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Accelerate Circular Construction
Recommendations for Public Authorities
About this publication
1. Introduction
1.1. Objectives
2. Background and methodology
2.1 Research questions
2.1.1 What measures should be taken by the public sector to accelerate circularity in the markets?
2.1.2 What was of Nordic-level interest, and what should be considered at a local/national level?
2.1.3 How could the Nordics influence EU decision-making processes?
2.1.4 How could contributions from the Nordic Council of Ministers to the development of circular construction at Nordic and local levels be facilitated, and what aspects of it should be prioritized?
2.2 The Nordic workshops
2.2.1 Workshop design
2.3 Synthesis workshop
2.4 Data Harmonization
3. Workshop Findings
3.1 Denmark
3.1.1 Part I
3.1.2 Part II
3.2 Finland
3.2.1 Part I
3.2.2 Part II
3.3 Iceland
3.3.1 Part I
3.3.2 Part II
3.4 Norway
3.4.1 Part I
3.4.2 Part II
3.5 Sweden
3.5.1 Part I
3.5.2 Part II
3.6. Synthesis workshop
3.6.1 Part I
3.6.2 Part II
4. Discussion and recommendations
4.1 Recommendations
4.2 Recommendations for future research
5. References
Appendix A-D: Canvas part I and II