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Concluding remarks: A vision for Nordic adaptation

How can the Nordic Council of Ministers accelerate adaptation implementation amongst the Nordic countries and beyond?

Motivate information and knowledge sharing across the Nordic region

Knowledge sharing, networking, and collaborating deepen the understanding of key adaptation measures. Individually, the Nordic countries have gathered a significant amount of knowledge and experience in the field of climate change adaptation. Building on active cooperation, the countries can accelerate climate adaptation measures by establishing an information-sharing platform where key learnings and case studies are shared as well as guidelines and tools on adaptation measures that can be applied across the region.
A Nordic network of municipalities would offer the potential to support local authorities in strengthening adaptation responses and creating climate-resilient communities. The Nordic Council of Ministers is well-placed to assist in establishing such a network expediting progress in adaptation at a very significant level, the local level. Furthermore, the Council has an opportunity to instigate joint research projects that address for example transboundary climate risks and sea level rise in the Nordic region.
The NOCCA conference is an important contributor to developing and implementing climate adaptation measures in the Nordics. Therefore, it is essential to establish a sense of ownership of the NOCCA conference and ensure its regular occurrence every other year, solidifying its significance.

Urge the Nordic countries to take the lead on adaptation 

Adaptation to climate change is a global matter and risks are not restricted by borders. Overall, Nordic countries embody multilateralism, international solidarity, and advanced thinking on climate change adaptation. Building on this common ground there is an opportunity for the Nordic countries to work together and amplify their presence on the global stage bringing about effective adaptation measures for regions that need assistance.
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