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Create a space for dialogue

Create inclusive, safe spaces (digital & physical) to foster open and robust dialogue and shared cultural values between non-native & native individuals. 
  • Set up meeting places and initiatives that facilitate and promote dialogue. Open dialogues in inclusive spaces help challenge stereotypes and biases by providing opportunities for individuals to learn from one another and challenge preconceived notions.
  • Shifting the discourse on migration towards the celebration of diverse competencies, skills and perspectives would transform the reception of newcomers and open up more spaces for co-learning and co-creation.
  • Showcase succesful examples and initiatives. 
The receiving societies are heterogeneous, and newcomers arrive in communities that already consist of various majority and minority groups, including people of different classes, genders and ages. Making newcomers and members of local communities into which they arrive better able to live together harmoniously would be in the interests of all.