Technology International
Confirms that postharvest treatment with 1-MCP has great potential to maintain the quality of Norwegian apple cultivars during cold storage and subsequent shelf life, making it a valuable tool for fruit producers and distributors.
Hartikainen H.; Mogensen L.; Svanes E.; Franke U.
Food waste quantification in primary production – The Nordic countries as a case study
Waste Management
Introduced the term ‘side flow’ (SF) to describe food waste in primary production. This term includes food that ends up as animal feed, which is not typically included in other food waste definitions. Practitioners should adopt broader and more inclusive definitions of food waste, such as the SF term, to gain a more accurate understanding of waste in primary production. This can inform strategies to minimize waste and improve sustainability in the food supply chain.
Kuisma M.; Kahiluoto H.
Biotic resource loss beyond food waste: Agriculture leaks worst
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on increasing the efficiency of biotic resource use, particularly in animal production, and leverage circular economy practices to reduce losses and enhance sustainability. Implementing recycled nutrients and minimizing external inputs are crucial strategies for improving resource use efficiency and ensuring food security.
Strazza C.; Magrassi F.; Gallo M.; Del Borghi A.
Life Cycle Assessment from food to food: A case study of circular economy from cruise ships to aquaculture
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Highlights the application of industrial symbiosis within the circular economy, specifically recycling food waste from cruise ships for aquaculture feed. This approach shows potential environmental benefits, with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) indicating lower burdens for recycled food waste feed compared to conventional feed. Traditional feed, particularly in the UK, has a higher carbon footprint and energy demand, while Norwegian feed impacts water scarcity more. Bottlenecks in supply chains vary; crop-derived products in Norway have a significant water footprint impact. Turbo-drying technology onboard cruise ships is effective for processing food waste into aquaculture feed.
Pålsson H.; Sandberg E.
Adoption barriers for sustainable packaging practices: A comparative study of food supply chains in South Africa and Sweden
Journal of Cleaner Production
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on understanding and addressing the identified adoption barriers to enhance the implementation of sustainable packaging practices. By using the propositions and process view, companies can develop targeted strategies to overcome obstacles and realize the potential benefits of sustainable packaging in reducing food waste and improving logistics efficiency.
Guimarães A.; Ramos Ó.; Cerqueira M.; Venâncio A.; Abrunhosa L.
Active Whey Protein Edible Films and Coatings Incorporating Lactobacillus buchneri for Penicillium nordicum Control in Cheese
Food and Bioprocess Technology
Practitioners and policymakers should consider incorporating LAB with antifungal properties, like L. buchneri UTAD104, into edible films and coatings. This approach can enhance the safety and shelf life of cheese by effectively preventing fungal contamination and mycotoxin production.
Weber L.; Bartek L.; Brancoli P.; Sjölund A.; Eriksson M.
Climate change impact of food distribution: The case of reverse logistics for bread in Sweden
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Practitioners and policymakers should aim to improve the efficiency of bread transport by optimizing routes and embracing collaborative logistics. Additionally, efficient waste management practices that focus on recovery and valorization can further contribute to sustainability without significantly increasing climate impacts from transport.
Lehtokunnas T.; Pyyhtinen O.
Food, excess, wastage and waste: An ethnography of the practices of framing food products in the Finnish retail sector
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on understanding the complex, situational, and practical aspects of food waste generation in retail settings. Emphasizing the management of diverse valuation processes and developing nuanced strategies to handle surplus food can help in reducing food waste and advancing circular economy practices.
Møller Christensen F.M.; Solheim-Bojer C.; Dukovska-Popovska I.; Steger-Jensen K.
Developing new forecasting accuracy measure considering Product's shelf life: Effect on availability and waste
Journal of Cleaner Production
Practitioners should adopt forecast accuracy measures that consider the shelf-life and asymmetrical impacts of over- and under-forecasting for FFPs. This approach can lead to improved inventory freshness, reduced waste, and more efficient inventory management, even if it results in a slightly lower fill-rate.
Rosenlund J.; Nyblom Å.; Matschke Ekholm H.; Sörme L.
The emergence of food waste as an issue in Swedish retail
British Food Journal
Practitionersshould focus on collaborative efforts, data utilization, and media engagement to tackle food waste. Additionally, policymakers should support these efforts through preventive measures, incentives, and education to create a more sustainable food system.
Ghosh R.; Eriksson M.
Food waste due to retail power in supply chains: Evidence from Sweden
Global Food Security
Practitioners and policymakers should understand the implications of Take Back Agreements and support efforts to create fairer trading practices. By advocating for policy changes and promoting transparency, the food supply chain can work towards reducing waste and ensuring more sustainable practices.
Brancoli P.; Lundin M.; Bolton K.; Eriksson M.
Bread loss rates at the supplier-retailer interface – Analysis of risk factors to support waste prevention measures
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners and policymakers should reassess and modify trading practices such as Take Back Agreements, promote sustainable business models, and collaborate to reduce bread waste in the supply chain. By addressing the identified risk factors and implementing waste prevention measures, the industry can work towards a more sustainable and efficient food system.
Mattsson L.; Williams H.; Berghel J.
Waste of fresh fruit and vegetables at retailers in Sweden – Measuring and calculation of mass, economic cost and climate impact
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners should prioritize waste management efforts on specific fresh fruit and vegetable categories that contribute most to waste. By investing in enhanced waste management practices, retailers can achieve economic savings and reduce their environmental footprint, thereby supporting sustainable food supply chains.
Kulikovskaja V.; Aschemann-Witzel J.
Food Waste Avoidance Actions in Food Retailing: The Case of Denmark
Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on a diverse range of food waste avoidance actions, tailored to different food categories and customer segments. By effectively implementing these actions and influencing consumer behavior, retailers can play a crucial role in reducing food waste and promoting sustainable consumption practices.
Rohm H.; Oostindjer M.; Aschemann-Witzel J.; Symmank C.; Almli V.L.; de Hooge I.E.; Normann A.; Karantininis K.
Consumers in a sustainable food supply chain (COSUS): Understanding consumer behavior to encourage food waste reduction
that practitioners should focus on educational and marketing strategies to increase consumer acceptance of suboptimal foods. By implementing these strategies, the food sector can reduce waste, improve resource efficiency, and contribute to a more sustainable food system.
Eriksson M.; Ghosh R.; Mattsson L.; Ismatov A.
Take-back agreements in the perspective of food waste generation at the supplier-retailer interface
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners should focus on realigning incentives and costs related to waste management with the organizations generating the waste. Policy measures and targeted interventions in high-risk areas, like the supplier-retailer interface, can significantly reduce food waste in the supply chain.
Brancoli P.; Rousta K.; Bolton K.
Life cycle assessment of supermarket food waste
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners should focus on high-impact waste fractions, implement alternative waste management practices, and adopt holistic waste measurement approaches. By doing so, supermarkets can significantly reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable food supply chain.
Kliaugaitė D.; Kruopienė J.
Food waste generation and prevention measures in the retail sector: A comparative study; [Lietuvos mažmeninės prekybos sektoriuje susidarančių maisto atliekų įvertinimas ir prevencijos priemonės: Lyginamasis tyrimas]
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management
Practitioners should focus on collecting detailed data, learning from neighboring countries, and implementing targeted strategies to minimize food waste. Enhanced transparency and collaborative efforts are crucial for addressing the food waste issue effectively.
Eriksson M.; Strid I.; Hansson P.-A.
Food waste reduction in supermarkets - Net costs and benefits of reduced storage temperature
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Lowering storage temperatures should be done selectively for high-impact products to ensure that the benefits outweigh the increased energy costs. Conducting detailed cost-benefit analyses and adopting targeted strategies can help supermarkets achieve greater sustainability and reduce their environmental footprint.
Tjärnemo H.; Södahl L.
Swedish food retailers promoting climate smarter food choices-Trapped between visions and reality?
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
There is a significant opportunity to enhance food retailers efforts by addressing meat consumption. By educating consumers and offering a broader range of sustainable food options, retailers can play a pivotal role in reducing the environmental impact of the food system.
Scholz K.; Eriksson M.; Strid I.
Carbon footprint of supermarket food waste
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners should focus on reducing food waste by targeting high-impact products and implementing efficient waste management strategies. Collaboration with suppliers and support from policymakers can further enhance efforts to achieve sustainability goals and reduce the carbon footprint of wasted food.
Eriksson M.; Strid I.; Hansson P.-A.
Waste of organic and conventional meat and dairy products - A case study from Swedish retail
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Retailers must implement measures to manage and reduce the waste associated with organic products. Increasing turnover, stocking longer shelf-life items, and adjusting ordered volumes can help mitigate the higher waste levels observed in organic products.
Eriksson M.; Strid I.; Hansson P.-A.
Food losses in six Swedish retail stores: Wastage of fruit and vegetables in relation to quantities delivered
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners should focus on managing pre-store waste, improving waste recording practices, and collaborating with suppliers to minimize waste. By adopting a data-driven approach and targeting the main contributors to waste, retailers can effectively reduce the environmental and economic impacts of food wastage.
Gustavsson J.; Stage J.
Retail waste of horticultural products in Sweden
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners should prioritize reducing waste in high-impact horticultural products and explore innovative methods beyond packaging to achieve this goal. Collaboration with stakeholders and support from policymakers can further enhance efforts to create a more sustainable food system.
Erälinna L.; Szymoniuk B.
Managing a circular food system in sustainable urban farming. Experimental research at the turku university campus (finland)
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on reducing food waste, recycling nutrients, and adopting circular economy principles to create sustainable food systems. The successful implementation of these strategies in Turku provides a model that can be replicated globally, contributing to broader sustainability goals.
Malefors C.; Callewaert P.; Hansson P.-A.; Hartikainen H.; Pietiläinen O.; Strid I.; Strotmann C.; Eriksson M.
Towards a baseline for food-waste quantification in the hospitality sector-quantities and data processing criteria
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners and policymakers should prioritize the collection of standardized, high-quality data on food waste. By targeting high-waste areas and implementing precise tracking measures, the hospitality sector can significantly contribute to the goal of halving food waste by 2030.
Eriksson M.; Malefors C.; Callewaert P.; Hartikainen H.; Pietiläinen O.; Strid I.
What gets measured gets managed – Or does it? Connection between food waste quantification and food waste reduction in the hospitality sector
Resources, Conservation and Recycling: X
Practitioners in catering should focus on using automated quantification tools and targeting high-waste units to achieve the most significant reductions in food waste. By tracking detailed data and prioritizing areas with the greatest potential for improvement, the industry can enhance its overall efficiency and sustainability.
Silvennoinen K.; Nisonen S.; Pietiläinen O.
Food waste case study and monitoring developing in Finnish food services
Waste Management
Practitioners should implement detailed monitoring systems, focus on reducing overproduction, and engage staff in waste measurement processes. By adopting best practices and leveraging insights from waste data, the industry can significantly reduce food waste and improve sustainability.
Eriksson M.; Persson Osowski C.; Björkman J.; Hansson E.; Malefors C.; Eriksson E.; Ghosh R.
The tree structure — A general framework for food waste quantification in food services
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Adopting a standardized framework for food waste quantification can significantly improve waste management practices in the food services industry. By focusing on problem areas and ensuring data comparability, practitioners can make informed decisions to reduce food waste and enhance sustainability.
Laakso S.
Creating New Food Practices: A Case Study on Leftover Lunch Service
Food, Culture and Society
Practitioners should consider implementing leftover lunch services to reduce food waste and support social sustainability. By integrating these services into daily routines and expanding their reach, the sector can play a crucial role in addressing food wastage and food insecurity.
Heikkilä L.; Reinikainen A.; Katajajuuri J.-M.; Silvennoinen K.; Hartikainen H.
Elements affecting food waste in the food service sector
Waste Management
Practitioners should focus on integrating food waste management into their overall management practices. By adopting a holistic approach and utilizing the eight-factor model, they can effectively reduce food waste and its associated ecological and economic impacts.
Silvennoinen K.; Heikkilä L.; Katajajuuri J.-M.; Reinikainen A.
Food waste volume and origin: Case studies in the Finnish food service sector
Waste Management
Practitioners should focus on reducing waste in buffet services and overproduction. Engaging staff in tracking and reducing waste, optimizing production, and reevaluating service practices are key strategies to minimize food waste and enhance sustainability.
Public Meals
Dawkins E.; André K.; Leander E.; Axelsson K.; Gerger Swartling &Å.
Policy for sustainable consumption – an assessment of Swedish municipalities
Frontiers in Sustainability
Practitioners in municipal governments should focus on developing comprehensive policy approaches, enhancing strategic planning, and addressing resource and knowledge constraints. By adopting innovative engagement methods and leveraging supportive national strategies, municipalities can more effectively promote sustainable food consumption.
Eriksson M.; Christensen J.; Malefors C.
Making food waste illegal in Sweden – Potential gains from enforcing best practice in the public catering sector
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on implementing and enforcing best practices for food waste reduction, supported by clear benchmarks and the Environmental Code. By adopting these strategies, significant progress can be made towards a more sustainable food system.
Sundin N.; Malefors C.; Danielsson M.; Hardiyanti M.; Persson Osowski C.; Eriksson M.
Investigating goal conflicts in menu planning in Swedish school catering on the pathway to sustainable development
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners in school catering should focus on serving popular and nutritious meals, including plant-based options, to reduce food waste and increase sustainability. By challenging preconceptions and adapting lunch menus, schools can make significant progress towards achieving their food waste reduction goals.
Persson Osowski C.; Osowski D.; Johansson K.; Sundin N.; Malefors C.; Eriksson M.
From Old Habits to New Routines—A Case Study of Food Waste Generation and Reduction in Four Swedish Schools
Practitioners should, particularly in schools, focus on identifying the specific causes of food waste in their institutions and implement customized, effective waste reduction strategies. By adopting better planning, reducing options, and creating supportive environments, schools can significantly reduce their food waste and its associated environmental impacts.
Malefors C.; Sundin N.; Tromp M.; Eriksson M.
Testing interventions to reduce food waste in school catering
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practictioners in the food service sector, particularly in school canteens, should implement a combination of forecasting tools, awareness campaigns, and waste tracking systems to effectively reduce food waste. By tailoring these interventions to the specific needs and context of each canteen, they can achieve greater sustainability and significantly lower food waste levels.
Malefors C.; Secondi L.; Marchetti S.; Eriksson M.
Food waste reduction and economic savings in times of crisis: The potential of machine learning methods to plan guest attendance in Swedish public catering during the Covid-19 pandemic
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
Practitioners in public catering should focus on implementing and continuously improving forecasting models to predict guest attendance and optimize meal planning. By doing so, they can reduce food waste, achieve economic savings, and enhance the sustainability and resilience of the food system.
Hansen K.V.; Derdowski L.A.
Sustainable food consumption in nursing homes: Less food waste with the right plate color?
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners in nursing should consider using colored plates to reduce food waste and improve the health of residents with dementia. Policymakers can support these efforts by providing the necessary resources and guidelines, leading to significant economic, environmental, and health benefits.
Plummer P.; Van Poeck K.
Exploring the role of learning in sustainability transitions: a case study using a novel analytical approach
Environmental Education Research
Practitioners and policymakers involved in sustainability transitions should focus on the role of learning and the integration of educative practices to disrupt existing norms and attitudes. By using the novel analytical tools provided, they can better understand and enhance the learning processes that drive sustainability initiatives.
Eriksson M.; Malefors C.; Bergström P.; Eriksson E.; Osowski C.P.
Quantities and quantification methodologies of food waste in Swedish hospitals
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners in the healthcare sector should focus on maintaining standardized food waste quantification practices and leveraging the data to implement best practices. By doing so, hospitals can significantly reduce food waste and contribute to a more sustainable food system.
Socci M.; Clarke D.; Principi A.
Active aging: Social entrepreneuring in local communities of five european countries
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on encouraging and supporting senior social entrepreneurship as a means to address various social problems. By leveraging the experience, knowledge, and motivation of older adults, communities can benefit from innovative solutions and enhanced social cohesion.
Lassen A.D.; Christensen L.M.; Spooner M.P.; Trolle E.
Characteristics of canteens at elementary schools, upper secondary schools and workplaces that comply with food service guidelines and have a greater focus on food waste
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Practictioners in the food service sector should focus on promoting organic food procurement and implementing meal policies to improve compliance with nutritional guidelines and reduce food waste. Tailoring support to address specific canteen characteristics can further enhance the effectiveness of these initiatives.
Eriksson M.; Lindgren S.; Persson Osowski C.
Mapping of food waste quantification methodologies in the food services of Swedish municipalities
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners in public meals should focus on adopting standardized food waste quantification practices. By doing so, they can help establish a national benchmark, facilitating more effective monitoring and reduction of food waste across Sweden's public sector catering facilities.
Steen H.; Malefors C.; Röös E.; Eriksson M.
Identification and modelling of risk factors for food waste generation in school and pre-school catering units
Waste Management
Practitioners in the public sector food service should focus on implementing structured lunch breaks, improving estimation accuracy for food requirements, and addressing environmental factors in dining halls to reduce food waste. By targeting these key risk factors, significant progress can be made in reducing food waste and achieving a more sustainable food system.
Eriksson M.; Persson Osowski C.; Malefors C.; Björkman J.; Eriksson E.
Quantification of food waste in public catering services – A case study from a Swedish municipality
Waste Management
Practitioners in public catering should focus on detailed waste quantification and tailored interventions to effectively reduce food waste. Policymakers should support these efforts to enhance the sustainability of the food supply chain.
Jensen J.D.; Thorsen A.V.; Damsgaard C.T.; Biltoft-Jensen A.
Cost of new nordic diet school meals
British Food Journal
Practitioners and policymakers involved in school meal programs should focus on increasing flexibility in meal scheduling, reducing the percentage of organic ingredients, and controlling portion sizes to reduce costs and food waste. Implementing these strategies can make school meal programs based on the New Nordic Diet principles more sustainable and cost-effective.
Tsalis G.; Boutrup Jensen B.; Aschemann-Witzel J.
The relationship between retail price promotions and household-level food waste: Busting the myth with behavioural data?
Waste Management
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on empirical evidence when addressing the impact of price promotions on food waste. By promoting environmental awareness and improving consumer food handling skills, significant progress can be made towards reducing household food waste and achieving sustainability goals.
Lehtokunnas T.
The circular economy futures in the making: Transformativity and object ontologies in food waste practices in Finnish households, supermarkets and biogas plants
Practitioners and policymakers should recognize the diverse and dynamic nature of food waste practices and their potential to shape multiple circualar economy  futures. By fostering habitual, planned, and experimental practices, stakeholders can drive societal transformations toward a more sustainable and circular economy.
Moshtaghian H.; Bolton K.; Rousta K.
Public preferences for nutritional, environmental and food safety characteristics of upcycled foods in Sweden
International Journal of Food Science and Technology
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on promoting the environmental and food safety benefits of upcycled foods while educating consumers about their nutritional value. Tailoring communication strategies to different age groups can enhance the acceptability and adoption of upcycled foods, contributing to a more sustainable food system.
Clement J.; Alenčikienė G.; Riipi I.; Starkutė U.; Čepytė K.; Buraitytė A.; Zabulionė A.; Šalaševičienė A.
Exploring Causes and Potential Solutions for Food Waste among Young Consumers
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on educational and practical interventions to address the specific determinants of food waste among young consumers. By targeting special occasions, improving food quality assessment, enhancing kitchen practices, and modifying shopping habits, significant progress can be made in reducing food waste and promoting sustainable consumption behaviors.
Torán-Pereg P.; Mora M.; Thomsen M.; Palkova Z.; Novoa S.; Vázquez-Araújo L.
Understanding food sustainability from a consumer perspective: A cross cultural exploration
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on culturally tailored strategies and products to promote sustainable consumption habits. By understanding and addressing the specific demands and expectations of consumers in different cultural contexts, more effective and engaging approaches to sustainable diets can be developed.
Heidenstrøm N.; Hebrok M.
Towards realizing the sustainability potential within digital food provisioning platforms: The case of meal box schemes and online grocery shopping in Norway
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on co-designing digital food provisioning services with consumers to ensure they align with real-life practices and values. By enhancing convenience, efficiency, and user interfaces, these services can better realize their sustainability potential and contribute to a more sustainable food system.
Marshall M.
The refrigerator as a problem and solution: Food storage practices as part of sustainable food culture
Food and Foodways
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on re-evaluating and promoting sustainable food storage practices, educating consumers on the environmental impacts of refrigeration, and integrating effective historical practices into modern life. This approach can help foster more sustainable food systems and reduce the environmental impact of household food storage.
Stancu V.; Lähteenmäki L.
Consumer-related antecedents of food provisioning behaviors that promote food waste
Food Policy
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on addressing impulsive buying and disgust sensitivity while promoting frugal and environmental identities to reduce household food waste. Implementing targeted interventions and educational campaigns can significantly contribute to more sustainable food consumption behaviors.
Silvennoinen K.; Nisonen S.; Katajajuuri J.-M.
Food waste amount, type, and climate impact in urban and suburban regions in Finnish households
Journal of Cleaner Production
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on implementing robust methodologies for measuring household food waste, collaborating with local waste management entities, and developing targeted interventions based on comprehensive data to effectively reduce food waste and its environmental impact.
Salonen A.S.
Ordinary overflow: Food waste and the ethics of the refrigerator
Food and Foodways
Practitioners and policymakers should consider the multifaceted role of refrigerators in food waste generation. By focusing on the ethical and cultural dimensions, as well as the material aspects, more comprehensive and effective strategies can be developed to reduce household food waste.
Salonen A.S.
Creator, saviour, garburator: (Re)imagining the human role in the world through a case of food waste
Social Compass
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on rethinking and reshaping the roles humans play in the food system. By promoting a view of humans as part of the ecological system and challenging anthropocentric notions, more sustainable and ecologically integrated practices can be developed to address food waste and enhance overall sustainability.
Sundin N.; Rosell M.; Eriksson M.; Jensen C.; Bianchi M.
The climate impact of excess food intake - An avoidable environmental burden
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners and policymakers should consider the climate impact of metabolic food waste in their strategies to improve sustainability and public health. By recognizing the hidden costs of excess food intake and promoting healthier eating patterns, significant environmental and health benefits can be achieved.
Kymäläinen T.; Seisto A.; Malila R.
Generation z food waste, diet and consumption habits: A finnish social design study with future consumers
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on leveraging social influences, engaging companies, and developing context-aware and comprehensive sustainability solutions to encourage sustainable food behaviors among Generation Z consumers. By addressing both environmental and financial aspects, these interventions can effectively promote sustainability and climate change mitigation.
Svanes E.; Oestergaard S.; Hanssen O.J.
Effects of packaging and food waste prevention by consumers on the environmental impact of production and consumption of bread in Norway
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners should prioritize reducing bread waste through improved agricultural practices, innovative packaging solutions, and consumer education. Policymakers should support these efforts to achieve a more sustainable food system.
Grasso A.C.; Olthof M.R.; Boevé A.J.; van Dooren C.; Lähteenmäki L.; Brouwer I.A.
Socio-demographic predictors of food waste behavior in Denmark and Spain
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on targeted interventions and educational campaigns that address the specific socio-demographic factors influencing food waste behavior. By doing so, they can effectively reduce household food waste and promote sustainability.
Hebrok M.; Heidenstrøm N.
Contextualising food waste prevention - Decisive moments within everyday practices
Journal of Cleaner Production
Practitioners and policymakers should adopt a more contextual and practice-oriented approach to food waste prevention. By targeting specific household practices and implementing measures at critical moments, more effective and sustainable reductions in food waste can be achieved.
Aschemann-Witzel J.; de Hooge I.E.; Almli V.L.; Oostindjer M.
Fine-Tuning the Fight Against Food Waste
Journal of Macromarketing
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on developing segmented and behavior-specific strategies to effectively reduce consumer food waste. By addressing the distinct lifestyle patterns that influence food waste, tailored interventions and educational campaigns can be more effective in promoting sustainable consumption practices.
Østergaard S.; Hanssen O.J.
Wasting of fresh-packed bread by consumers-influence of shopping behavior, storing, handling, and consumer preferences
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on improving bread packaging, promoting effective waste reduction strategies, and designing targeted interventions based on consumer demographics. By addressing these key areas, the food industry can reduce bread waste, enhance sustainability, and meet consumer needs more effectively.
Fοx D.; Ioannidi E.; Sun Y.-T.; Jape V.W.; Bawono W.R.; Zhang S.; Perez-Cueto F.J.A.
Consumers with high education levels belonging to the millennial generation from Denmark, Greece, Indonesia and Taiwan differ in the level of knowledge on food waste
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on developing targeted, culturally sensitive educational campaigns to raise awareness about food waste. By leveraging the concern millennials have for food waste and highlighting the personal impact of their actions, significant progress can be made in reducing food waste and promoting sustainable consumption behaviors across different countries.
Hanssen O.J.; Vold M.; Schakenda V.; Tufte P.-A.; Møller H.; Olsen N.V.; Skaret J.
Environmental profile, packaging intensity and food waste generation for three types of dinner meals
Journal of Cleaner Production
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on improving the efficiency of ingredient production, optimizing packaging, and reducing food waste to enhance sustainability in the food system. Educating consumers about the environmental impacts of their food choices and promoting sustainable practices are also crucial for achieving significant reductions in energy use and green house gas emissions.
Edjabou M.E.; Petersen C.; Scheutz C.; Astrup T.F.
Food waste from Danish households: Generation and composition
Waste Management
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on targeted reduction strategies, educational campaigns, and infrastructure support to reduce household food waste. By addressing the specific needs of different household types and promoting effective waste management practices, significant progress can be made towards achieving sustainability goals.
Hanssen O.Jø.; Syversen F.; Stø E.
Edible food waste from Norwegian households - Detailed food waste composition analysis among households in two different regions in Norway
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on targeted strategies to reduce food waste, especially in high-waste categories and urban areas. Educational initiatives and localized waste management practices can further enhance efforts to minimize food waste and promote sustainability.
Miliute-Plepiene J.; Plepys A.
Does food sorting prevents and improves sorting of household waste? A case in Sweden
Journal of Cleaner Production
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on promoting environmental awareness, ensuring the convenience of waste sorting systems, and considering economic variables when designing waste management strategies. By doing so, it is possible to achieve significant reductions in household waste generation and improvements in recycling rates, contributing to overall sustainability goals.
Silvennoinen K.; Katajajuuri J.-M.; Hartikainen H.; Heikkilä L.; Reinikainen A.
Food waste volume and composition in Finnish households
British Food Journal
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on developing targeted strategies and educational initiatives to reduce food waste in households. By promoting better storage practices, addressing common causes of waste, and providing support to high-waste groups like single-person households, significant progress can be made towards reducing household food waste and enhancing sustainability.
Sundin N.; Persson Osowski C.; Strid I.; Eriksson M.
Surplus food donation: Effectiveness, carbon footprint, and rebound effect
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on promoting food donation as an effective strategy for managing surplus food, while also implementing measures to minimize rebound effects. By supporting food redistribution networks and integrating them with other waste management practices, significant environmental and social benefits can be achieved.
Lin T.-Y.; Chiu Y.-H.; Xu W.-Z.
Environmental efficiency and sustainability of food production and consumption in the EU
Sustainable Production and Consumption
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on collaborative efforts, consumer education, and targeted policy interventions to improve the environmental efficiency of food production and consumption in the EU. By addressing both greenhouse gas emissions and food waste, significant progress can be made towards achieving a more sustainable and efficient food system.
Friman A.; Hyytiä N.
The Economic and Welfare Effects of Food Waste Reduction on a Food-Production-Driven Rural Region
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Practitioners and policymakers should consider both the economic benefits and trade-offs of food waste reduction. Implementing compensation mechanisms and support measures for the agricultural sector can help mitigate negative impacts, while ensuring that policies align with the principles of a just transition. By adopting integrated and balanced approaches, significant progress can be made towards reducing food waste sustainably.
Mesiranta N.; Närvänen E.; Mattila M.
Framings of Food Waste: How Food System Stakeholders Are Responsibilized in Public Policy Debate
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Practitioners and policymakers should adopt a multifaceted approach to food waste reduction, leveraging the identified framings to engage all relevant stakeholders in collaborative and context-specific strategies. By recognizing the flexible and open-ended nature of food waste as a boundary object, comprehensive and sustainable solutions can be developed to address this global sustainability issue.
Szulecka J.; Strøm-Andersen N.
Norway's Food Waste Reduction Governance: From Industry Self-Regulation to Governmental Regulation?
Scandinavian Political Studies
That practitioners and policymakers should foster initial industry-led initiatives for food waste reduction, supported by societal and political pressure. They should also be prepared for a potential shift towards binding regulations to ensure sustained progress in reducing food waste. By adopting a co-regulation approach, effective and comprehensive solutions can be developed to address the significant issue of food waste in Europe.
Johansson N.
Why is biogas production and not food donation the Swedish political priority for food waste management?
Environmental Science and Policy
Practitioners and policymakers should consider a more balanced approach to food waste management that integrates environmental, economic, and social perspectives. By promoting food donations and biogas production as complementary strategies, significant progress can be made towards sustainability and reducing food insecurity.
Brancoli P.; Bolton K.; Eriksson M.
Environmental impacts of waste management and valorisation pathways for surplus bread in Sweden
Waste Management
Practitioners and policymakers should prioritize reducing bread production and explore alternative uses for surplus bread, such as animal feed and donation. Leveraging the established return system and integrating multiple waste management strategies can enhance sustainability and achieve significant environmental savings in the management of surplus bread.
Bergström P.; Malefors C.; Strid I.; Hanssen O.J.; Eriksson M.
Sustainability assessment of food redistribution initiatives in Sweden
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on maximizing the environmental and social benefits of food redistribution while addressing financial sustainability through supportive measures. By adopting a holistic approach and fostering collaboration, significant progress can be made in reducing food waste and enhancing sustainability through effective food redistribution practices.
Johansson N.; Corvellec H.
Waste policies gone soft: An analysis of European and Swedish waste prevention plans
Waste Management
Practitioners and policymakers should shift their focus to high-impact waste streams, implement more stringent regulatory measures, and ensure that waste prevention responsibility lies with governmental actors. By adopting a holistic approach and addressing the drivers of waste generation, significant progress can be made in preventing waste and achieving sustainability goals.
Martinez-Sanchez V.; Tonini D.; Møller F.; Astrup T.F.
Life-Cycle Costing of Food Waste Management in Denmark: Importance of Indirect Effects
Environmental Science and Technology
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on food waste prevention while promoting the responsible use of savings generated from prevention measures. By adopting a holistic approach that includes both economic and environmental assessments, effective and sustainable food waste management strategies can be developed.
Halloran A.; Clement J.; Kornum N.; Bucatariu C.; Magid J.
Addressing food waste reduction in Denmark
Food Policy
Practitioners and policymakers should focus on enhancing communication, developing efficient packaging, and improving food label interpretation to reduce food waste. Emphasizing systems thinking and fostering public-private partnerships can lead to more sustainable and effective food waste management practices.