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An Invitation to Be Exceptional:

A Narrative for the Nordic Baukultur

The Nordic countries are known for successful societal transformations that have improved the quality of life. Our built environment has reflected these transformations until now. As we have entered the current multi-crisis era, our perception of the built environment must once again be transformed. This requires a cultural shift. In this report, we present a narrative for the Nordic Baukultur, a vision to push us forward.
The Nordic region is unique, paraded around the world as an example of compassionate and well-functioning societies. We’re proud without being arrogant. We’re inviting without being imposing. Yet, even here, we have work to do.
Our built environment determines the quality of life our societies provide and how they impact the planet. It’s a physical manifestation of who we are as a people. However, it’s not functioning as it should. Quality housing is becoming increasingly inaccessible, while decisions and processes of building development are often non-transparent and undemocratic. Meanwhile, our built environment is one of the biggest causes of environmental degradation in terms of carbon emissions, biodiversity loss, and natural resource depletion. Even bigger than other damaging sectors such as energy, food, and transportation. What is more, each of these have much better roadmaps to zero carbon.
The Nordics have cherished openness, collaboration, welfare for all, and a connection to nature like no other. Yet our contemporary construction doesn’t reflect these values or our collective identity. We now have a unique opportunity to do better. To reconsider what a truly Nordic approach to the built environment means.
This report introduces a new narrative for the Nordic construction culture, Baukultur. The narrative is part of a project called Nordic Networks for Circular Construction, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Several built environment experts from all the Nordic countries have participated in discussions and workshops to drive the development. We describe the process in more detail at the end of this report.