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Appendix 1

Throughout the course of this work, various reports and materials have emerged that contribute knowledge and perspectives on the causes of food waste and how we can reduce it. To ensure these do not fall by the wayside, a compilation of these reports is presented here, with a focus on overviews, collection of cases, guiding principles, and handbooks. The list below has not been systematically compiled and is not representative of countries or actors; rather, it aims solely to disseminate good examples of work done, which can serve as inspiration for different initiatives.


Several overviews have been published in the different countries, some of which are not available in English. Here, we highlight some examples that spans across different levels of the value chain and offer concrete recommendations for action.
Monitoring Food Waste and Loss in the Nordic region, 2021
An overview of the work with monitoring and reporting in the Nordic countries, following the new requirements from EU implemented in 2020. The report identifies various approaches to monitoring and reporting (e.g. top-down vs bottom-up) and explores the driving forces related to key dimensions. The report provides a comprehensive overview, including recommendations for further action. Read more: https://norsus.no/wp-content/uploads/temanord2021-504.pdf?v=1.
Matsvinnsutvalget - Anbefalinger til helhetlige tiltak og virkemidler, 2023
An excellent overview of the area, with a practical and system-oriented perspective was published in late 2023 by Matsvinnutvalget. The report “Anbefalinger til helhetlige tiltak og virkemidler” offers a comprehensive overview, including background in relation to various industries/actors in the value chain, as well as recommendations and consequences from various perspectives. Read more: rapport-fra-matsvinnutvalget-anbefalinger-til-helhetlige-tiltak-og-virkemidler-31.12.23.pdf (regjeringen.no).
Food Waste in the Service Sector, Key concepts, measurement methods and best practices, 2020
In Finland, several studies on food waste in public meals have been conducted, with experiences compiled in the 2020 book: "Food Waste in the Service Sector, Key concepts, measurement methods and best practices" by Kirsi Silvennoinen, Sampsa Nisonen, Oona Pietiläinen, Routledge Handbook of Food Waste, 1st Edition, First Published 2020. e-book ISBN: 9780429462795.
Redistribution in the Nordic Region, 2016
A Nordic project has focused on how food redistribution is organized and conducted, as well as how these operations can be improved while ensuring food safety. Nordic Council of Ministers. 2016. Food Redistribution in the Nordic Region Phase II: Identification of best practice models for enhanced food redistribution. TemaNord 2016:502. Read more: https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/32730/1/607492.pdf.

Collection of cases

Cases can serve as inspiration for action. While these cases are sometimes scattered across various publications, there are a few collections of cases that deserve attention for covering a wide range of the value chain. These collections illustrate various actions that can be taken to reduce food waste, with a particular focus on preventative measures. 
Case catalogue from One\Third, 2022
The case catalogue from One\Third presents a collection of case studies demonstrating how different Danish companies and organizations have implemented innovative solutions to reduce food waste. It highlights practical examples from across the food supply chain, including primary production, retail, and the service sector. By sharing their experiences and successes, the catalogue aims to inspire other actors to follow suit and contribute to more sustainable food management.
Good Examples from Sweden on Reducing Food Waste, 2021
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency presents a short overview of 21 different good examples of projects focusing on food waste, including national, international and local examples. https://www.naturvardsverket.se/contentassets/97d8bccd2e974e9d99fde98d8071ab86/good_examples_from_sweden_on_reducing_food_waste.pdf.

Guiding principles and handbooks

Across all countries, several principles and handbooks have been published, sometimes as a result of a comprehensive report or study. Please also refer to the overviews outlined in this appendix. Some of the readings below are focused on a specific sector, others are more general in their scope.
10 prinsipper for å redusere matsvinn sammen
In collaboration with various food industry companies, NORSUS and Matvett, under the auspices of the BREAD research project, have developed 10 principles for actors to incorporate innovation processes to reduce food waste. https://www.matvett.no/bransje/10-prinsipper-for-a-redusere-matsvinn-sammen.
Stoppa matsvinnet! – en förpackad lösning, 2023
Researchers Wikström and Williams have documented the significant role packaging plays in both preventing and causing food waste in their book. Their insights from 15 years of research are compiled in a popular science format in the book: Wikström and Williams. 2022. Stoppa matsvinnet! – en förpackad lösning. (Stop Food Waste - A Packaged Solution). Fri Tanke, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-8913-978-7.
Handbok för minskat matsvinn - För verksamheter inom kök, restaurang och butik, 2023
The Swedish Food Agency have published several handbooks containing practical advises for reducing food waste across a range of sectors. A recent publication focuses on kitchens, restaurants and retail in the private sector: https://www.livsmedelsverket.se/om-oss/publikationer/handbocker-och-verktyg/handbok-for-minskat-matsvinn-for-verksamheter-inom-kok-restaurang-och-butik?pub=show.
Additionally, there are several other handbooks available, including those focused on the public sector, where the Göteborgsmodellen is commonly referenced as a point of departure: https://www.livsmedelsverket.se/globalassets/publikationsdatabas/handbocker-verktyg/handbok-for-minska-matsvinn.pdf.